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Thread: The Assimilation of Dilonexa XXIII

  1. #101
    Darth Varlon

    In the cold blackness of space, what forces of the NR that could flee had. All that was left were the captured cruisers and blackened and burning hulks of the rest. Occassionaly spears of light signified the few remaining snubfighter duels that was going on. Var pulled the Dark Brood into a loop and sent her returning towards the Death Wind.

    He opened a comm channel to the fleet and ground troops as he approached. "We have airspace superiority. Awaiting confirmation of suppression of ground troops."

  2. #102

    From the bridge of the Interdictor, he watched as the NR forces were squashed by the Empire's. In the time it took for the Interdictors to charge for their final attack on the lone Nebulon B, it had reached hyperspace and fled, but not without it losing its shields from volleys of energy from the two Gunships.

    Contact Varlon.

    On the holocom, the image of Varlon appeared. Poreon bowed down before the fellow Sith before speaking.

    [b]Lord Varlon, the enemy I have engaged is gone. My force destroyed Two Nebulon Bs. The final Nebulon though, fled to hyperspace.

    I commend you on an excellent Space Command. The Empire is lucky to have you aboard. Long Live the Sith Empire.

  3. #103
    Darth Varlon

    Var smirked as he stepped onto the bridge and bowed to Poreon's holo. "Agreed. You did admirably yourself. Now we await word from the ground forces."

  4. #104
    Dyne Darkforce

    On Dilonexa XXIII....

    The turrets were all turned into debris as he stopped in the Viper and contacted the troops to go in and storm the base. They proceeded in and took over as the NR soldiers submitted to the Empire. The men went into the base after leaving the Vipers. A trooper in charge came up to Dyne in a hurry.

    Trooper: "Sir, all bases have been accounted for, I have received comm transmissions from each base. Only a few of their forces remain. The forces we deployed at the given locations have successfully taken everything over with minimum losses."

    "Good job solider I shall tell our fleets of this glorious day for the Empire."

    Dyne nodded to BBN and Vapor then got onto the comm and contacted the fleet forces. After a brief interference he got a hold of Varlon.

    "Varlon, all ground bases have been accounted for. Only a few stray forces are left."

    Varlon: "Excellent indeed Dyne, this is a day to remember for the Empire."

    "Very true Varlon, me and the others will be up there soon to celebrate the victory."

    Dyne turned to Vapor, BBN, Skroth, and Vega and nodded to them. Vega and Skroth came to assist in the destruction of the turrets. He smiled to them and nodded...

    "We have taken over the planet....its time to go home for we have completed our task men, thank you guys."

    BBN: "No problem Dyne, anything to help fellow Sith out and you are my friend."

    Dyne and BBN shake hands and he turns to the others.

    Vega: "As always I have no objections in serving the Empire, time to go home."

    Skroth: "Just get me another bottle of JD Dyne and it will be cool."

    They all laugh for a brief second.

    Vapor: "No problem Dyne, glad to see the Viper's come into play, ill go back to my fleet now."

    They all saluted each other as the troopers were given orders to secure the planet fully. They sent the word to all the other locations as the men went back to their fighters at the main base. The empire suffered minimum losses as the NR was dispatched quickly. Thoughts raced across his mind to thank the others who participated as well, such as Poreon, Phantom, and Renegade's fighters. They get to finally head home with the good news for the Empire....

  5. #105
    Big Bad Naga

    Naga stood beside Dyne now. His black hood was now covering most of his face. Only two glowing red eyes could be seen. Suddenly, Naga's pearly white teeth shone as he grinned.

    Naga: "Dyne, I know I am part of The Sith Order, but it was an honor to help TSE. Thank you."

    Naga bowed his head in silence for a moment. He began to speak again.

    "If you ever need help, any of you. All you need to do is ask."

  6. #106
    Darth Renegade

    Flying his damaged razor around, he searches desperately for the ship that attacked him.he cycles through his targetting computer, finally coming up with an Ewing, in very close proximity to him. he laughs having found his target. He steers his damaged craft towards it, and throttles up. The ship whines in protest, and then begins closing the gound on the fleeing ship.He gets within balster distance, and begins squeezing off shot after shot, each bolt finding it's mark. Just then, he gets a missle lock. He is just about to fire it, when the fleeing ship disappears, entering hyperspace. The anger surges through Renegade, and he slams the console with his fist.

    Another time.....another time...

    He looks around, noticing all the other NR craft that survived, - the few that did - are all doing the same. And suddenly, only the Sith forces are left. he smiles at the victory of the fleet, yet is angry and down about his own personal defeat. He opens the comm unit to the scrambled frequency of his fighters.

    Good job everyone. We defeated them, and the planet is ours. We've sustained some losses, as is to be expected, but your skill has made them minimal. All fighters return to their respective hangers, and report for debreifing. This is Skull 1 out

  7. #107
    Dyne Darkforce

    Death Wind Hangar.....

    As the rest of his crew docked in the Death Wind hangar, he looked around to see everyones faces of victory. Dyne proceeded up to the bridge to see Varlon and Renegade. He arrived a few minutes later as they saluted each other.

    "Its ours men...."

    Renegade: "Of course, what do you expect of me and my fighters?"

    Varlon: "Yes the fleets did exceptionally well also. There are only a few stray forces now. They should go down very soon."

    "Alright, im going to send a transmission to the rest of the men."

    Dyne sent a message to all of the men who fought in the battle.

    "The planet is ours men, and it was all of your individual work that was the reason for this. I would like to thank you all and lets present this planet to the Empire."

    Cheers can be heard all over as they get to go home now. He turned to everyone on the bridge and nodded to them.

    "Ready to go home Varlon?"

    Dyne turned and looked outside as some fleets were to remain at Dilonexa to watch over it before reinforcements came in.

  8. #108
    Darth Varlon

    "Sounds like a plan to me, Dyne." Var says into his collar-clipped comlink and slaps his friend on the shoulder. "Captain Markx, set a course for home."

    "Yes, my lord." The capiains vocie comes back over the channel.

    "We'll be celebrating by morning." He said with a chuckle as they left for the bridge.

  9. #109
    Vapor Kazuna

    Vapor opens a holonet communication to be greeted with the image of the Sith aboard the Death Wind cheering good-naturedly at the conquest.

    Vapor: I'll see you guys back at TSE headquarters, stopping by Kyrin for resupply. Adios.

    Dyne: See ya, Vapor.

    The void surrounding them became a blur as the Maelstrom entered hyperspace.

  10. #110
    Ron Thrawn

    *after the fleets were all away, what appears to be a souped-up TIE Interceptor comes out of hyperspace*
    i always miss the good battles

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