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Thread: Second Homecomings

  1. #1
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Second Homecomings

    :: Anbira stepped through the doors of the B&G in a stately manner, his hood drawn around his head, as was the hood of his enigmatic partner...both shielding their eyes from the scrutiny of a rather intense midday sun. He looked at his friend, memories of her were good ones, though strangely detatched. ::

    We are here, as you requested. I hope your stay is not cut short again.

    :: Anbira withdrew his hood, revealing shock-white hair, and a face wrought by scar and age. ::

  2. #2

    Re: Second Homecomings

    **The young woman glanced around the bar a few times, seeking familiar faces. She pushed back her hood and ran her fingers through the long auburn hair that cascaded down her back.

    "Thank you, my friend.. It's been long since I last step foot in a place that reminds me so much of home.. I hope my visit is long, indeed."

    **With that they made their way slowly to an open table.. her face still scanning for those she once called friends. Her face looked more worn now, the events of the last year having taken their toll on her youth.

    **She waved her hand, gesturing to a near-by droid. Her eyes looked towards her once-padawan... her friend..

    "A lot has happened since I left.. tell me your story, and I shall tell you mine."

  3. #3
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: Second Homecomings

    :: Anbira sat with Beldarine, the age in his figure apparent as he took his time. He smiled warmly at her. She, who at one time was his master, and guiding him in the confusing rebirth into the Jedi. ::

    It has been difficult...

    :: Anbira began, not sure exactly how to put his recent years into words. ::

    ...there were scars to heal. Some of the body, and some of the mind. With the help of the Council, I slowly became aware of my past.

    :: His jaw set ::

    It was difficult to accept the man who I once was. But I've been given a new lease on life, even at this twilight hour. The maelstrom of circumstance and the dark emotions of my past are replaced with wisdom, and clarity of purpose. I feel the weight of knowledge I now carry...

    :: His eyes almost looked sad ::

    ...but now, I feel increasingly old.

    :: He noticed a far more weathered look on Beldarine's face. Her smile held a bittersweet shade, and the light in her eyes was a subdued hue, it seemed. ::

    It seems your own pilgrimage has been a weary one as well.

  4. #4

    Re: Second Homecomings

    **She smiled and patted his hand.. an ultimately sad smile.

    "I am happy you made it through, Anbira... and I'm glad to see you are now a knight in the Order. It is good you have advanced far in the time I was gone.. hopefully you have conquered the demons that plagued you."

    **Her eyes shift off.. focusing on some far distant object.

    "Unfortunately, my demons still haunt me."

    **Nervously, her hands began to figit. She glanced down at them and tried to will them to cease, but their incessant movement continued. Beldarine shifted her blue eyes to stare intently at her friend.

    "I'm sorry my leave of absence was on such short notice. I have been searching for my mother, my foster mother actually, for most of my adult life. I thought it had all changed when I came to the Jedi Order... but some information fell into my hands while on a mission to a planet on the Outer Rim.. Information I could not pass up."

    **Pain clouded her vision, and Beldarine's eyes began to fill up with tears.

    "Let's suffice it to say that I barely escaped with my life.. and the trail was cold.. The only redeeming quality is that I found out that around 10 years ago.. Chimeia was still alive.. where she is now, and whether she is still alive are matters of debate. The travel has worn on me, Anbira.... worn on me more than you could ever know.."

    **Beldarine's voice began to crack and she had to clear her throat before continuing.

    "I need to reclaim the joy of life.. The pleasure of the Force.. I guess that is why I came back. Searching for someone long gone does not help the soul.. My life is here, my friend's are here.. and so.. Now I am here."

  5. #5
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: Second Homecomings

    :: Anbira nodded in understanding, empathizing fully with his former master's predicament. ::

    It seems we are on the same, perilous, uphill journey. There is no shame in admitting that the summit cannot be reached alone. The bond of friendship and the bond of love can make us all the more capable, just as the guidance of the Force can as well.

    With a Jedi's patience and assuredness of mind, you will have what you seek.

