Xavier Synik

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Xavier Synik
225 Lbs
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Home Planet
Independent, Silenus Corp.
Modified HWK-290

Xavier Synik is the Cheif Executive Officer of Silenus Corporation. He had once made a living as a mercenary, but after being double crossed by his former partner, Xavier decided that he no longer had what it took to be a mercenary and instead founded Silenus Corporation. Starting the company with his new business partner and companion Emelie Shadowstar, Xavier built Silenus from a couple of transports, to a fleet of ships of all sizes. Now Xavier is using his company and connections as a means to covertly assist the rebellion.

Extended Past
Born in 26 BE into the civil war that was consuming Solay, Xavier’s upbringing was tumultuous. Both of his parents were involved with the rebellion against King Blackart, and thus by association so was he. By the time he was eighteen he was fully involved in the battle against the King and his imperial backers. Having grown up surrounded by violence and war had turned Xavier into a hardened soldier, one which by the nature of civil war, was well versed in guerrilla warfare. It wasn’t long before his exploits had attracted attention. In Xavier’s case it was by a Mercenary, Vin Mastigar, who had been hired by the King to fight against the resistance. During one mission, Mastigar, leading a team of special operations commando’s in a raid against Xavier and his resistance group cornered Xavier. However instead of killing or capturing Xavier, Mastigar instead made him an offer; to become partners in the war making business. Xavier wasn’t given much of a choice, it was join up and make some money or spend the rest of his life in prison, and that was if he wasn’t executed for treason against the crown. Given his choices, Xavier agreed, but on one condition... that they would not work on Solay. Mastigar agreed and he and Xavier left the planet.

For several years the duo travelled throughout the outer and mid rim planets. At first they worked together and split the contracts, but then Xavier made a suggestion that would double their earnings. Rather than only fighting for one side of a conflict he suggested that they split up once on a particular target planet with he and Mastigar each taking a contract with the opposing side. Not only would they double their earnings, but using a private encrypted communication system they could communicate about the plans of both sides, allowing for them to plan successful missions, that not only made them look good, but unbeknownst to either side, would keep the war going, not allowing either side to gain the upper hand over the other.

Everything had been going as planned until on one Outer Rim planet Xavier was double crossed; not by Mastigar, but by the resistance group that he had been contracted to. He had been working for a resistance group trying to overthrow the monarchy. On other planets Xavier or Mastigar would have been privy to the plans for the assassinations of the King and Queen, however the resistance leadership had kept the plans a closely guarded secret. While that might not have normally been a problem, and only resulted in the end of the contract, but in this case, the resistance leaders, or in this case the new ruling class, decided that they didn’t want to pay up on the contract. Instead they had Xavier arrested and thrown in prison on charges of conspiracy against the government and genocide, two charges that were levied against him minus the fact that he had carried out everything he had done on their orders.

In the end however, Xavier’s arrest and incarceration turned out to be one of a series of events that changed his life. Unlike Xavier, Mastigar, who had been working for the monarchy, was able to escape the planet in the chaos that consumed the planet after the King and Queen’s assassinations. It was his ability to get off the planet, and the fact that Xavier and Mastigar had developed a strong bond, that lead Mastigar not to leave him there to face the sham of a trial that was sure to have sentenced Xavier to death. Instead Mastigar orchestrated an escape plan, hiring Emelie Shadowstar, a young smuggler who was able to make her way into the prison not only to help break him out of the prison, but to smuggle him past planetary security and off the planet.

Recent Past
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Current Timeline of Roleplays

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