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Thread: Aight

  1. #1
    Gormul Hyfe


    I'll join. Anything I need to do?

  2. #2
    Dark Side Adept 327
    You don't have to do anything right now if you don't want to, unless you want to optionally send an email to my account verifying your membership. To do this, kindly go to :
    and click on "email the webmaster", then just input your ezboard User Id and say that you want to join.

    You don't have to do this, I just think it would be pretty cool because no one's used the "email the webmaster" thing that I just put in.

  3. #3
    Darth Viscera

    Your Promotion.

    ah high feaver. was south dakota a comfederate state during t he civl war?

    Amyhow! You have been initialed intoo GMA as a Cadet.

    EDIT: please download MSN Instant Messenger so we can talk about GMA stuff please. Plus I need to give you the password to sttegic command in it what what.

    EDIT 2: plus my email address is what what.

  4. #4
    Gormul Hyfe

    Re: Your Promotion.

    Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get over here. My computer crashed and it took my about half an hour to get it up and running properly again.

    And no, I can't get MSN instant messenger. : No really, I mean it. I have AOL Instant Messenger which is like 20 times better and I'm not about to go download ANOTHER instant messenger service that isn't even as good. I'm really sorry. If you need to communicate with me, then my E-mail is:

  5. #5
    Gormul Hyfe

    Re: Your Promotion.

    Sooo... anything you wan't me to do? How do I get another promotion?

  6. #6
    Gormul Hyfe


    BTW, you MUST all go to my weapons site or I QUIT!! : j/k

  7. #7
    Gormul Hyfe


    Testing testing, what what.

    BTW, I filled out the thingy on the GMA page, to send you the E-mail, but I don't think it worked.


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