  6. #6

    Re: Second Homecomings

    **A smile formed that lit up the young Jedi's face. It was so calming to be with fellow Jedi. The droid tottered over and laid their drinks on the table. Beldarine took a small sip of the dry red wine placed in front of her, mulling over the words her former padawan had spoken. Bond of love? Would that still be there? After she had left, with only a short holocron message as her goodbye.. would he still be so friendly? Beldarine's head shook slightly, he had to understand why she left.. he had to... Her eyes refocused on Anbira.

    "The bond of friendship.. yes.. it makes us able to do many things we do not think we could handle on our own."

    **Beldarine takes a hand and places it over his.

    "So the Jedi Order seems a bit changed since I left.. there are many new faces I don't recognize.. Hopefully I will be able to fit back in..."

  7. #7
    Anbira Hicchoru

    Re: Second Homecomings

    :: Anbira smiled ::

    We have all expected your eventual return. We knew you would one day come back to us. I, for one, am simply glad the day is at hand. There are many others, as I, who would greatly wish to see you.

  8. #8
    Sage Hazzard

    Re: Second Homecomings

    The dark hood of a shadowed man entered the bar. Darkness seemed to cover him, loomed over him. He was having a treachorous day. Recently he had been forced to slay a man... a man with a wife and children. He'd been attempting to rob a man at point blank range. When the Jedi interfered, the man shot at him. Blocking the blaster bolt with seasoned skill repeled it back through the man's skull.... He was not in the mood to talk after personally delivering the news to the family.


    The Jedi Master ordered with a low growl. His ever shadowing darkness still over him. Through the Force he mad sure no one who saw him, truely saw him. They saw nothing. Although this wouldn't exactly work on a trained Jedi.

    He took a seat a great ways away from the one called Anbira and the one called Beldarine. Of course he had not noticed them, his gloom the focus on his thoughts. He was still considering what he could do to repair the damage he'd delivered to the victim's family when his water arrived.

  9. #9
    Gurney Devries

    Re: Second Homecomings

    From across the bar, a hooded man - not unlike any of the other Jedi in the bar - found his gaze lingering on the beautiful woman seated across the room. He made certain that his hood was drawn low, as always, to conceal his eyes. But not just for the reason he normally did so; Gurney felt ashamed of staring at her, but he could not tear his gaze away from her no matter how hard he tried.

    "She looks so much like Jaellyn", he thought to himself. "Her eyes and her hair... everything."

    He sighed, finally turning away. "You dwell on the past too much, old man", he grumbled to himself. With that, he waved to the bartender to send him another drink. He was certainly going to need it.

  10. #10

    Re: Second Homecomings

    :: AB walked up to the table where the two Jedi were conversing. She smiled, clearing her throat. Both occupants of the table stopped their conversing, looking at her expectantly. ::

    I do not mean to intrude. I only wished to welcome you back from your journey, Beldarine. I hope you found the answers you were looking for.

  11. #11
    Dasquian Belargic

    Re: Second Homecomings

    Dasquian sat at a table, randomly chosen, in the bar and grill with a book on his lap. For around an hour now he had been like this, eyes locked on the pages. On occasion he would lift the tumbler of water infront of him and take a sip or two, or dampen his finger so that he could sift through the tome before him with greater ease. In such a studious state, most of the comings and goings around him seemed nothing more than a blur, a murmur of noises that his brain did not take the time to process.

    Amongst the babble, however, he picked out something interesting:

    "I only wished to welcome you back from your journey, Beldarine. I hope you found the answers you were looking for. "

    His eyes lifted from the dusty pages to a small gathering of three - Anbira, Rie and another. On first glance he picked up the potent force presence that ebbed from the woman, a Jedi of Knight rank atleast. Though he did not recognise her, he deduced this was because of the journey she had been on, aforementioned by AB.

    He cleared his throat and watched now, not hiding his interest in the conversation at hand.

  12. #12

    Re: Second Homecomings

    **She paused from her conversation with her former padawan learner, and focused the woman standing in front of her. An old friend... it was good to see so many faces she recognized. In an instant, the tension seemed to release her shoulders.. and for the first time in almost a year, Beldarine was able to relax. Her face lit up in a geniune smile..

