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Thread: Cheese and whine party

  1. #21
    Sage Hazzard

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    Okay, this is probably my last post on the subject. Atleast I hope. I'm not in an arguing mood, so I don't want to keep on debating.

    I have one thing to say: It was stupid to think no one would object to this. He should have asked if it'd be alright. I see distruction of property under the same law of "no killing". If I'm correct, it's taboo to cut one's lightsabre in half anymore. It's ours, and it's unfair. If he would have suggested a roleplay where he's attempting this feat, and we have to stop it, I'd be fine with it. I'd even be fine if we couldn't stop him and it went kablam. This was cowardly in my view. If Soth wants to change the roleplay to that, I'm fine with it.

    One more thing, I see that Anbira and him were really wanting to roleplay his vendetta. I suggest he goes and blows up his property. Just a suggestion.

    I'm out.

  2. #22
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    Personally... I dont care that the B&G gets destroyed. It can be rebuilt and all that jazz.

    I am in agreement that there should be a discussion with an admin/council person first only to get it cleared.

    Considering that the B&G was moved to Arcan in the first place was because of this reason I thought. Since it isn't where the Academy is there is a more then likely chance that kaboom could happen.. of course cleared.

    and of course, anytime something like this happens, there is always a heated discussion. How things happen it seems, and understandably so... but if you are that mad, don't post being upset and angry. It won't help the situation. Take a breather and come back when you can keeps things IC and OOC =)

    my thoughts.

  3. #23
    Marcus QDunn

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    Thread in particular is moved and reopened. I believe our point has been made. Please take this into consideration in the future and be aware some of us DO regard this as our home.

    GJO Admin.

  4. #24
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    I suggest he goes and blows up his property
    like WHAT?


    Anbira has the clothes on his back.


  5. #25

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    Hmmm... can we say to hell and back?... yeah... <img src= ALT=":-|">

  6. #26
    Loki Ahmrah

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    Some people should look up the definitions of discussion and arguement - it seems there are a number of people who can't distinguish between the two.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether they agree or disagree with what happenned, to be perfectly honest I don't care what happened although I did raise my opinion about how it happened.

    Some people really oughta get themselves a dummy or whatever the American word is for the thing babies suck on(I think there's a word you guys use - you would have to be different! <img src= ALT=""> ) as the display of bickering here is pitiful. Could you please bugger off if you're gonna argue.

  7. #27

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    (Ahem, pacifier, Loki.......hehehe.......where are you from??)

  8. #28
    Figrin D an

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    I'll have the Gruyere and a nice Sauvignon Blanc...

    *** Looks around as people stare at him blankly. ***


  9. #29
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Cheese and whine party

    I believe opinions have been expressed and there has been a resolution.


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