Wyl Staedtler

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Wyl Staedtler
8 1/2 GSY
52 lbs
Eye Color
Hair Color
Home Planet
Ansion, raised on Coruscant
Teagan s'Ilancy
Oa Umi'u
The Whaladon

Wyl Staedtler

A young Padawan learner living aboard the Wheel, Wyl has earned a reputation for being a hopelessly unpredictable, adventurous scamp. With an imagination at least a half dozen times larger than himself and a thirst for discovery, the boy has made it his personal mission to uncover and solve as many mysteries as he can. Forced to leave his Coruscant home at a young age, Wyl learned early that it isn't surroundings which are important but those whom we surround ourselves with - and to that end he dedicates himself fearlessly and, some would say, tactlessly to getting to know as many beings as he can and forging lasting relationships with them. This extroverted charm has led to many an unusual friendship. He is apprenticed to Jedi Knight Daria Nytherciria.




Boy: A noise, with dirt on it.

Caught in that wonderful age where the world is a vast playground teeming with adventure and mayhem that demands conquering, Wyl bears the common appearance of many boys his age: always scruffy, often bleeding, easily mistaken for a homeless vagrant. In cheerful defiance of the regal bearing and order synonymous with his Jedi compatriots, his clothing - generally of a more traditional bend but always subject to quirky changes depending on the imaginary character chosen to face the day with - is often in need of some form of adjustment; he has the unique skill of making even the most well-fit articles seem to drag off his narrow frame, stretching hems and collars until they are nearly unrecognizable as such.

Of average height and weight for a humanoid boy his age, Wyl has a certain lankiness about him that serves well for his excursions in tight spaces. Possessed of a wickedly charming ne'er-do-well grin and a pair of keen eyes that are perpetually alight with innocent mischief from beneath a tangle of unruly dark hair, he looks like a tiny cavalier ruffian. The use of eyeliner (a marvelous invention introduced to him by Taataani Meorrrei) only serves to heighten the effect of a very cheerful space pirate.

Though he has no tattoos (yet!), Wyl is never without his red genuine decoder wedding ring and the sandpanther charm necklace given to him by his wife, Tak.


Think of the most adventurous being you know in the galaxy; now combine that soul with the foolhardy enterprise of a Corellian, the sly ingenuity of a Jawa, the sweetness of a Naboo farmhand, and the fierce loyalty of a Wookie. Add a whopping pinch of good humour, an unfailing penchant for attracting trouble and combine with the healthy ignorance of youth. Congratulations: you have just made a Wyl.

A soaring imagination marks young Staedtler's personality.

Growing up in the ecumenopolis of Coruscant didn't allow for a lot of outdoor exploration but the restriction did not prove to have a dampening effect on the imagination of Wyl Staedtler; rather, it encouraged growth and aided by a steady diet of Captain Coruscant holocomics and wild tales told by his mother, the boy developed an impressively active mind. Curious to a fault, Wyl eagerly soaks up any and all information which can be used to create sprawling worlds of make-believe within which adventures are born. But there are limits to his vehement thirst for knowledge - never one to waste time on studying, if the subject is one which smacks of academics or is presented in a dull, heartless manner he has little interest and will do almost anything to avoid it.

Naturally a warm person, Wyl enjoys getting to know others to a degree that sometimes can be perceived as invasive. With the bluntness of youth on his side he has no qualms about crossing boundaries and indeed, is often unaware that he has done so in the first place. He believes that most beings, by and large, are good in their own peculiar ways, and those ways are fascinating. Fiercely loyal to those he does befriend, Wyl develops an unnaturally strong bond with those he considers friends and considers himself partially responsible for their well-being. The idea that one day harm might befall them is a constant worry and as such he faithfully tends to these relationships with the dedication of an award-winning florist.

Though seemingly carefree and generally a happy young boy, Wyl carries with him a deep and unabiding sense of guilt and anger over the death of his mother. Feeling partially responsible, he has determined that never again will he allow someone to be so brutally snatched away from his life and, even further, that one day he will not only see those responsible for his mother's death properly punished but will grow powerful enough in the ways of the Force to reignite her life and bring her back. The fear and fury that are so deeply hidden are not of comfort to the boy like they are to some who feel they have been wronged by life; rather, he is frightened by the strength behind these emotions and because they are far too overwhelming for him to deal with, he simply chooses to ignore them and tuck them away. Consequently a certain recklessness and tendency to act without thinking - to the point of understanding consequences and tossing them aside in favour of action - plague his otherwise sunny disposition.


It started with a Jedi Knight named Kardo Staedtler and the daughter of a village mystic, Ao Umi'u. Sent to oversee peace talks between two warring nations on a small, wayside planet, Staedtler spent three months living with the mystic's family and trying to learn the local language as a means of aiding the negotiations. During the course of his stay the acquaintance between himself and Ao grew to a friendship and, following the natural course of such things, blossomed into a deep fondness. Aware of the dangers of such a relationship, Kardo moved to the other side of the village, thinking it the best thing for both of them to err on the side of propriety.

After nearly six months a treaty was reached and the man prepared to return to Coruscant. The night before his departure the villagers threw a farewell feast and it was during this celebration that Kardo was placed under the influence of old ways, skills Ao had been schooled in by her father.

Four years later war erupted again and Kardo returned - to retrieve the daughter he hadn't known existed.

Oa Umi'u, Wyl's mother and the daughter of Jedi Knight Kardo Staedtler.

