Travis buried his head in his arms to block out the bright light of the detention cell. He was trying to get some shut-eye in but the shouts from the drunk tank and the chill felt from the metal rack was turning sleep into an impossible task at an hour he couldn't quite place.

He'd been incarcerated and questioned by Cloud City authorities in relation to events that he couldn't quite recall. They were all a blur and he had spent the majority of the evening trying to piece it all together for his interrogator, and himself. That had just lead to more questions and eventually had him stripped of everything for analysis and then tossed in his underclothes into a single cell with only the cold rack and a sink-toilet.

What the hell happened to me?

Over and over the same question Travis thought. The trashed and angry continued their hollering and laughs until eventually they went unheard and the darkness had finally sunk in for the first time in hours. It wasn't going to be a good rest.
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