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Thread: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

  1. #1
    Anbira Hicchoru

    The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    :: Anbira entered the Bar and Grill, nodding to many as he approached a table. Sitting down, he had a cup of coffee, and a sprig of Zansanar root, which he began to chew on the end, its mild stimulating effect satisfying him as he pondered the beginning of a new day. Of course, for the Jedi there were many things to ponder, but this was no ordinary day. It had been quite recently that he was healed by the hand of Navaria Tarkin, his voice restored to him. No longer hiding in solitude, the Jedi wished to embrace life, and hopefully atone for his past, and whatever he may have done.

    He reflected on his request of the council. Still, it was being decided. Nothing could really be done of the matter but wait. So Anbira waited eagerly, but weighted with the knowledge that what he had asked might be too much for him to bear. Sipping at his coffee, he shunned the thought. He'd risk it, rather than turn a deaf ear to the grievances of yesterday.

    It was then that Anbira heard a whisper. In such a bustling place, it was unprecedented to hear something so quiet, yet the Jedi heard it plain as day, although he could not understand what it was saying. The voice sounded jumbled, a muted mumble, as if a congregation of prudish librarians were conspiring.

    He reached into his pocket, although if you asked him, he could not tell you why. The whispering dissipated, as Anbira removed a small green stone from his pocket, placing it on the table. Uncut and unpolished, the strange stone still encased a beauty in it that no jeweler could instill. Jade as Envy, it glistened and glimmered, seeming to dim as others walked nearby.

    Anbira fixated his attention on the stone, continuing to chew on the sprig of Zansanar as his thoughts wandered. It was a mystery, the same as his past...

    ...the same as his past...

    ...his past?

    He looked at the stone again, and closer. The attentions of others had turned away, and the strange green rock seemed to glow from a light within. A wan light reflected in Anbira's eyes, as the whispering began anew. ::


    :: And yet he could make out nothing...nothing at all. But the whispering grew...voices indecipherable, but pleasing to the ear. Yes, such beautiful voices...beautiful as the stone was. Very pleasing...

    ...and in the reflection of the stone, he thought he saw the image of a small boy, running free across open farmland. ::

    yyyourrrr wwwishhhh

    :: Anbira's eyes widened, his hand covering the stone quickly as he put it back into his pocket. His eyes darted from side to side, hoping no one else saw his stone. Although the Jedi knew nothing of greed or avarice, Anbira could not part with it while its mystery remained unlocked. ::

  2. #2
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    She had entered the bar on a whim. Navaria had been spending much of her free time listening in on Force classes to better understand her purpose in teaching Padawans. The Knight had yet to take her first learner and she wanted to be prepared when that day would come.

    It was between class time and when she placed her order, soft blue eyes scanned the room for anyone familiar. Once they fell upon Anbira she smiled. He seemed much more happier ever since she healed him. To know that she brought such peace to her friend filled her heart with joy. Of course there was some tension for the Council was debating his future.... she silently prayed that they would side in his favor.

    "Here ya go luv... one namana juice as usual."

    Navaria turned around and thanked the bartender, letting a few credits fall upon the counter. She wondered if Anbira would like some company and started to head in his direction.

    As she approached, the Knight felt cold suddenly and there was a whisper in the back of her mind that wasn't her own. It disappeared quickly and Navaria thought she had imagined the whole thing.

    She shook off the effects of that strange occurance and would think on what happened later. There was no danger that she could sense ....

    "Hello, Anbira."

    Navaria smiled and looked over her friend's shoulder.

    "You wish some company?"

  3. #3
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    :: Quickly, his wits returned to him. Anbira smiled to Navaria, nodding. ::

    Yes, please Navaria. Sit and stay a while.

  4. #4
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    It took a few moments for Anbira to notice Navaria. She came into full view and sat across from her friend, setting her glass down.

    A wave of concern came over her for some strange reason. Anbira looked alright and there was nothing happening in the bar that didn't usually happen... but she asked anyway to push back such misplaced thoughts.

    "Are you doing alright? Before, you seemed deep in thought."

  5. #5
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    Yes, I am quite alright. Just...daydreaming, I think. For a moment I...

