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Thread: From the Desk of The Grand Moff..............

  1. #1

    From the Desk of The Grand Moff..............

  2. #2
    Darth Viscera
    Planet Name: Dantooine
    Location: Far Outer Rim
    Planet Resources: Vast wooded areas, mostly unindustrialized. Future site of A.E.G.S.A.
    Inhabitants: Small amount of various humanoid natives
    History: Once held the Rebel base, before being evacuated prior to the Battle of Yavin.
    3 40km Imp. Shipyards, 1 20km Visitors Shipyard

    Planet Name: Agamar
    Location: Outer Rim
    Planet Resources: Heavy Industrial center.
    Inhabitants: Heavy native population, Duros, Rodians, mostly humans.
    3 40km Imp. Shipyards, 1 40km Members Shipyard

    Planet Name: Delteon
    Location: Outer Rim
    Planet Resources: Heavy Industrial center.
    Inhabitants: Pure human population due to constant racial cleansing. Current SIN Capital Planet (Classified).
    3 40km Imp. Shipyards, 1 20km Customer Shipyard

    Planet Name: Wor Tandell
    Location: Outer Rim
    Planet Resources: Light Industrial center. Large medical facilities. Has always been an Imperial world.
    Inhabitants: Light native population. Ripe for colonization.

    Planet Name: Quintooine
    Location: Outer Rim
    Planet Resources: Heavy ore veins, some mining and refinery plants on-world. Ripe for development.
    Inhabitants: Light, friendly native population.
    3 40km Imp. Shipyards, 1 40km Members Shipyard

    Planet Name: Coursca Prime
    Location: Outer Rim
    Planet Resources: Extremely heavy ore veins, with very many mining and refinery plants in orbit.
    Inhabitants: None.

    Planet Name: Tierfon
    Location: Outer Rim
    Planet Resources: Light Ore veins. A rebel starfighter base which was captured.
    Inhabitants: None

    Planet Name: Elom
    Location: Inner Rim
    Planet Resources: Medium Industrial Complexes.
    Inhabitants: Many humans.
    1 40km Imp. Shipyard

    Planet Name: Ithor
    Location: Expansion Region
    Planet Resources: Dense, lush forests.
    Inhabitants: Mostly aliens.

    Planet Name: Carida
    Location: Galactic Core
    Planet Resources: Training facility planet.
    Inhabitants: Humans.

    System Name: Circarporous 1-14
    -You fill this out.

    Planet Name: Caraca
    -You fill this out.

    Planet Name: Phaeda
    -You fill this out.

    Planet Name: Surreal
    Location: Unknown Regions
    Other crap-I dunno. Ask Guardpiett.
    3 40km Imp. Shipyards.

    Planet Name: Unnamed Unknown Regions planet
    -I dunno. Ask Guardpiett.
    3 40km Imp. Shipyards, 1 40km Customer Shipyard.

    GP, you edit this to make it correct if there's anything which I got incorrect or crap. We gots 29 planets and crap.
    if you need to look up history of planets and crap.


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