OOC: It's okay. And thanks for the long post.


Kaine laughed slightly, an almost demonic sound escaping his throat. He hadn't actually knew the full power of his fireball trick until now.. and he found it incredible. The force of the fireball .. what it did to Damel .. It was amazing. Looking down at the Jedi slumped up against the tree, Kaine mostly looked at the wounds.

And here I was thinking my fireball was weak.. Ha!

All the cuts and deep gashes over Damels arms and legs, the blisters making the pain just that much worse. Kaine tried to imagine what the girls back looked like, and a small grin came to his face. Lashing out with his right foot, it connected with the side of Damel's face. Damel's body slammed into the ground beside her, accompanied with a loud "thud" and a cloud of dirt. Rolling her onto her stomach, Kaine looked down at the wounds on her back.

“You should never have tried Damel, you should never have tried..”

Kaine laughed mockingly, although he knew she probably couldn't hear him. The pain had probably taken over her body, sending her into a unconcious state.

“You know, I'm feeling generous. I'm going to take you with me.”

Thrusting his hand down at her, he latched onto the back of her neck, and started to head back for his X-wing.

Moments later..

He threw Damel into a small comparment just behind the seat, then planted himself on the seat. Starting up the X-Wing, he pulled back the stick, and lifted up and off the planet of Talus. Once he got out into space, he set the coordinates for TSE, then blasted off into hyperspace.

OOC: Theres a post in the Sith Council Room waiting for you ..