    :: His eyes grew distant again, for a second, and then he returned his attention to Navaria. He smiled ::

    ...well, nevermind all that.

    :: Anbira placed the Zansanar sprig on the table, sipping his coffee again and collecting his thoughts ::

    How does the day greet you, Navaria?

  6. #6
    Loki Ahmrah

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    After his parents had spoken with the bartender for a few moments, they had finally convinced him to take the letter in hope that it will go to the Jedi Council. Loki could see the eagerness and anxiety in the faces of both his mother and father; Loki assumed from this that things on Chandrilla were becoming too perilous for him to stay with his Aunt Dooine whilst his parents were off working for the New Republic. If this were to become his home for the next eight weeks, he felt he would like it here, the climate was enjoyable and there was a strange silence in the air, a kind of serenity.

    Of course the bar was rather different. It was loud, not due to rowdy visitors but their sheer number. It was full of many differnt kinds of people ranging from Twi'leks to Mon Calamari, most of whom were dressed in long following robes of brown and cream. Apparently, this was a bar frequented mainly by Jedi but there were others; no children though. Loki frowned, then pushed up his glasses which had slipped on his nose, then climbing down awkwardly from his tall stool, took a seat in an obscured but well lit corner. Here he rested down a rather thick book and flipping about two thrids through it began reading. His parents saw where he'd gone and knowing he would probably not leave that location until he'd finished the rest of "Tales of the Psychodynamic" by W. Thurstone; one of the Galaxies best known psychodynamic researchers.

    Occasionally, Loki would glance upward to see whether his parents were back at the bar then resume his reading, however he thought he heard someone whisper something, it seemed very distant and was almost like a hissing. What he found most peculiar was that he heard it over all the raucus of the crowded bar. He glanced sideways, where a middle-aged man was seated, he seemed solomn and strong, at a first glance the youngster thought he might be an aged Jedi instructor, or even a master of some sort. In any case, he had caught Loki's interest and there he continued to watch occasionally glancing from his book. He was weary of the mans eyes, he didn't want to be caught staring and occasionly the mans eyes glanced in his direction whereupon Loki would hastily resume his reading.

    "I bet he'd have plenty of interesting tales to tell!" he thought to himself. He then watched as a young and rather attractive lady joined him and they began talking. "How interesting!" he thought, "Perhaps he is her instructor and they are going to have some sort of Jedi philosophy discussion or something."

    With that, Loki slipped out of his seat and moved to a table behind the back of the man, with his head faced towards his book, he listened excitedly to the conversation - well, what little he could hear of it.

  7. #7
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    She had interrupted Anbira in his thoughts and Navaria felt that she was hindering something. The Knight didn't wish to be rude however and just leave her friend. He did afterall ask her a question.

    "I'm much better. Almost fully healed and happy that Leia is back. We might be having a sparring session when she is free."

    The young Tarkin laughed.

    "I told her she owed me a training session."

  8. #8
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    That is good to hear, Navaria. Sparring is a strenuous affair, and I hope when you do begin, it is on more than Namana juice.

    Perhaps some breakfast before your endeavor?

    :: The waiter came, and Anbira ordered for the two of them. He reached into his robe pocket to pull out a credit, when a green stone fell from within. Anbira's expression changed to one of being flustered at his bumbling ::

    Oh, how careless of me.

    :: He reached down, pocketing the stone quickly as he paid the waiter ::

  9. #9
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    A look of surprise came across Navaria's face when a green stone came tumbling out of Anbira's pocket. She looked at it intently, eyes staring unblinking at it for the brief time it was visible... and then closed her eyes as an unintelligible voice spoke whispers in her mind. It was just like before...

    She rubbed at her temples and shrugged off what had happened. Twice now was no mere coincidence.

    "What was that stone?"

  10. #10
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    :: Anbira's voice was sterner than before ::

    Nothing. Nothing of concern.

  11. #11
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark


    He was lying and Navaria knew it. That hurt her but she had to respect his privacy. Perhaps it was best to leave especially by the tone in his voice.

    ".. very well."

    She stood up, namana juice in hand...

    "A good day to you, Anbira. I suppose its best to start my day early."

