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Thread: All of GJO...

  1. #81
    Gav Mortis

    OOC: Why who killed you? Because I certainly didn't. I was just making the fight interesting and there was absolutely nothing wrong with stabbing a dagger through your shoulder, I really have no idea about your blithering on about a crucafixion is all about.

  2. #82
    JediMaster Skywalker

    anytime sis

  3. #83
    Jedi Knight Leia Solo

    Dearest Brother:

    Can you please private message me? Thank you!

    (Thanks...returned private..message!)

  4. #84
    Darth Turbogeek

    The fight's not quite over.

    :: DT looks at Lei a on the ground and then at the Sith. DT calms himself and then reaches into the recesses of his mind, into the arcane knowledge he had learned, deep and dark secrets from artifacts others knew little about, the book he had found in Yoda's hut.

    The appropriate Force power comes to mind and going deep inside the Force, he allows his mind to search out the very atoms of the atmossphere, seing thier movements with the Force. He gives them a nudge, putting Force energy into thier movements.

    The movement centres on the air above his palm. He looks at it, concentrating. The air on his palm feels hotter. DT frowns, puzzling out the factors and the knowledge he used the last time he did this, a year ago.

    The energies of the LIght Side pured into him as he willed himself to be more open to the Force, to become with the vast energy that is life, that surrounded everything, that defined them all. The power grew, he used it concentrate on the small part above his hand. Hotter the air got, hotter again until the oxygen was forced to react and burst into a tiny flame. The flame danced, going up his arm and down again, under total control as he redirected the Force energy necessary to do this.

    Leia : What is he doing?
    Luke : I... I dont know?

    The flame began to turn and become a mini whirlwind, afoot high and dancing. The Jedi allowed it to float upwards and then took a martial stance, palms drawn back and cupped away from his chest. Gav notices this and he begins to try to break the jedi's concentration but it was too late... the energy was now in one place.... and now it was unable to be stopped....


    The Jedi snaps his palms out and gives a battle cry, the tiny whirlwind streaks out and becomes tornado of flames and superheated air, it rushes towards Gav who stares at his own doom coming, the wall of flame coming in, the spiral of heat. A scream is heard as the flames overtake the Sith, the blasting energies burnig to microns all in their path. A huge blazing trail of fire, starting point at DT and in a shape of a cone, burns on the ground. The roar of air being sucked into the Firestorm echoes around the place, the conflaguration feeds itself.

    DT : GET OUT!

    The Jedi run from the storm, uncaring of Gav's fate. The Jedi can sense Gav is somehow alive but in deep trouble as the storm is still consuming everything in it's cente. Turbogeek uses Force Speed to run as the fire touches a feul cell, that explodes in a huge detonation. The fire ball adds to to the already powerful storm, the heat shockwave consuming all in it's path. The Jedi barely find cover as the blast of flames passes them by::

  5. #85
    Darth Turbogeek

    :: Now the fight is over... for the moment. Not knowing if Gav survived the blast, they leave. Dt knows if Gav lived they will fight one day.....::

  6. #86
    Gav Mortis

    You damn right our paths will cross DT

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