Gabriel Rodermark

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In Character

Personal Information
Name: Gabriel Rodermark
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: London, England
Species: Vampire
Clan: Toreador
Title: The Prince of London
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Blue
Other Information
Sire: Nobu Takumi
Generation: Eighth
Childer: Sansa


Gabriel Rodermark is a British-born Kindred of Clan Toreador. He currently holds the title of Prince within the city of London.

Physical Appearance

Like many Toreador, Gabriel first caught his sire's eye because of his physical appearance. Being embraced as one of the kindred has only served to add to his appeal. Six-foot tall, with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and handsome well-shaped features, Gabriel exudes warmth, attraction and sincerity. Though not arrogant, Gabriel takes pride in his appearance and always appears smartly dressed.

The Melancholy Prince

Character Perceptions

Though decadence and vanity are the stereotypes most touted with regards to Clan Toreador, Gabriel does not appear to indulge in either. He is appreciative of the arts, but humble in himself. Keen observers have noted that he seems sometimes to be burdened with a kind of melancholic disposition, that he feels he must achieve penance for past transgressions.

As Prince, Gabriel is perceived as consistently fair. His somewhat laissez-faire attitude to the ruling of London, giving all of it's Kindred citizens a voice, has gained him support amongst many. Even if they do not entirely approve of his methods in punishing others, they relish the freedom they themselves are afforded in the Camarilla haven that Gabriel has fashioned.

Extended History

Mortal Life

Gabriel, shortly before his Embrace

Born December 12th 1844, Gabriel Rodermark was the son of a carpenter, the first son of a poor London family. From an early age Gabriel was taught his fathers trade, as his parents groomed him to take over the family business. In spite of their efforts, it seemed clear that Gabriel was destined for other things. As he grew, he became more and more disillusioned with his parents, and began to resent them, believing that they were purposefully stifling him. A child of the Victorian Age, Gabriel believed that he would one day become an infamous poet or artist, one of the intellectual socialites. He began to spend more and more time away from home, yet still leeched off of his parents income to fund his lifestyle.

On April 2 1862, Gabriel's mother gave birth for the second time, to another son - Michael. Unfortunately for the family, the birth was difficult and resulted in Gabriel's mother passing away. By this time, Gabriel was a scarcely seen figure in the Rodermark household, spending much of his time with a foreigner by the name of Nobu Takumi. Takumi, who had arrived in London from Japan in the summer of 1854, was a man of wealth, who had become enchanted by Gabriel's youthful beauty and spirit and taken him on as a protege of sorts.

Though saddened by his mothers passing, Gabriel drowned much of his sorrow in absinthe and opium. His now cold-hearted father all but abandoned him, meanwhile taking out much of his frustration on the young, weaker Michael. Takumi continued to ply his young ward with alcohol and narcotics, filling his head with nonsense. The two spent much of their time in the company of the artists of the Age, though Nobu had begun to slowly withdraw their presence from the local society, with many more of their nights spent alone together.

The Embrace And A New Life

Rejection And Resurrection

Out Of Character

Jenny is currently an adminstrator at SW-Fans.Net. She originally arrived at SWFans in late 2000 under the name Vega Van-Derveld, having followed roleplayer Big Bad Naga from a Final Fantasy ezboard where they were both members. She was made a moderator of the gaming (and later roleplaying) forums, and subsequently promoted to administrator in July 2006.

Star Wars

Salem Ave : Tristan Alastor : Renart Al'Gray : Auberon A'Gray : Valois Al'Gray : Marine Lecavalier : Camile Saccard : Lamia Viljoen : Jarom Skelda
Vega Van-Derveld : Sherobah Angau : Jeng : Caelan Steorrbearn : Rede Steorrbearn : Sev'ilen'sabosen : Remy Lafleche
Bryna Belargic : Dasquian Belargic : Dashiel Starborn : Celeste Starborn : Jamo Jakatta : Aaron Belargic
Sanya Tagge : Gallus Tagge : Cad Bakvalen : Bryna Van-Derveld : Reinhart Thul
Barton Henning : Daria Nytherciria : Jarvi : Llamendo dal Iesin

World Of Darkness

Connor McBride : Crowley : Ewan Dunsirn : Dylan : Jude : Byron Legard
Gabriel Rodermark : Roland Salisbury : Sergei Vishnyakov
Kassandra : Penelope Lloyd-Fraser : Maggie Wren

Mutants, Unite (inactive)
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Myth (inactive)
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