  12. #12
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    :: He realized his tone, his eyes showing a silent apology ::

    Come now...not without breakfast.

  13. #13
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    Her mouth opened up in protest but the serving droid was already there with two plates, warm with breakfast. She was defeated.

    "It would be a shame for you to waste your money on me."

    Navaria took her seat once again and cleared her throat.

    "I'm sorry about before... it's just... I guess I'm too nosey sometimes."

  14. #14
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    :: Anbira had ordered a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs, with a fluffy pastry that was recommended by natives of Arcan. Peppering his eggs, he looked up ::

    Oh, its perfectly alright. In actuality, its but a curious trinket of mine.

    :: Anbira's better nature overcame whatever he had felt before. He removed the green stone, placing it on the table. Anbira smiled nervously, hoping the stone wouldn't behave as before, as he nibbled a piece of bacon ::

  15. #15
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    For Navaria, a simple plate of fruit and toast accompanied her juice. It was what she ate as a child and then a young woman on Bakura.


    She looked at it more closely now given the opportunity as she buttered her toast. It looked harmless, dull but carried a shade of green that never had the Jedi seen before.

    An overwhelming sense to hold it caused her to put down her knife and looked to Anbira.

    "May I?"

  16. #16
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    :: He looked up at her, then down at the stone ::

    But of course. It has no teeth to bite with.

    :: He ate his eggs, glancing up occasionally ::

  17. #17
    Navaria Tarkin

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    A chuckle came.

    "Yes I know that but I do not touch other's properity without asking."

    She picked up the stone and felt the rough edges and angular shape. Some parts were smooth but more abundent were the sharp edges at some points. It was a pretty little trinket only because of its unique color.

    More importantly there were no whispers or anything like that nature. Perhaps Navaria's body was still recovering from her ordeal and the Knight really was imaginging things.

    Navaria placed the stone down.

    "Rather dull looking stone. Why do you keep it?"

    She started eating her fruit.

  18. #18
    Loki Ahmrah

    Re: The Laenos Lith: Whispers in the dark

    Since he'd sat down, Loki had ordered a jug of cold water and three glasses for his parents and himself; not that they would be back anytime soon, there was another reason behind his actions. Shortly enough, the waiter came back with a tall silver jug and three glasses. Once he'd paid the man, Loki poured himself some water and placing the jug down correctly he was now able to see in it's reflection the table behind.

    It was odd. Something was constantly drawing his attention to those two people behind; perhaps they were Jedi, they dressed like Jedi and although their numbers are increasing from what he'd read, they were still very much scarce throughout the Galaxy, to say the least. He'd completely lost all interest in the study of how authoritarian parents can prevent the development of a Twi'leks ability to communicate with others of their kind. Occasionally he'd turn the page to make it seem like he was reading, his head tilted not towards the book but towards the jug.

    The waiter had just arrived at the table, Loki could see the young lady's face and the back of the middle-aged man who after ordering accidentaly droped something. As it fell, there was a shrill whistle which epanded into that whispering sound again, there seemed to be numerous voices, quiet and contrasting. At the same time, a chill passed through the bar and over the boy's shoulder, he shivered momentarily but the sound had stopped before Loki had the chance to look around to find out who was whispering. In the shimmering reflection of the jug, he saw him put something dark into his pocket of an undefined shape.

    Shortly afterwards a discussion about a stone had begun between the startled young lady and the flustered man. "Surely he doesn't work at the mines here!" he thought to himself, "Mind you, if that was the stone they are talking about, I doubt it is something you would find here. No. They talk unlike mere miners, they are intelligent but there is that peace in their tone that one would associate with Jedi."

    This sort of pondering and curiosity was unlike Loki; what was coming over him? As much as he would've liked to have resumed his book, it was too late, he was gripped with curiousity and longed to approach them.

    "Excuse me sir," Loki address the middle-aged man. To his own disbelief, he had left his chair and was now standing alongside their table, he didn't even know he'd done it.

    Both the man and the lady looked at Loki as he pushed up his glasses, hesitated, then fumbled for his trouser pocket in which he put his hand.

    "I don't mean to be rude, but-" he stammered, the continued, "-you wouldn't both happen to be Jedi would you?"

    Edit: spelling.


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