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Thread: A Rolling Stone

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Reb A Rolling Stone

    I hadn't made the trip back to the Dauntless in months. I'd put it off for a while, making do with odd jobs across the outer rim. My sweet job with Sasseeri Reeouurra was put out to pasture until I was given the nod, so I had to make up my lost revenue by doing odd jobs which were varying shades of legal. Not that it much mattered. What law was out here? The Empire was after my blood no matter if I played it straight, and there was probably only so much leeway I could get away with under the Alliance before that pendelum swung back. Partially, I'd stayed away from the Dauntless out of pride. I didn't want to admit it, but taking work from Lok felt like taking charity.

    So in coming back, the straits had to be dire. I was broke. I had enough credits to fuel Layla for maybe a dozen parsecs and back, but after that, I had to find work. Cirr's grievance list had grown in the meantime. We were riding on a pile of unserviced maintenance jobs that was piling up. Part of me wondered if we wouldn't just blow up in deep space just to spite us all.

    "Dauntless, this is Layla. Requesting clearance to dock."

    The wait seemed longer than it was. The flight watch officer replied, sounding bored.

    "Layla, you do not have docking clearance. Send proper transponder identification."

    I rolled my eyes. The Alliance was getting enough of a spine to grow a swinging bureaucracy between its proverbial legs. Before, they were content with any warm body that could fly a ship or shoot a gun. These days, you had to know people.

    "Don't you people keep records? I'm not new to this game. Is Lok s'Ilancy there?"

    Silence. I couldn't tell if they were just going to ignore me, if they were fetching Lok, or whether they were debating on scrambling a fighter to chase torpedoes up my ass. Either way, the prickly demeanor wasn't welcome.

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Secluded in Dan's office, Lok s'Ilancy busied herself ith the normal tasks that awaited her each day. Menial in most ways, and in others downright tedious. But, peppered in with such duties were still the odd requests here and there. She wasn't above the work that'd been given her, and most of the time she welcomed the quiet peace that accompanied her duties.

    She provided counsel, discussed command decisions with Dan, and was respected enough to be allowed a greater amount of leeway than most of her station. After all; she was a Jedi. To those around her, she was their overseer and watcher. She gave their cause substance and the hope they had for a future - free of Imperial rule - a face.

    She knew this. Dan knew this.

    Every officer and soldier aboard the Dauntless would follow her order, yet she refrained from such shows of authority; it was simply something she did not desire. It was there, but it was most certainly not used.

    A small light lit up on the desk she sat behind - it seemed that Dan's desk had become more her desk than anything, as the Lupine spent more time sitting behind it than he himself did. A call from one of the flight deck officers.

    Half listening, s'Il kept most of her attentions on a datapad held in one hand. So engrossed was she that she payed no attention to the name of the ship that he'd claimed was requesting permission to dock; only that the captain had asked to speak with her.

    A somewhat perplexed sigh, and the Lupine slowly set the 'pad down on the desk's surface. Lines of concentration could be seen on her face, and her eye finally went to the desk's built in screen.

    "Very well. Patch him through."

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    "What's this cold shoulder business on the pad, Lok?"

    I shook my head, still riled up over the treatment.

    "I do a few turns out in the galaxy and all of a sudden I get the riot act before I can land? Get your guys to cut me some slack? I need to tank up and make repairs."

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    She stared, then blinked a few times before a slow smile spread across her features. There was no mistaking the obvious joy in her eye at the sight of him.


    What a wonderful break in the monotony brought on by the normal duties of her day.

    "I... I'd not expected this."

    She leaned back in her seat.

    "You're here for repairs?" a sudden and rather concerned tone blanketed her normal misplaced accent.

    "What sort of trouble have you gotten into?"

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    "Nothing, seriously nothing at all."

    It was a lie, but a white lie. No doubt the details of my exploits were too numerous and not quite nefarious enough to raise eyebrows.

    "The usual wear and tear. I'd trade this ship for a new one, but I'd break Cirr's heart I think. I can't do that to the guy."

    I smiled. She seemed happy to see us again.

    "Don't suppose you could use a guy with a well-rounded resume on board for a few turns?"

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    In the back of her mind she had to wonder if this was Sanis' way of finally coming around; of finally throwing in his lot with the Alliance. She half-suspected he'd never outright say it, but during every conversation they'd ever had on the subject there was always the feeling of uncertainty that she felt coming from him.

    Her smile once more returned, and she gave a respectful nod.

    "Of course. I'll instruct the docking chief to clear you for landing."

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    A smug expression crossed my face and I nodded.

    "Yeah, he'd better damn well start remembering me."

    A little mock salute as I moved to close the channel.

    "Thanks chief!"

    Punching the channel closed, I maneuvered towards the bay, which was suddenly a lot more accomodating. The guide lights flared up, beckoning me in to land, and I put the ship down.

    After touchdown, Cirr and I breezed through the cool-down and dropped the gangplank. I grabbed my gear and moved to head down, and Cirr did the same. I paused, winking back at my Cizerack first mate, and cracked a smile.

    "Let's see if we can milk this, right?"

    The flight officer met us at the gangplank's terminus, and I started in on him.

    "You treat all your friends out there like that asshole? With friends like that, who needs enemies? I'm sure Miss s'Ilancy gave you the scoop about me, so try and not forget a face so quickly next time I drop in."

    He stammered to speak and I pushed the advantage.

    "Look, I don't want to hear it. What I do want to hear is that you'll work hand in hand with this big guy over here and help to get a few screws turned down on our ship. We're on a busy schedule and I really don't want to tell the Jedi that I'm once again getting slowed down because you're being difficult. What's your name? Eh, nevermind that, just go on and pitch in, okay?"