    "Why.. hello Rie.. It's nice to be back here with so many people I know.. and even though what took me away from here did not turn out exactly like I had hoped.. I am still happy to be returning."

    **She waved a hand, gesturing for the woman to take a seat at the table. Inside, a little alarm went off.. someone was watching them.. taking an interest in their conversation. Shrugging her shoulders, she sighed.

    Why should I bother with those who watch.. Nothing can harm me here...

    **Even though she had no worries, Beldarine's gaze slowly swept the area. She felt a familiar presence in the room, someone who caused her breathing to quicken slightly. Her eyes stopped on a dark, hooded figure sitting at the bar.

    **It was him. Steeling her nerves, she hastily rose.

    "Anbira, Rie.. I will be right back.. there is ... someone.. That I need to speak to.... Please.. do not leave.."

    **It took what seemed to be hours to cross the distance between the two of them. Calmly, Bel put a hand on Sage Hazzard's shoulder.. waiting for him to turn around.

  13. #13
    Sage Hazzard

    Re: Second Homecomings

    The water felt like acid on his throat, the throat that was now hoarse from yelling in emotional agony at the murder of an innocent.

    A warm hand touched his shoulder gently. In his current state the Jedi Master had his thoughts turned towards the future. Not the present, where it should be. His senses were dimmed because of this. Reacting out of instinct and not logical means, he swung around.

    In an instant the blue-white blade was ignited. Humming with a shrill squeel as it flew towards the invader... Then, millimeters before slicing cleanly through the woman's throat, the Jedi Master caught her face. The blade shut off, micro seconds before bringing the Jedi Knight to an untimely death.


  14. #14

    Re: Second Homecomings

    **Beldarine's eyes widened in shock, and slowly an eyebrow raised itself.

    "Sage... I didn't know you were that mad at me"

    **Hesitating, a smile crossed her face. He seemed dark now, something she could not quite put a finger on.

    "We have so much to discuss, Sage... I hope...."

    **Beldarine's voice caught in her throat.

    "I hope.. you are not mad at me.. You must understand why I left...."

    **She trailed off... waiting for him to answer.

  15. #15
    Sage Hazzard

    Re: Second Homecomings

    Sage dropped his lightsabre. He grabbed her shoulders with his now free hands.

    "How could I ever be mad at you?"

    Sage smiled, for the first time since she'd seen him again. He was darker... but that unrelenting innocence still lingered in the back of his personality.

    "You can tell me of your journeys whenever you wish. I don't care about the past. I'm not hurt anymore, with you here. As long as you're here, now in the present, the past is forgotten."

  16. #16

    Re: Second Homecomings

    :: AB graciously took the seat, but the moment she had sat down, beldarine was excusing herself to see someone. AB watched her go, and then turned to Anbira, smiling good naturedly. ::

    Was it something I said?

    :: She chuckled softly, knowing full well it wasn't her why the Knight had left, but because the young woman had some catching up to do with many friends. ::

  17. #17

    Re: Second Homecomings

    **Beldarine's smile could have shamed the suns of Tatooine. It lit her face, erasing the lines of worry and anguish that had surfaced within the past year. She threw her arms around Sage in a fierce embrace.

    "Thank you, Sage... if anyone would understand.. it would have to be you.."

    **She leaned in and kissed him softly on his cheek.

    "Would you like to come over and join us? Anbira, Rie and myself were just settling down to have a few drinks?"

  18. #18
    Sage Hazzard

    Re: Second Homecomings

    He looked back at his glass of water. It reminded him of what his thoughts were lingering on.... No. Not now. He'd relax now.

    "Of course."

    Sage snapped back, shaking free the cobwebs of his mind.

    "Let's go."

  19. #19

    Re: Second Homecomings

    **Still smiling, she linked her arm with his as they walked back towards the table. As they took their seats, a serious expression crossed her face.

    "I know I have been gone for a while... and where I have been, there were no reports of how the battle is going with the Sith.. Tell me.. what has happened in the past 7 months.. What of the Sith Empire?"

    **Her grave look crossed from Anbira to Rie to fall lastly on Sage.


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