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Thread: *Lancer walks out of a strange shuttle*

  1. #1
    True Blue 9

    *Lancer walks out of a strange shuttle*

    The Jedi Master walks into TSO, and is going to stay here under cover for a few days

    Hopefully not many will figure out there is a Jedi

  2. #2
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *Lancer walks out of a strange shuttle*

    OOC: Jedi Master? Do you have some proof of that? And by the way, we can tell by your mark in the Force whether you are a lightsider or not. /ic:

  3. #3
    Vega Van Derveld

    Re: *Lancer walks out of a strange shuttle*

    OOC - It's another one of those guys who walks in and straight away thinks he's a Master : :

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *Lancer walks out of a strange shuttle*

    ooc: Vega, I'm leaving for a few days, so if this guy/person comes back, you are permitted to deal with him. Visciously, I hope. IC that is, not OOC, since I'm sure they're "a nice person"...jedi...hmph /ic:

  5. #5
    Live Wire

    Re: *Lancer walks out of a strange shuttle*

    guess he realized the undercover thing wasnt going to work


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