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In Character


Marital Status



The story of Mute began at his home in New Britain, Connecticut, where he lived with his family. His sister was a mutant with physical abnormalities such as fur, whiskers, and a tail; he affectionately referred to her as "Squeaks", his parents kept her indoors away from society's scrutiny. Nevertheless, she was no secret and one autumn night, the family home was invaded by a trio of thugs with an agenda against mutants and those who harbored them. The boy was bound by the ankles and wrists and forced to watch the execution of his mother and father, then he witnessed the horrifying assault on his sister, who was afterwards doused in gasoline and set alight. It was the sight of his dying sister which awoke in him a fury and a power which allowed him to break free of his bonds and kill the men in his home. He then escaped the burning house and disappeared into the night.

Lost in his despair, the boy hid himself in a park and collapsed from his wounds, welcoming an inevitable death. A stranger came to him, she comforted him and watched over him, she had special gifts he couldn't explain. This woman saved him and days later, he woke in her home to the sound of a soft lapping tide and the scent of a fresh sea breeze. She introduced herself as Spectre, a mutant with gifts of telepathy and invisibility. Her ability to read minds meant he didn't have to rely on scribbling messages in a notepad in order to communicate with her, and he relished the new found freedom. Sharing her home was a young man called Tron, who had assisted in locating the boy. They walked on the beach and talked at length about the questions and doubts which haunted him. She offered the boy a new life and a cause with the Brotherhood but before he could make a decision, they found themselves surrounded by police squad cars demanding they surrender him to their custody. A confrontation broke out in which the police officers were killed, three of whom were slain by the boy himself. They promptly left the house in a stolen squad car and allowed it to burn, destroying any evidence of their presence. This was when he became Mute, and never since has he used his old and forgotten identity.

Mute was taken to Bruderschaft Manor, where he met Saladin, the Brotherhood leader, and those who worked for him. He was quickly indoctrined into the ways of the organisation and was taken to London on his first mission. During a confrontation in which his life was inexplicably spared by a lethal and mysterious opponent known as Zero, Mute started to think, given the authorities curious determination to apprehend him, that there was more to his past than met the eye. Whatever the truth pertaining to his past, Mute believes it will help him understand the unnatural skills he possesses and refuses to end his search until all his questions are answered.


During fits of anger and desperation, Mute has performed feats of unnatural strength, agility, and speed. The range and limits of his mutation are unclear and the triggers of his gifts remain uncertain.

Mute also has an inexplicable grasp of multiple combat forms, is skilled with a wide variety of arms, and has an innate understanding of military procedure and survival tactics.



No Angels in L.A.: Sent to L.A. to stir up a media storm and bring the tension between mutants and humans to the boiling point, Spectre and Mute venture on a journey which takes them from the Hollywood Hills into the heart of Los Santos, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in their wake.

Participants: Mute, and Spectre.


Speak No Evil: After witnessing the murder of his family, Mute is found by Spectre, who takes him to her home on the coast to recover. She offers him a new life with The Brotherhood of Mutants.

Participants: Mute, and Spectre.

Extending the Nuclear Family: Mute is brought to Bruderschaft Manor where he is introduced to Saladin and welcomed into The Brotherhood of Mutants.

Paticipants: Spectre, Arsenal, Mute, and Saladin.

Who Hears the Crying of Children?: Spectre and Mute abduct Maleigha Scott, an employee of The Jericho Center for Genetic Medicine, and interrogate her to find information about a patient they intend to rescue. Little do they know that Maleigha herself is, in fact, a fellow mutant. Unfinished.

Participants: Mirrora, Spectre, and Mute.

London's Burning: Mute joins The Brotherhood of Mutants in London, where they have abducted a prominent political figure and are holding him prisoner in a secret subterranean lair. It is here he has his first violent brush with The X-Men and a life-threatening encounter with a mysterious being called Zero. Unfinished.

Participants: Neutron, Veritas, Pan, Saladin, Spectre, Zero, Ghost, Arsenal, Batdude, Dragon, Masque, Coyote, Tempest, Slab, Locksmith, Mute, and Veronica.

His Right Hand and Silent Reckoning: Following the events in London, Mute discusses with Spectre thoughts about the clues which have surfaced concerning his past. They accept an assignment which takes them into the heart of a military base where there are secrets waiting to be discovered. Unfinished.

Participants: Mute, and Spectre.

Out Of Character

Andrew, or Droo, has been a member of the SW-Fans community since June, 2000. He participates in three of the roleplaying universes with numerous characters, as listed below:

Star Wars Roleplaying

Mutants, Unite