Just as he arrived at the hidden entrance to the underground facility of the Sith Empire HQ, he stopped and turned back in the direction, which he had come from. This was still so very hard for him to do. Letting her do this on her own was what she wanted, but he found himself fighting the urge to try and go back to keep an eye on her and help if she needed it. ::

”She has been Sith longer than I have.”

:: He thought to himself. ::

”She doesn’t need your help Trace. If you don’t do as she wishes, she’ll be pissed and any hopes you ever had of staying close to her will vanish, replaced with her holding hatred for you. Don’t do it!”

:: He argued some with himself as his fist clenched, still encrusted with his own dried blood from what he had done earlier. His head shook from side to side and he quickly turned back to the entrance, before he decided to do something stupid. ::