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Thread: *Emerges from the Darkness*

  1. #1
    Darth Phantom

    *Emerges from the Darkness*

    :: He looked at the barren planet and grins ::

    Shes here

    :: He tells himself. He lands his small YT-2400 known as The Hell Rasier, on the surface of the planet, he deactivates the cloaking device and lowers the rear ramp, he closes his eyes and sends Sorsha a message through the force telling her of his location. He gets up from his chair in the c0ckpit and stands in the door way ::

  2. #2
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Phantom hears Sorsha whisper in his mind ::

    *** So, you've come. As I knew you would. What do you want, Phantom? ***

  3. #3
    Darth Phantom
    :: Phantom gives a small smerk ::

    I have come to give you my respects, you have beaten me in battle and for that I have came here today.

  4. #4
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Phantom can see a torchlight flicker on the high wall as a black cloaked figure looks down at him. Sorsha speaks through the mindlink again ::

    "You've come all this way out of some sense of honor? How foolish of you. Such a pity you didn't heed <a href=> my Sister's words</a>."

    :: The cloaked figure drops the torch from the high wall as mocking laughter fills Phantom's mind ::

  5. #5
    Endo Freedoo
    :: The Chimera soars out from a yellow cloud in the sky, making a direct run towards Phantom’s stationary YT-2400. The forward laser batteries open fire, just as it comes into view, strafing the ground in two parallel lines in front of the ship. He relentless blasts finally strike the ship, tearing holes in the hull and rupturing the outer shell covering the primary engine core, spilling coolant and sparks into the atmosphere of Vjun. The damage rendering Phantom’s ship useless, until a replacement engine can be acquired.

    The Chimera vanishes into another thick yellow cloud, leaving the destruction in its wake as Phantom’s ship smokes and hisses, from the escaping coolant and external fires. ::

  6. #6
    Tirsa Krylana

    "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrayeayeayeayeayaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh hhhh!!!"

    :: Tirsa's eyes dance wickedly as the Chimera speeds away ::

    "Soon the rain will come! I wish I could see the look on his face!"

    : : : : : : : : : : !!!

  7. #7
    Darth Phantom
    :: Phantom shakes his head ::

    I really tried. I may not be as foolish as you think. I came here in respect for someone who has beaten me, but I now see that there is nothing to respect, you are more cowardly than a Jedi, you are a disgrace to the Sith you are nothing more than a scab, a P.O.S. The next time we meet I will kill you, and many Sith will rejoice. I curse the day you were born

    :: Slowly the image of Phantom's ship flickers and disappears. From behind a large group of rocks emerges the Hell Raiser, he activates the cloaking device. Trailing off far after he leaves his voice still echoes in her head ::

    I will kill you


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