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Thread: a challenge (starting again)

  1. #21
    Anubis Lockheart

    Anubis falls face down onto the hard Earth. The blood from his nose rolls down his face, dripping off his chin onto the dirt underneath him. He looks at the blood, his eyes changing colour to a light neon blue, the same as his brothers. With the pain making his head throb, he diverts his attention to MP, who is towering over him. Without hesitation, he shifts his weight to his upper body. Then springing back, kicking MP in the chest again, this time winding him. Anubis flip's back onto his feet, walking slowly over to MP, who has keeled over trying to retain his breath. He delivers a hard uppercut to MP's chin, sending him sprawling onto his back.

    "Argh!" Anubis' nose throbs again, He pinches his nose hard, with the pain no longer a burden. The bloodflow slowly stops. He recalls his saber using the force and looks over at MP, who is just regaining his feet.

    "Come on Jedi."

    Anubis says as a small headspin overcomes him due to the lack of blood in his head. He falls foward a little but straightens back up, shrugging it off.

  2. #22
    Mad Pierre

    Gasping for breath, MP stands ready. This time he ignites his saber.

  3. #23
    Jacen Lockheart

    Jacen brings his front leg around, to the back, just spinning around to the side, making Hart barely miss. Jacen grabs onto Harts arm, and yanks it foreward, making him tumble. He slams his elbow hard into Hart's back, knocking him to the ground, then jumps backwards slightly, holding his saber up, staring down at Hart.

  4. #24
    Hart Kenobi

    ::Hart quickly slides on the ground towards Jacen and interlocks their legs. Hart twists while on the ground, causing Jacen to trip forward. While he was down, Hart raised his right leg into the air and slammed it down towards Jacen's kneck like a guillotine.::

  5. #25
    Anubis Lockheart

    Anubis leaps towards MP, who is standing ready for the attack. He slashes his saber at MP's neck, but he blocks it and swings at Anubis' ankles. He jumps to avoid the saber, narrowly missing his feet. He then leaps back out of MP's range.

    "The darkness is more powerful than the light, fool."

    Anubis, with a dark aura now entwining around him. Stands there, the aura almost seeming to cloak him. He moves towards MP, taking him by surprise. He takes a quick short jab aiming for MP's Thigh.

  6. #26
    Mad Pierre

    MP blocks the attack. Then, while holding the sith's saber down, he draws his blaster and shoots Anubis in the left foot.

  7. #27
    Anubis Lockheart

    Anubis looks down at his foot, the shot from the blaster hitting right between the large gap between his toes. The skin around his foot severly singed as it began to blister rather quickly.

    "Argh!!" Enticed with rage, he kicks the blaster out of MP's hand. MP still stunned, Anubis force pushes MP using all of the darkness pouring through him. MP slams hard against a rock, causing the rock to shatter and the jedi to fall down hard.

    Anubis looks at the Jedi, his gaze locked onto him. Without changing his focus, he buries his foot into the cold dirt to releive some of the pain until MP sturggles to his feet.

  8. #28
    Jacen Lockheart

    Jacen senses Hart's leg coming down. He instantly rolls to the right, then thrusts one hand up, just getting it under Hart's heel. He grins slightly, then pulls towards him, sending Hart off-balance. He flips up onto his feet, calling his fallen saber back to his hand, then steps onto the hand that Hart is holding his saber with. He kicks the saber from Hart's hand, disigniting it along the way. Jacen spins around, digging his heel hard into Hart's side, which was accompanied by a sickening crunch. He jumps up into the air, spinning his saber around. He stops his ascent and begins his descent, with his saber pointed straight for the middle Hart's stomach.

  9. #29
    Hart Kenobi

    ::Hart glares into Jacen's eyes, showing no sign of fear. Suddenly, like a flash, Hart picked up a small pebble with the Force and flung it at Jacen's back, causing him to hesitant for a fraction of a second. That was all the time Hart needed as he quickly called his saber back to his hand ignited and knocked Jacen's saber away from his stomach.
    Hart flipped back from his lying position and returned to his feet, prepared to continue.
    As Jacen approached, Hart slowly began to kneel down closer to the ground to spring a Jack-Knife scissor kick to Jacen's face, knocking him back a few feet.::

    btw, can we establish a setting for this fight?

  10. #30
    Jacen Lockheart

    OOC: Sure .. You can make it. =) Oh, Another thing .. How can I get in contact with you? Do you have AIM or MSN? If not, I'll just email you .. (Obviously meaning for you to post it ..)

    IC: Jacen shakes his head slightly, regaining his senses. He grins slightly, the force pulsating off his body, as he begins to walk at Hart. He holds his saber in his right hand, as he slowly raises up his left hand. He points it at Hart's neck, and Hart feels as if a hand had gripped onto it, but not so tightly. He laughs softly, then closes his hand to a fist, with Hart dropping his saber, and flinging his hands up to his throat, as if trying to stop the choking. Jacen grins, still walking at Hart. He glares into the Jedi's eyes, disigniting his own saber, clipping it onto his belt, and putting his hand behind his back. He takes it away, to reveal a large dagger. He suddenly lunges at Hart, seemingly aiming for Hart's right arm, with a wide grin on his face.

  11. #31
    Hart Kenobi

    AIM: Hart Kenobi

    ::Hart raises his right arm, it pushing the knife slightly off-course so that it only skims his tunic. Still clutching trying to put pressure on his wound, opens his own windpipe with the Force and raises his hand to Force-push Jacen away.
    Hart climbs to his feet and ignites his saber once again in his hand, making his way over to Jacen.::

  12. #32
    Mad Pierre

    MP staggers about, holding his back. Seconds later, he collapses.

  13. #33
    Anubis Lockheart

    Anubis wriggles his shoulders, watching the Jedi as he collapsed to the ground. MP still doesn't move, Anubis smirks and turns around to watch Hart and Jacen, but still wary of him in case he gets up and tries anything. Jacen and Hart are both involved in an evenly matched battle.

    "Come on, Brother."

    As he speaks, Hart makes a dash towards Jacen. Anubis senses something is wrong, as Jacen isn't getting out of the way.


    Anubis, forced enhanced, runs towards Hart. His saber ready to take out Hart while he is blinded in his attack on Jacen.
    At the last moment, Hart turns around and looks at Anubis. Almost seemingly in slow motion, Anubis tries to stop, but it is to late. Hart grabs Anubis and throws him onto Jacen.

  14. #34
    Jacen Lockheart

    Anubis lands onto Jacen, and he hears a large gasp. Anubis believes it's only from him hitting Jacen. They hit the ground, Anubis landing on Jacen, with his back to him.

  15. #35
    Anubis Lockheart

    Anubis, without hesitation quickly stands back up and force pushes Hart backwards several metres. Out of harm's way. He turns to his brother.

    "Brother, come on get up..........oh no..."

    He looks at his brother, who is on the ground, motionless. Noticing a puncture to the left of Jacen's sternum.. a lightsaber puncture.

    "Oh crap no."

  16. #36
    Jacen Lockheart

    His body shaking, blood pouring onto the ground behind, his eyes barely open. He stares up through his almost completely shut eyes. "" His eyes completely shut, as he his head drops down to the side. His body lies lifelessly on the ground, with his brother staring down at him.

  17. #37
    Mad Pierre

    OOC: I really wasn't dead.
    IC: "Works all the time..." MP jumps up and darts towards the sith.

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