*Taking cover behind the corner of a building, Snack thought his next plan through. The droids fire was unstopping, as he saw red laser blasts fly through the air just missing the corner of the building he took shelter. The blaster bolts which did connect with the side of the building spewd stone and concrete with each impact. Doing my job for me, good enough.

Snack smirked as he heard the metalic clang of the droids, walking towards where Snack wait in lay. He sensed that there were far too many droids to take on by himself. Quickly, Snack unhinged his dual-blade, still ignited. A double bladed lightsaber, a great defensive weapon when fighting two or more people with lightsabers, wasn't all that great for blocking blaster fire. Closing his eyes, he could see the driods fire at the building, in hopes that the bolts would go through and it their target on the other side. Letting the Force take over, Snack edged to the corner. He then sent out both of his blades, controlling them through the Force. The droids see this and starting firing at the two ghost blades. Deflecting some bolts back, they connected with thier sender, or even a passer byer running in fear. The thud of falling droids filled Snack's head more than the siren. He knew he made a dent in the protective line of defense which was still in hot persuit after him, but he was still outnumbered.

Calling back his two sabers, he caught them, then turned high-tailed down the street. Running without aid of the Force, Snack rounded another corner. This lead him into the center of the city. Dammit, this won't do me any good, running from them. If I could just get an opening, I could summon the winds... Snack thought to himself as he saw droids in front walking towards him, as well as from behind him.*