Her eyes had slipped over the crowd for a while, and been arrested by a very tall and certainly very handsome young man who was a total unknown to her. There were indeed quite many unknown faces here this evening, and Cora didn't know whether she should find this refreshing or a nuisance. There were even some unhuman features around - the CEO of Silenus Corp, for one, and a Cizerack, too. And then there was the strange white-eyed man who had somehow felt wrong, even though she had no way of understanding why. He certainly didn't look wrong, except for the unusual color of his eyes, but then a waiter she had asked had told her he was an Arkanian, and all Arkanians supposedly had eyes like that. Yet still she got an uneasy feeling whenever her eyes slipped past it.

The tall young man remained by himself for a while, and Cora had just made up her mind to go over and introduce herself and maybe make the poor boy a bit more welcome amongst this crowd of whom he obviously didn't know anyone, when she saw Russard's little girl accost him with a friend of hers. Yet now that she was already in mid-motion, she couldn't very well stop again and attract the attention of anyone by such jumpy behavior - no, she'd need to go somewhere.

It was then that she became aware of a presence in the room, and as she looked up, she met the eyes of her only son, who was suddenly almost directly in her way, even if there were more than 20 people milling between them.

He looked away after a moment during which his face had set into a scowl, but he didn't leave the spot he was in. Cora couldn't see who was next to him, but .. well.. she would - she was his mother, after all! Didn't a mother have the right to see - to talk - to her only son? He wasn't going to deny her that right here, in front of all these people! She'd be damned if she couldn't get him to at least exchange a word or two with her!

And before her courage could leave her again, she forced her way through the people in her way, eager and yet apprehensive of what was to come.