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Thread: *yells to get everyones attention*

  1. #1
    Live Wire

    *yells to get everyones attention*

    I dunno if you guys have been reading the join the order forum but we've got a lot of people interested in joining our group. Now, 1 that means we have to double up. If we dont make it fun for them they wont stay with us. and 2 do we have any apprentices that we can promote and give an apprentice of their own?

  2. #2
    Garrett Blade

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    I'd gladly take an apprentice. Yet, it seems that I actually have two curses. The second one being that apprentices seem to mysteriously........disappear....

  3. #3
    Darth Tholuem

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*


    Well, I guess I could take on another apprentice.

  4. #4
    Live Wire

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    well I've got two. gengar and sahphire so lets try and double up if we have too

  5. #5
    Lady Vader

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    well... Darth rane isn't quite ready to be made a Knight... I'm still working with him...

  6. #6
    Lord Dagger

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    there is always my apprentise, Aigin

  7. #7
    Live Wire

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    I'll try to see if I can get aigin more involved around here...I wish she would post and get involved cause then I would have no problems promoting her.

  8. #8
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    : your custom title Dagger...its, er, poetic? lol

    I will take another apprentice.

  9. #9
    Darth Tholuem

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*


    I'm willing to help out, I'll take Nas.

  10. #10
    Lord Dagger

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    hehe, so did i thats why i set it
    Insidently, Garrett, you lose apprentises my apprentise loses master perhaps you should take her and see who disapears first j/k

  11. #11
    Lord Psychic

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    Well Kahn is doing okay, but I'm having a tough time with him (a lot because of Amnde's and Gengar's marriage and his age), and I don't think I can take another apprentice yet.

  12. #12
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    Gengar and Amnde... *grumble grumble* Hey, what the heck is up with the "evil" Gengar? Why isn't he evil all the time? I think we shoud consider making Gengar leave if he doesn't quit thinking he's a Jedi. (only half joking on that one. its threads like his evil Gengar one that makes us seem weak and like pansies)

  13. #13
    Darth Tholuem

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    I agree with LD I think...

    And Jeseth is doing very good.
    That's all

  14. #14
    Live Wire

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    yeah I agree with LD too. Its hard for me to contact gengar cause he doesnt seem to have any instant messaging programs. *sighs* I'll try and e-mail him cause I dont really want to discuss that on the boards.

  15. #15
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    i understand

  16. #16
    Xarkz Chaos

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    I have been sick recently.

  17. #17
    Xarkz Chaos

    Re: *yells to get everyones attention*

    also been lurking.

    Looks like my sig picture is broken, but I'll have to fix it later...


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