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Thread: Fleet Size shall grow...

  1. #1

    Fleet Size shall grow...

    As of Today Six Brand New Dreadnaughts have been completed and are ready for SIN use. The Dreadnaughts come as a donation from Coursca Prime.

    Also, as of 2 Days ago, Two Eclipse Class Star Destroyers have been completed from Summs Shipyards.

  2. #2
    Darth Viscera
    ah, man. From now on, we'll pretty much be making ships the size of Impstars or smaller, as per Nexus High Council orders.

    Ships larger than Impstars shall be held in drydock until required, uncrewed and unpowered. This will cut back on maintenance requirements, which the High Council does not feel we have in ample supply for such large ships.

    However, we can recrew these ships and power them up right before large battles and such, or when needed for defensive purposes, bla bla bla.

    Sorry guys, but Gav Mortis, Sniper Tondry, and Director Isard, all not members of SIN, forced this down my throat.
    Funny how an outside group can dictate how we run, and such.

  3. #3
    Gormul Hyfe
    Those 10 Interdictors you wanted me to get built for us are also done.


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