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{{Star Wars}}
<span style="font-size:15.0pt">'''[[:Category:SW Characters|Characters]]''' - '''[[:Category:SW Organisations|Organsations]]''' - '''[[:Category:SW Locations|Locations]]''' - '''[[Star Wars Timeline|Timeline]]''' - '''[[:Category:SW Species|Species]]''' - '''[[:Category:SW Ships|Ships]]'''</span>
== '''Backstory'''... ==
== '''Backstory'''... ==

Revision as of 11:27, 19 October 2015

Star Wars.jpg

Characters - Organizations - Locations - Timeline - Species - Ships



The BATTLE OF ENDOR was one of the most costly military battles in history. Though the REBEL ALLIANCE succeeded in defeating the second DEATH STAR, the battle claimed the lives of most of the leaders and heroes on both sides. The Empire was weakened, but only briefly, and within a few years a new Empress - MIRANDA TARKIN - had seized power, backed by the might of the INQUISITORS.

Continuing to fight the good fight, the Alliance managed to liberate several worlds, and brought together the remnants of the Jedi Order aboard a constantly moving refugee convoy known as THE WHEEL. The dark side was not idle however: the dark lord DARTH DECEPIS sought to seize control of the Rebel Alliance from within, while DARTH CALLIDUS manipulated the politics of Hapes and Onderon to his own ends.

Ten years after the BATTLE OF YAVIN, a new alliance between the Rebellion and the CIZERACK PRIDE finally gave the Rebels the advantage they needed. With their new STARKILLER weapons they forced the Empire to accept a cease fire, and with the signing of THE TREATY a new era of cold war began. The galaxy is now divided in two: the GALACTIC EMPIRE on one side struggling to consolidate it's power and root out weakness and dissension within it's ranks, the ALLIANCE OF FREE PLANETS on the other trying to build a new Republic out it's newly freed worlds and still reeling from revelations of Decepis' infiltration into their ranks.

The Jedi meanwhile, no longer feeling safe under the Alliance's protection, have established a JEDI ENCLAVE on Ossus, and have begun venturing out into the galaxy on their own. In response, the Empire has established the IMPERIAL KNIGHTS: an order of Force warriors to enforce the will of the Empress and safeguard the Empire from the Jedi.


The Star Wars setting on TheHolo.net deviates from Star Wars canon after the events of Return of the Jedi. Elements of the Expanded Universe up to that point are drawn on in some cases, but the main focus is on the future of that story, not the past. Because of that, TheHolo.net is separate from the new continuity leading up to The Force Awakens.

Anyone is welcome to tell their stories within our continuity. However, storylines and story arcs are often collaborated on by several players, and are grouped together either as Factions or Settings.


If you have any questions about a Faction and how it relates to your character, a list of the relevant Faction Leaders can be found on the here.

  • Alliance of Free Planets: The Alliance of Free Planets encompasses worlds in the "eastern" half of the galaxy, mostly in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim. The capital is located on Bothawui - the Bothan homeworld - and several other important non-human worlds are part of the Alliance, including the Cizerack Pride (an original race), Sullust, Kashyyyk, and the worlds of the Calamari Sector. There are also several key human worlds in the Alliance, such as Hapes, Onderon, New Alderaan, and Naboo. Players interested in political storytelling can become involved in the Alliance Senate on Bothawui. Those interested in space combat can become involved in border patrols and anti-piracy on the fringes of the Alliance. Members of SpecForce and Alliance Intelligence meanwhile continue to conduct extremely covert missions outside the borders of the Alliance, to avoid breaking the terms of The Treaty and reigniting the war. The Alliance has it's own forum in the Star Wars Homeworlds, located here.
  • Galactic Empire: The Galactic Empire now controls the Core and most of the Colonies, as well as the "northern" and "southern" aspects of the Outer Rim. Coruscant remains the Imperial capital, and is the throne world of Empress Tarkin. The Treaty has caused considerable dissent and unrest on the worlds of the Empire, and as a result the Empress has dispatched her Imperial Knights to root out any disloyalty and to enforce the peace, taking command of the Imperial military to that end. Several non-human worlds are still within the Empire's borders: many of them former parts of the Rebel Alliance that feel betrayed and abandoned by the treaty. Between the resistance movements springing up on those former-Alliance worlds, and the opportunistic separatists declaring themselves Warlords on the fringes of Imperial space, the Knights and the military have their work cut out for them. The Empire has it's own forum in the Star Wars Homeworlds, located here.
  • Jedi Enclave: After years in exile, and several attempts to wipe them out in their entirety, the Jedi have finally settled on a new homeworld: Ossus, a world in Alliance space and the site of an ancient Jedi Library. The survivors of the Order have only just begun to colonise the world, establishing a fledgeling settlement and beginning to explore the old Jedi ruins. The Jedi have also begun to teach, hoping to rebuild the Jedi back to what they once were. After the manipulation they suffered during the Clone Wars however, and having spent several years relying too heavily on the Alliance for support, the Jedi Council has decided it is important for them to remain neutral of any political allegiances, and to determine their own fate. The Jedi have their own forum in the Star Wars Homeworlds, located here.
  • Sith Order: In response to the emergence of the Jedi back into the galaxy, a group of darksiders have banded together on Taanab in the hopes of establishing a new order of Sith. They have their own forum in the Star Wars Homeworlds, located here.


  • Jovan Station: A formerly Imperial facility, Jovan Station was moved from it's site in the Gordian Reach, and now sits between the Cizerack Pride and the Alliance-Imperial border. It is one of the major sites for joint operations between the different races of the Alliance, and is one of the few locations where the Alliance and Imperial representatives can meet for diplomatic purposes. Ambassadors from neutral worlds along the border, such as Mandalore and Zeltros, have begun to establish embassies and send representatives to the station as well. Jovan Station has it's own forum in the Star Wars Galaxy, located here.
  • Bespin: With the Empire no longer in control of the Corporate Sector, the Greater Javin in the southern Outer Rim was chosen to replace it. Cloud City has become a hub for Imperial corporations looking to rebuild their lost assets on the remote and already industrial worlds nearby, and evaluations are underway to convert the sister settlement Tibannopolis into a corporation city. Meanwhile, criminal elements from across the galaxy have taken root in the lower levels of Cloud City: most notably Black Sun, the Exchange, and the Hutts of the Rath Cartel. Bespin has it's own forum in the Star Wars Galaxy, located here.
  • Corellia: One of the earliest members of the Rebel Alliance, Corellia's location close to the Core places it on the Empire's side of the border, and firmly in Imperial control. Many former rebels angered at the Alliance for signing The Treaty and "abandoning" so many worlds to Imperial rule have travelled to Corellia and formed a Resistance, using more extreme terrorist tactics than the Alliance would have used to try and overthrow Imperial control and bring about Corellia's liberation. The Empire has responded aggressively, turning Corellia into a war zone with all manner of criminal elements, legitimate enterprises, and innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.
  • Mandalore: An occupied territory since the Clone Wars, a movement led by Mandalore the Liberator succeeded in exploiting the Alliance-Imperial ceasefire to restore the sector's independence. Mandalore now has the unenviable task of trying to take the fragmented aspects of Mandalorian culture - everything from True Mandalorian warriors, New Mandalorian pacifists, Death Watch extremists, and more besides - and somehow convince them to cooperate with each other, so that the Mandalorian people can rebuild their world.