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Thread: *My Resignation*

  1. #1

    *My Resignation*

    As most of you may Know I am resigning from the position of Commodore and leaving TSO. A number of conflicts have arisen, and I feel as though I can make the best of my abilities elsewhere. As result I would like a meeting with a member of the council (RP at SWfans, set it up and i will show up.), preferably LW whom I can communicate with the easiest to discuss the terms of my resignition. This is an informal farewell to all of my comrades, it was a pleasure fighting beside you all. I hope we an put our dissagreements aside and some day work togethr against a common enemy. Farewell..............

  2. #2
    Dark Lord Dyzm

    Re: *My Resignation*


    I just want to say One Thing...

    I told You All!
    For A while I have Predicted that this would happen.
    No Offense to You DDC, its Just that this isnt a suprise to me.

  3. #3
    Lady Vader

    Re: *My Resignation*

    farewell DDC... it was nice having you with us while it lasted... I'll inform LW of your request...

  4. #4
    Live Wire

    Re: *My Resignation*

    *sighs* I wish you would discuss this with me further but if you are sure that this is what you want to do. I will start a thread at swfans

  5. #5

    Re: *My Resignation*

    Yes this is what I wanted to do. I wasn't trusted from the begining, and I feel as though this is what I need to do. And I want to leave in grand RP style. I think I deserve as much. And to Dyzms comment, You predicted what, that once I was treated like a potential spy that I would leave? If so yes you are correct and I thought that and felt like tht in the beginning of TSO. When TSO was first formed, but I stuck it out and it eventually went away. Now that trust that I gained dissapeared out of nowhere as if noone remembered that original 1.5 month period I struggled to gain trust. well I do. So if this is what you predicted then I applaud you for being the only one who could forsee this...........

  6. #6
    Dark Lord Dyzm

    Re: *My Resignation*

    I didnt mean it that way dude. What I saw was you staying Less and Less In the TSO and More and More In a other group. When You Took TSO out of you Sig, I knew that something like this would happen soon.

  7. #7
    Gav Mortis

    Re: *My Resignation*

    Wow, that came as a suprise although I had noticed you had become much more involved in other groups and infrequently posted at TSO. However, I hold no grudges for your leaving, you have my utmost respect as a warrior ahnd as a fellow Sith. However, I was wondering, what on earth gave you the impression you weren't trusted and considered as a spy?

  8. #8
    The Lounge Lizard

    Re: *My Resignation*

    I know I haven't been around here much, but I will say you had my trust as much as any other member of TSO. I wish you would stay, but I can understand your needs for leaving. If you ever reconsider, please do not hesitate to ask.

  9. #9

    Re: *My Resignation*

    From what I see the majority of the people in the council trust me and don't want me gone, but someone had to click on that button to restrict my access. I don't know whether I was voted out of SSC or not, but someone did the duty. I can respect that my access be taken in a fair vote or whatever, and if it was then so be it.However it is a slap in the face to not thave the chance to discuss this with anyone before hand. I clicked on that link to see the same thing I saw for 1.5 months when I first came to TSO, a little window asking for a password. When you get that feeling brave person who restricted my access then we can talk. This discussion is over............

  10. #10

    Re: *My Resignation*

    Well, let me say this: You had my trust, as a friend and an ally, a comrade. But you have just proved yourself unworthy of trust by attacking Miss Live Wire.

  11. #11
    Dark Lord Dyzm

    Re: *My Resignation*

    DDC, I asked the Council To Cut You Off From SSC. Your Fight is with Me. You Held My Trust For A VERY long Time. But Slowly Little Things Started destroying that Trust.
    The Last Draw was When I saw Your Sig With Out TSO in it. I took my Case to other Members, and Got You Kicked Out of SSC. And Now I see that My Distrust Was Placed Well.

    So You Bastard, where will You Run? Where Will You Go?
    Will you go Crying Back To Ital_a Begging your Forgiveness?Just like a little Bitch? You Got Your Followers and Thats It.

  12. #12

    Re: *My Resignation*

    AH AH AH no name calling Dyzm I^T^A^L^A is not the resoning behind this. This group was the reasoning behind it all. I never felt at home. I never respected what went on here. And I'll tell you what I won't hide. I will go home to caraca and put LW on a pole and let you come and get her. That is if you can get away from my defenses and such. Besides I don't think TSO could do it. This group couldn't fight there way out of a wet paperbag let alone go on a full cooperation rescue mission. So come get her TSO!!!!!!<)xxxxxxxxxxxxx)::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::›


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