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Thread: HolovidMsg: Agent Crestmere, Victor (Pending)

  1. #1

    HolovidMsg: Agent Crestmere, Victor (Pending)

    //LocAccess:// ...

    //InterAccess:// ...




    //Uploading Connection://...

    The communications console in Agent Crestmere's Spectre-class Corvette came to life suddenly, the heading flashing in red to indicate a direct transmission was being made from a secure source and whoever was on the other end was waiting to be accepted.

    This message came as no surprise as Agent Crestmere had received a warning several hours prior as was protocol.

  2. #2
    Victor Crestmere
    Victor Crestmere, the Judas of Alderaan, lay asleep in his private quarters. Although, peaceful sleep was something he had forgotten a long time ago. Having joined the Inquisitoriate and having done the things he has done, the ghost of his past were constantly with him and they did there best to let him never forget it.

    Wake up you dolt!

    Yeah...what he said

    Always sleeping when there is work to be done

    Yet even in the darkness, he had friends.

    You guys...he's really tired

    Oh no, here we go again. Always on his side aren't you Chrisy...

    On the rarest of occasions, a small hint of Crestmere's childhood would flare up. An old friend from his past would step in and help combat the voices and Chrisy, his younger sister, just happened to be the only one. Too bad she was the first of Alderaan to die. Pity.

    As the remnants of his past exploits rattled on in his mind, Victor rolled over to see the red light from his holovid flaring on and off. He had been expecting this. Sitting up, Victor pulled his hair back into a pony tail and walked over to his desk. Sitting down and flipping his communicator on acknowledging the transmission, Crestmere's demeanor changed from that of a nostalgic one to his more casual self.

    With the voices still shouting, Victor leaned his had to the right, listening as his neck cracked and said to himself,


    Collecting himself and tiding up a bit, Victor activated the feed.

    "You called?"

  3. #3
    Y'roth Helghast
    The blue holographic image of Y'roth Helghast appeared above the console. It was no major projection and the Inquisitor and leader of Project Nightmare was no bigger than the size of a figurine before Crestmere. His glowing bionic eye threw off the holovid camera on his end though, obscuring his face from being conveyed properly to Victor.

    "Agent Crestmere. I am sure you have heard on the public channel that Project Nightmare was determined a failure. Project Nightmare therefore no longer exists. You have already signed to the concluding details and know your duties therein. Furthermore, you are hereby under the command of Grand Inquisitor Valten promoted to the rank of Inquisitor. The order will be filed with your acceptance."

    The small blue figure crossed his arms across his chest, Helghast's head tilted back slightly as he waited for a response. These secure channels meant that there was a moment delay between what was said and what was actually received.


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