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Thread: ATTN to all of TSO

  1. #41
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    OOC: You probably don't wanna do that in a force-null area Kinda makes your soul stuck in limbo


    Cirrsseeto feels the Hyuu-mann's struggling muscles go limp. Curious, and suspicious that this might be a trick. Cirrsseeto paws at the alien slightly. When he doesn't move, the Cizerack yawns his mouth wide, and clamps his jaws over Roul's throat, his long canines severing carotid arteries and crushing his windpipe. Cirrsseeto tastes the sweet tang of Roul's blood as it sprays from the arteries, blood splattering on his face and into his mouth. Cirrsseeto's jaws tighten like a sheet-metal press, completely crushing Roul's throat in, as Cirrsseeto waits, making sure that the Hyuu-mann is dead.

  2. #42
    Darth Roul

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    ::floats through the floor and into the ground::

  3. #43
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    After a few minutes of holding the bite, Cirrsseeto is confident that the Hyuu-mann has expired. Releasing his canines from within the dead Roul's neck, Cirrsseeto licks away the red spray from his mouth, savoring the flavor. Leaning back down, the Cizerack's sharp teeth plunge into the flesh of Roul's left deltoid. With a powerful jerk of his neck and torso, Cirrsseeto tore away a large chunk of red flesh. Purring in a low rumble, Cirrsseeto industriously eviscerated the flesh of Roul's shoulder, shredding it into morsels with quick and powerful bites. The felinoid gorged himself on the raw flesh, tearing away at the shoulder flesh until the ball and socket joint could be seen. Gripping the left arm by the wrist with one hand, and pressing against the left side of Roul's neck, Cirrsseeto tore the rest of the arm off the body with his beast strength, the body part tearing loose with a popping of joints, and a snapping of ligaments and tendons.

    Holding the Hyuu-mann's arm, Cirrsseeto hungrily plunged his fangs into the thick muscle, ripping away bite after bloody bite. The sound of ripping flesh and canine scraping against bone filled the Discussion Chamber.

  4. #44
    Darth Roul

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    ::Roul's soul floats through the ground to the outside of the base::

  5. #45
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    OOC: Uh, hombre...your soul is in limbo. Stay put You can't move, as you're in that force-negative field.

  6. #46
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    Cirrsseeto ravenously tore into Roul's arm, biting away large ribbony-strips of muscle and other visceral mass. Messily gulping down chunks of flesh, Cirsseeto moved down the arm, picking the bones clean. Afterwards, he began to crush the bones themselves in his powerful jaws, consuming the Hyuu-manns nutritious bone marrow as an added treat. Within a minute, Cirrsseeto had consumed Roul's left arm, and began to work on severing Roul's left leg at the hip, taking huge ripping bites out of the upper thigh, devouring skin, muscle, and fat all at once.

  7. #47
    Lady DeVille

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    OOC: um, eww /ic:

  8. #48
    Darth Roul

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    my thoughts exactly

  9. #49
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    A loud ripping sound issued forth as Cirrsseeto tore Roul's left leg free from his body. Already the blood and ichor were making a thick red slick across the Discussion chamber's floor. Salivating, the Cizerack attacked the leg with a voracious appetite, wolfing down gnawed and torn chunks of flesh, and making good time, digging his way down through the thick muscle of the thigh until he neared the femur. His face dug into the half-eaten leg, Cirrsseeto pulled back, ripping away a stringy mouthful, blood and various small bits of flesh visible on his face as he ate his fill.

  10. #50
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    Cirrsseeto quickly finished with Roul's left leg, leaving only a few crushed bits of bone. With a powerful swipe, Cirrsseeto's claws slit Roul open from neck to groin, exposing vital organs and entrails. Cirrsseeto quickly began to gut the Hyuu-mann, snapping up the long and curly intestines greedily, as he pawed out the rest of Roul's organs, so he could easily reach them. After the intestines, the Cizerack went straight to the heart of the matter...literally. He snapped up the red organ in two clean bites.

  11. #51

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    *the dragon looked at the freshly killed meat and he began to salivate, large drops of his saliva hitting the marble floor and sizzling there slightly as the acidic liquid fought to seep through the floor*

    *how he longed for a piece*

  12. #52
    Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    Cirrsseeto stood up from Roul's body, half of it having been completely eaten. Having had enough, the Cizerack walked away, and began to lick himself clean.

  13. #53

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    *the dragon looked at the cat-like creature as it stood, apparently having had his fill*

    *Shenraun looked from the cat-like being to the half finished body, and back at the cat*

    *without another thought, Shenraun stuck his head all the way through the window, carried on his long muscular neck, and with hiw strong tongue, snatched up the remains and swallowed it whole*

    *grinning and satisfied, Shenraun removed his presence from the chamber, going back to the dormant volcanoe beneath Corellia's sea*

  14. #54
    Darth Viscera

    Re: ATTN to all of TSO

    Well I'll be a son of a nun. I certainly didn't see that coming.

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