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Thread: Please Read

  1. #1
    Darth Viscera

    Please Read

    There are many things transpiring in the empire these days. Too much for me to handle alone. I need to give you guys things to do to take much of the stress off of me.

    Admiral Darthporeon- I am making you Head of Fleet Operations. You will be head tactician, but I will instruct you on Grand Strategy. AKA I tell you what planets to take, you do the necessary things in order to take it.

    Flight Captain Laser McClarty- I am giving you a commission of Brevet Flight General, so you may supervise the entire starfighter corps.

    Imperial Jay- I am giving you a position as Head of Imperial Intelligence. Supervise and direct all activities, as well as your standard diplomatic functions as de facto Imperial Ambassador.

    General Phantom- You are to remain the Head of all Imperial Ground Forces.


  2. #2
    Darth Phantom
    No sir

  3. #3
    I understand.

  4. #4
    Imperial Jay
    Oh Joy...Anyway...Understood.


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