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Thread: Videl, you there? Let's get this fight over with..

  1. #1
    LoyalGuard Commander007

    Videl, you there? Let's get this fight over with..

    *Commander007 stands ready, igniting both silver blades out of his Doublebladed Lightsaber... He places the long handle in his left hand, his right hand gripping the hilt of his Imperial Heavy Blaster Rifle... His eyes start to grow a faint navy blue glow...

  2. #2

    finally you show up....*Videl ignites her saber* ready when you are.....

  3. #3

    *uses the force to lift 4 chairs, 3 of them Videl sends at 007,one on either side and the other in front, which he blocks by cutting them in half,but in the proccess of blocking them, 007 spun around to block all of them, Videl then sends the fourth chair, hitting 007 full in the spine*

    OOC: 007, where did you go? we only have an hour here......

  4. #4
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    i told 007 to come here, he didnt seem to want to fight, he isnt in the chats right now, i dont think he is really in to this contest

  5. #5

    Dt, does 007's refusal to fight count as a forfeit?or do I have to get a new opponent?

  6. #6
    Darth Turbogeek

    If he doesnt fight, he forfeits. You responded in good time to his challenge.

    He will be given some more time, but I wont wait forever.

  7. #7

    how much longer do I have to wait then? and if he forfeits, does that mean I win this round, or do I still have to fight someone else?

    OOC: well I have to go now, I'll check back for your decision later, but I can't wait around here any longer....ja ne minna! *Videl teleports out of post*

  8. #8

    well from what I can tell from the update thread before it causes my computer to perform an illegal operation and shuts the window seems you still want me to wait and see if 007 shows up again....considering he ran away from the battle and refused to fight me, I don't see how this is fair...from what I see, isn't that a forfeit? Thrawn said 007 didn't want to fight anymore....why do I have to wait and see if he wants to try it again? I waited around for several days for 007 to show up, and when he does, he runs away.....but if you still insist I must fight to move on, I would rather have a different opponent if that is possible.....

  9. #9
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    i think 007 has forfited

  10. #10

    I think he has forfeited too..Dt or Jb, so has he forfeited or not?

  11. #11

    well neither one of you seems to be here, but can you say he forfeited so I can move on....and if make a decision, can you post it here because that update thread causes me computer to shut down the window....
    OOC: well I must be going now....can you please make a decision soon....komban wa, minna! *Videl teleports out of thread*

  12. #12
    Darth Turbogeek

    Reluctantly, I must agree with Videl. She responded. quick time to the challenge an I have seen no reason why she was not given battle.

  13. #13
    Itala Marzullo

    I was fighting him in the chats long ago, he might have forgotten, who knows...and his signtaure is one big crack up....hehehe...

  14. #14

    thanks for deciding that he forfeited....I was hoping you guys wouldn't make me wait around for him to show up again.....Woohoo!

  15. #15

    congrats Videl, great fight!


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