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Thread: Strained Future (open RPG)

  1. #41
    Jedi Cadet

    OOC: Anakis how could you forget about me?? ok where am I in this time line??

  2. #42
    Anakis Moreven

    You are a Sith Disciple!! Sith Knight Anakis Moreven

  3. #43
    Vega Van Derveld

    Sith Vega

    :: Vega strained in the grasp of his opponent, viciously trying to get away ::

    The Sith training grounds, fool! Let me down now and proove the metle of your pasture to me here, now!!

    Jedi Vega

    :: Inside, Vegas heart was beating rapidly. He was force choking himself. He was threatening himself. He was going insane? ::

    Jedi: And you are a Sith Warrior?
    Sith: Is that not obvious, fool?!

    :: Vega tightened his grip on himself ::

    Sith: N-yes..! I am a Sith Warrior! Now like I said, put me down!

    :: Vega rubbed his chin thoughtfully, unsure of what to do in the situation he had gotten into ::

  4. #44
    Jedi Alpha

    Good Alpha

    Satine heads straight to Coruscant, wondering what the hell is going on.

    One Jedi group Satine thinks, That's impossible. There are two groups, GJO and NJC. Not the "Jedi Rebellion..."

  5. #45
    Sith Cadet

    OOC: you? oh this should be funny. I am using my sisters nic./ic

    ::Cadet looks at Jedi Alpha.::

  6. #46
    Jedi Alpha

    Looks at Cadet.

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