Oa was raised in the Jedi Temple though she never received training herself; her mother's people were not sensitive and apparently this voided any connection to the Force that might have been born through her father's blood. Nevertheless, the young girl was made to feel at home and learned the importance of discipline and principle and tradition. She found peace in working with the younglings and losing hours in the library, pursuits which began to take up more and more of her time as her childhood friends, Mekgan Trallali and Celen Orms, progressed in their training and began to spend longer periods of time away from the Temple with their respective masters.

Eventually the distinction grew too great to be ignored: for all that she loved them, Oa was not a Jedi and she needed to find her own way in the galaxy. The woman resolved to leave her home in the Temple and was trying to find a way to break the news to her father and dear friends. She never had to - they were all murdered in The Purge.

Oa escaped and after a kamikaze career of anti-Imperial terrorism, took up refuge on the remote planet of Ansion where she remained for a half-dozen years. But the pursuit of a quiet life was not to be - it was not in her nature. Intent on aiding the Rebellion in some way, Oa was drawn to Nar Shaddaa and it was there that she met and fell in love with Mandan Hidatsa, a Jedi Knight whom she had known only in passing during her years at the Temple. They began living together and for a short time found solace in one another's survival. Then came the day when Mandan, incensed by a vision to go after a Force-sensitive woman who manifested herself to him in a dream, departed with his best friend amd fellow Jedi, Inyos Aamoran. He never returned - nor did he learn that he had fathered a son.

Jedi Knight Mandan Hidatsa, Wyl's father.

That son, to be named Wyl Celen Staedtler, was born on Ansion and shortly thereafter moved to Coruscant with his mother. Oa wasted no time in making Rebellion contacts and within a few years had established herself as a mainstay in the trafficking work, offering up her apartment as a safehouse for fugitive Jedi and other Alliance allies awaiting transport off-planet.

From an early age Wyl exhibited signs of Force-sensitivity but it wasn't until he reached school age that his connection made itself undeniably known. Irrepressibly quirky and small for his age, Wyl was a target for playground bullies. A pair of brothers, Dolon and Merchis Van Irrek, were his primary tormentors and one day the taunting crossed the line from personal insults to the attacking of his family. Enraged and terrified, Wyl lashed out and sent both boys hurtling into a brick wall. The encounter was horrifying to the small child and beyond being physically drained, he was mentally confused and exhausted. He fled home and told his mother what had happened, and the pieces all fell together.

The fact that the Von Irrek brothers were from an Imperially-loyal family only made things worse and Oa wasted no time in calling in a favour with her friends at the Rebel Alliance to get Wyl out of the Core and into the custody of those who could shape his abilities. Agents Dasquian Belargic and Frances Mere responded and came to collect the boy. The arrangement was to siphon Wyl off-planet and away from immediate danger while Oa tied up loose threads and then to rendezvous at a later date. Unfortunately, during the meeting Imperial forces stormed the apartment and Oa Umi'u was shot and killed, in front of her terrified and confused son. Thanks to Dasquian's quick reaction and the transport tunnel in the apartment, both he and Wyl escaped and were soon hurtling through the stars toward Dxun.

It was on Dxun that the pair met up with Belargic's partner, Grace Van Derveld, and a plan formed. Jedi Knight Daria Nytherciria was at the time stranded on Onderon and the Alliance offered her a deal: take the boy, and we'll provide you with means of escape. Their lots cast together, Daria and Wyl were soon met by Serena Laran and her apprentices, Rhianna and Morgan Evanar. The newly-forged band made their way to the planet Vortex with the intention of secretly rebuilding the Jedi Order. They remained there for some time, Wyl eventually coming to trust them and consider them as a sort of makeshift family, until the upcoming Festival of Winds appeared to attract Imperial attention and they were forced to yet again pick up and take to the recesses of space.

From Vortex the crew made their way to Bespin and it was in Cloud City that Wyl's penchant for wandering resulted in two iconic meetings: one was with Tak s'Ilancy, a young girl with amazing abilities who would fast become his best friend and eventual wife (a commitment that Wyl, despite his youth, takes very seriously); and the other a burly pilot, Amos Iakona, who, unbeknownst to Wyl, is his cousin. It was during this latter meeting - when, due to some inadvertently crafty planning by the young padawan, Daria thought he was with Morgan and Morgan thought he was with Daria - that Wyl was left stranded on the planet when the others were forced to flee after their identities were brought to light and they were pursued by Imperial forces.

Teagan s'Ilancy, aka Tak, aka Fang; Wyl's best friend and wife.

Eventually Wyl was rescued from Bespin by Loklorien s'Ilancy and taken aboard the Dauntless where he lived for a time with the Jedi and her husband, General Dan. It was his mother-in-law who brought him to the Wheel where he has recently reunited with his master and is putting down roots, wasting no time in getting to know everyone he possibly can - to the delight of some, and the detriment of others (see: Abarai Loki.)

There is hardly a doubt that a convoy of ships will provide no lack of further adventure for a boy so adept at finding it.

Out of Character

Liz joined 'Fans during the summer of 2005 when she was just a wee baby with terrible grammatical tendencies. She has since learned a little more about writing, although it is a very little, and is now practically an official old lady. In addition to Wyl, she writes:

Star Wars

Chaz de Coventina

Cambrio Montegue

Mutants Unite

Tess Abrahams

Tycho Auriville

Tilly Moore

Polly Smithson
