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Thread: Jonathan

  1. #641
    So now Dutchy and Sirdizzy have noticed the CT and are wondering. I took the liberty of pm'ing them and giving them a quick version of what happened. They'll write back if they've got any questions but I didn't post any further comment in the "Citizen Kane" thread.

  2. #642
    Good's what I woulda done.

  3. #643
    Thanks for covering Kyle, has Dizzy and Dutchy said anything else to you about it? I am surprised Dizzy thought Jon was a good contributer wasn't he over at when Jon was banned there (I could be wrong about that)

  4. #644
    Well Dutchy is not upset to see him gone, he enjoyed some of his stuff, but knew he was mostly trouble. Sirdizzy on the other hand really thought of Jon as a great contributor and said that he always just looked past his dumb posts.

  5. #645
    Jon asked that we make a post about his banning with his e-mail address so people can contact him. Thoughts?

    Edit ~ I'm going to go ahead and post a notice in the BO forum. I can't think of a polite way to say "No Celebrations", so I'm just going to close the thread I'm posting and hope that no one says anything further.

    If someone posts something like "Good Riddance", please warn them sternly about it and ask them to edit their post.

  6. #646
    I have no problem with him asking to do that. I think it was a good idea to close the thread, there are no comments needed.

  7. #647
    I'm also going to post all e-mail exchanges between us. I have the feeling that there will be at least two more. I realize that I may not have handled my responses in the same way that everyone else here might have but I was trying to make it clear that we weren't just jumping on his back for no reason.

    I have already defended myself against the accusations you have made before, so I hardly need to go into those again. I do not make vulgar or trollish comments. I've been a long-time member of the forum (4 years), so to suggest that I am a troll is just silly. My time is way too valuable to waste harrassing people on a forum.

    I was on vacation in Mexico when you sent this e-mail, so I was not checking my e-mail during that time. Anyway, it is your forum, you guys absolutely can do whatever you want and I have to respect that, but I wanted to raise one issue/question. When Eve sent me a PM, I agreed to take some time off from the forum and decided not to post because of the recent events and just to let things cool down. I complied willingly with Eve's suggestion and before I did anything else, I was banned. So you warned me, then banned me without letting me respond to the warning. I don't see how that is fair by any stretch of the imagination. You do not tell troops to surrender and then fire on them simultaneously. You tell them to surrender, wait for a response, then either fire or accept their surrender.

    Ok that being said, I certainly don't expect you to reverse your decision or anything because you guys seem set on banning me, despite my numerous contributions to the forum, which you could have at least noted instead of sending me an insulting e-mail. This leads to my next question, which is hypothetical because I'm not sure I'd really be interested. Anyway, at some time in the future, be it 3 months, 6 months, or a year, would you consider re-evaluating the situation? I happen to have a few friends on the forum at least. I mean, it would even be nice if you could just post something about the situation as simple as “Jonathan is no longer a member of the forum, but you may reach him at“ or something. Otherwise, I cannot send PMs to these people, I can't access their e-mail addresses, etc.

    Oh well, I know you are the God of the forum, hehe, and I respect your wishes. I will not cause you any problems or anyone else any problems, I only wish you'd take my words into consideration at some point in the future.

    Until then, May the Force Be With You.

    -Jonathan L. Bowen
    And my response:
    First thing I'll respond to:

    >> When Eve sent me a PM, I agreed to take some time off from the forum and decided not to post because of the recent events and just to let things cool down. I complied willingly with Eve's suggestion and before I did anything else, I was banned. So you warned me, then banned me without letting me respond to the warning. <<

    Yet even during this “time off“, you have still continued posting on the board, including comments which have incited arguments. Eve even told you to “keep lurking“, yet you couldn't keep yourself away from the boards. You personally offended many posters.

    To use your analogy, you “surrendered“, we waited, then you reached for your gun and fired off a few more shots for good measure.

    This, alone, would not have earned you a banning. But given your track record and the numerous warnings you've received in the past, this was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. The decision was nearly unanimous among the staff.

    You've been warned about your behaviour in the past, so this is shouldn't come as a surprise to you.

    My e-mail was not meant to be insulting or anything else: It was simply a formality notifying you of our actions and explaining our reasons. Bannings have never been reversed or repealed before at the forums, to my knowledge, so I wouldn't expect that to be a possibility now.

    As for posting a notice on the forums: I will see to that after I send this e-mail.