    I breezed by him before he could offer a rebuttal. Then, he was standing next to Cirr, who towered over him. Cirr looked down at the officer, and an ear flopped to the side.


  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    s'Il knew well enough that Sanis would find her at his own pace, and so the Lupine busied herself with beginning inquiries into the availability of crew quarters for both Prent and Cirr. If her suspicions were true, then Layla would be here for a bit of time.

    She gave herself a moment of time however, to clear away the small stack of datapads, and with that done, rose to stand.

    Moving to a small glass table on one side of the office, the Lupine plucked up the two tumblers and decanter of Corellian whisky that sat on its' surface. These she set on the desk before resuming her seat to wait for Sanis.

  9. #9
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    It didn't take long. The doors slid open and I strolled inside, a smile beaming on my face.

    "Heh, nice gig. Definitely a step up from your Black Cat days isn't it?"

    I straddled the chair opposite s'Il's, and didn't wait for the invitation to partake of the whisky. I knew she'd set it out for me.

    "How's the responsible life these days?"

  10. #10
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Gamertag: W4BSY Steam ID: ApexLupine
    She watched him with her own smile, waiting as he poured himself a measure of liquor before speaking. He hadn't changed; still brash, still with an undefinable swagger that only he could possess. The sight of him often made her think of many years past, and now was no different.

    "It is what it is."

    Sanis had enough mind to fill the second tumbler, and she accepted it with a gracious word of thanks.

    She wore no uniform, nor even the more casual wear that she'd had while traveling aboard Layla; rather, she was dressed in the familiar cream-colored robes that all had become accustomed to.

    "I'd not expected to hear from you for," she paused in thought, taking the moment to sip at her drink.

    "... for, well, longer than this."

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    "I had a few jobs lined up but they've been put back a while."

    She knew exactly which ones I meant, there was no reason to go into detail.

    "In the meantime, I've been getting by. I figured I'd drop a line over here and see how everything was going with the ol' glorious revolution and whatnot."

    I sipped from the whisky, pursing my lips thinly as I swallowed.

  12. #12
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    The Lupine watched him carefully, one corner of her mouth ticking upwards in the beginnings of a crooked grin.

    "Glorious revolution," her amusement at his choice of words was more than evident.

    "A lovely choice of words."

    She leaned back in her seat, eye locked on his. A moment of silence, and she finally spoke once more. It was more than evident that while her question was serious, there was a playful tone in her voice to allow him some level of comfort in the whole matter.

    "You would like something to do?"

  13. #13
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    I played it very casual. It was always a tightrope to walk. I had all but thrown in with the Alliance out of pragmatism, but I still wasn't ready to admit it.

    "...while I'm here, if you've got any work, I wouldn't mind the credits."

    Still, it was a game that s'Il knew well.

  14. #14
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    A knowing smirk, and s'Il took another sip.

    "I'm sure we can find something for you."

    Setting the tumbler on the desk, the Lupine folded her hands into her lap. She watched him, taking in the casual demeanor he exuded over what she knew to be a truthful desire to help.

  15. #15
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    "I also heard by the by that you locked up old Zem."

    I arched an eyebrow at that as I took a drink. He knew the two went way back, so that was a nugget of info that had certainly caught his attention.

    "Figured you guys were thicker than starship grease. What caused that to go down?"

  16. #16
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Pursing her lips, s'Il was quiet for a time as she mulled over his words. It was no real surprise that Sanis would know, but it was still a tender subject to be sure.

    "There... " how to even begin explaining?

    "There has been a lot that's happened while you've been gone."

    Which was a rather large understatement.

    Her gaze moved to the side for a few moments before settling on her glass.

    "I was pregnant... " there really wasn't much else to say on that matter, as it was more than apparent that she was no longer with child. Even now she could still feel the child's ghostly, wordless cries for comfort and help.

    "It was a boy."

    She reached up to rub at her temple in the vain hope of alleviating the pain of remembrance.

  17. #17
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    I set down my glass.


    Then something terrible had happened. It still didn't answer the question.

    "I'm sorry, Lok. Really am."

    I kept silent, expecting that she would finish explaining on her time.

  18. #18
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    "Before I left Schwartzweld, I sent Teagan with Zem, asking him to take her to the Jedi. I wanted her to be safe."

    Her eye went finally to Sanis.

    "I asked him to bring her back; she needs to be with Dan and I, and we need her just the same. He refused. I met with him," her shoulders slumped as she recalled the confrontation.

    "... and he attacked me. He said I was too close to the Dark, that my own daughter would not be safe with me."

    One hand went to rest over her midsection.

    "I miscarried."

  19. #19
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Something was wrong in this. I frowned as I took another drink.

    "Wait, you left Tak with Zem to be safe? What happened on Schwartzweld?"

    Another issue was ticking in the back of my brain.

    "And why would Zem think you were straying too close to the dark side?"

  20. #20
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    She reached forward to once more take up the glass, and sipping, the Lupine gave a thin-lipped grimace.

    "One of Alliance Intelligence's agents arrived after you left. I knew of him, but outside of the short conversations that he and I had, there was nothing else. I'd certainly not expected his arrival.

    "He accused Dan of trying to overthrow the Alliance; Sanis, I know you don't like Dan. I know you'd rather never see him again, but please. Try to understand me when I say that such an accusation is so far beyond everything that he and I used to fight for; what we still fight for.

    "It was a slap in the face to the both of us."

    The Lupine closed her eyes, and she shook her head.

    "Dan has been fighting the Empire for longer than I have; he kept going when I refused to. When I went to Cathar, he never judged me or resented my decision.

    "You have to understand the weight of such a thing as what that officer placed upon Dan's shoulders."

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