    On a more personal note, Jon: It is my understanding that this isn't the first forum you've been banned from. Perhaps, instead of focusing on how unjust this decision may seem to you, why don't you consider what kind of behaviour might be prompting such action? This isn't meant as an insult or flame, simply person-to-person advice for when you register and begin to post at another forum.

    I deliberated about that last part for quite a while, but I feel that it's something that needed to be said. He honestly thinks he's done nothing wrong, despite the fact that 3/4ths of the staff has had to talk to him about his posts in the past; I think he needs to stop focusing on how "the man" is trying to "keep him down" and realize that he was banned for his behaviour - nothing more, nothing less.

  8. #648
    Interestingly enough he mentioned in an email to me that he's somewhat embarrassed by his "luck" in forums. The kid is more self aware then he let's on. At least about how he's regaurded.

    He just doesn't understand what does and does not incite people.

  9. #649
    I believe its because he's had his way all his life. He's probably gotten away with murder and he's miffed as to why "suddenly" he's being penalized for his actions. He's a member of an online forum, his social status and bank account mean nothing here.

    I agree 100% with Shawn, this is the 3rd forum he's been banned from. Soon his reputation will precede him and he will have 2 strikes before even making a post in his next forum. He's got to wake up and realize the world doesn't revolve around him and his film studies.

  10. #650
    I also wonder if he acts like this is real life or he does this because he is shielded by a computer? Some people act a lot different on the internet.

  11. #651
    He's a member of an online forum, his social status and bank account mean nothing here.
    Why does that mean ANYTHING? THe most spoilt brats I've ever met haven't come from wealthy backgrounds.

  12. #652
    But he did, and it's obviously affected him.

  13. #653
    Reaper if you had a nickel for every time he explicitly or vaguely referenced how rich he was you would be rich. Obviously I'm exaggerating but let's get real everyone has heard him boast about his dad's wealth. It HAS affected his behavior, like it or not.

  14. #654
    Ug... Jon is just TOO much sometimes.

    The last time I was banned at a forum was when I was about 17 as I recall. It has happened probably three times before, but I had been banned from before, and have returned before, too. I guess you have to know the history of the forum to know all of that. It has been ages since I've been banned from any forum permanently, actually.

    “You've been warned about your behaviour in the past, so this is shouldn't come as a surprise to you.“

    That's not really true, no. First, I don't know what “behaviour“ that would be -- you have seen there are many posters who appreciate my contributions, even if the moderators and admins are mostly against me or whatever you might say. After Eve sent me the PM, I did not make one single inflammatory post, so I have no idea what you mean. I made all of about 5-6 posts -- 2-3 in a thread where Dutchy asked me why I was taking time off, then 3 in the thread where Jedieb made a comment directly referring to me and I responded to his comment. That was it. I made no other comments or posts and did nothing whatsoever to break any rules.

    I have done nothing wrong on Making other people angry is not a crime, as far as I'm aware, and it isn't against forum rules either. I do not flame people, I do not insult them intentionally or directly at all, and god forbid anyone have to think once or twice about a controversial issue! I can't help that you or others don't like the occassional provocative post. That's really not my problem; it is the lack of ability for several people, moderators and admins apparently especially, not to be able to deal with reality or not to be able to take a joke, either.

    I'm one of the most agreeable, polite guys around. I don't need to change anything I do, actually. I would never change who I am for some people on the Internet, no offense. I'm a productive, intelligent, talented individual with the greatest possible potential -- I answer to nobody but myself.

    I don't have any intention of responding at this time. There's nothing to say that hasn't already been said.

  15. #655
    It's evident that he will NEVER change. He made insulting, sweeping generalizations almost on a weekly basis. It's HIS problem if all he does is offend people. Lots of people here have different opinions, but his always seemed to strike a nerve with more than one person. When called out on it, he took an overly agressive, defensive stance and put his blinders on.

    I wouldn't respond to that email either. He keeps re-iterating how busy and talented he is, he can't *possibly* have the time to type ANOTHER long-winded email to you Shawn.

  16. #656

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    I myself wouldn't have posted regarding his banning as it only servers to possibly draw the type of symathetic attention that Jon may want to try and pressure us to reverse our decision, but its cool.

  17. #657
    I doubt there will be too many people who want him back Though Dizzy seems to think he is okay but Dizzy is a little odd himself.

  18. #658
    Has anybody else noticed that Jon is posting over at I find it funny I thought it was banned from there. Interesting enough he started posted not long after we banned Dizzy, not sure if Dizzy decided to let Jon back or if he wasn't actually banned from there.

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