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Thread: IC Questionnaire

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Information IC Questionnaire

    So this is a questionnaire written by Callista (thanks ) over at SWRPG, which I thought some people here might enjoying filling in Basically, you answer as the account you're posting as. So if you have multiple characters, you can post multiple times with those different characters answers!

    Character Questionnaire:

    1. Who is your Character?

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    He has taken a supreme vow of celibacy, like his father, and his father before him...

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    1. Who is your Character?
    Abarai Loki, a fourteen year old boy who identifies himself as a Jedi.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    He is from Alderaan, the son of a doctor and starfighter pilot, both of whom were enrolled in the Rebellion.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    Loki's Jedi training was strict and regimented; he and his brother became soldiers under their master's supervision, their discipline and sense of order were exemplary. Loki sees himself as a Jedi and nothing else, he knows nothing else beyond his training and despite his intelligence and insight, common sense is quite alien to him.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    He didn't choose to become a Jedi, that choice was made for him by his parents when they handed him over into the care of his uncle. He has no other allegience other than that towards his fellow Jedi.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    I wanted to take what I had achieved with Loki Ahmrah pre-reset, an intelligent youngster with an old soul taking a step into a larger world, and approach it from another angle. This Loki has no sense of individuality or humour and despite being highly trained in the Jedi arts, he has no sense of the outside world and discovering it is as daunting an adventure for him as becoming a Jedi was for his pre-reset counterpart.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    For the longest time, I played around with the idea of restarting Loki, setting him up somewhere homely like Chandrila and have him find himself on the path to becoming a Jedi, having met some wizened old hermit or something. Then I realised that once I had him on that path, it would feel far too much like my old character and I wanted to avoid that as much as possible.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    Take on an apprentice, as he would be excellent at it.

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?
    Him not having someone to take on as an apprentice.

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?
    I try not to think of it, although if I wanted some sense of closure then I imagine I would be satisfied with Loki growing up into a free man who no longer identifies himself as a Jedi, who is no longer burdened by that legacy and who is quite happy to settle down somewhere in peace.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    This character hasn't gotten anywhere yet, if anything I had planned to make more progress than this when I started.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    I've already jumped him from one scenario to another to try and progress him but the roleplays in which he is involved just seem to die. This isn't disheartening at all...

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    The Jedi characters converging to give him some sense of purpose and belonging.

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    The above issue has been discussed at length but sadly, Loki is not in any position to do anything about it.

  3. #3
    Aree Ankarta
    1. Who is your Character?
    Nya Halcyon is a 30-year-old woman of Jedi parentage who - due to unusual circumstances - grew up to be a Mandalorian warrior rather than a Jedi knight. To hide her Jedi origin, she's using the name Aree Ankarta to make a living in the galaxy as a bountyhunter, but has recently been in employ of the Counis Corporation on Imperial Center to pay back a debt... kind of.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    She was born on Corellia, of Corellian parents. Her first five years were the life of a Jedi youngling, then she got plunged into a world of war and warrior training and thinking as she spent three years with a clone commando fleeing from the Jedi Purge; after that she got wholely absorbed into the Mandalorian culture and adopted into a clan on Mandalore - her previous life as a Jedi child has become almost erased in her mind.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    1. Corellian Stubbornness.
    2. Loss of her parents at an early age.
    3. Loss of her childhood due to being on the run.
    4. Having an ex clone commando with Mandalorian leanings as a kind of foster father/brother
    5. Being raised by an ex-Jedi Mandalorian mercenary and his clan, who told her to see her Force skills as nothing but an extra set of skills
    6. A complete loss of self-control at an important event, and all the consequences that had
    7. Hating herself.
    ....... etc...

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    She got adopted by a Mandalorian clan, and told that her Jedi skills were nothing special.... so there's not that much to do on Mandalore, if you're past a certain age, and becoming a Jedi in this time and age is the most direct route to being killed, so you eventually end up running berserk around the galaxy for a while until you get the urge to do something more meaningful - so then you chose the second most direct route to being killed and become a bounty hunter. At least that one pays better.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    That's not all that long ago - so I can still remember what I had in mind. And it's not all that far off from where the character is going right now.
    Basically, I wanted to simply have this character with all its paradoxic character traits, and all its messed up history, and see what would happen if history slowly undid itself...

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    Since the pre-reset Nya used to be a Dark Jedi through and through, I wanted to do something totally different; initially I'd planned to make her a mass-murderer who'd eventually get caught by the Inquisitors and killed. I wanted to put this character to rest, actually.
    Then I got caught up in Mandalorian history and clones, started my clone character - and Nya sort of got changed to fit into his story.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    Play out a training session with her Mandalorian "father" Bardan Jusik, complete with philosophical debate about the Jedi and their faults - with Bardan being played by his original creator, Karen Traviss

    ... or have her lose control over herself and spend a steamy night with Darven :evil

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?
    Karen Traviss doesn't roleplay, and she doesn't come to places like this because of various legal issues with her reading SW fanfic-type writing...

    ... as for the other thing: absolutely nothing :evil :evil :evil

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?
    Not really. I'd love for her to figure out what life's all about, make peace with the Jedi, the Mandalorians, Darven, and settle down and have lots of babies with a caring husband.... but she's a fickle fiend and usually has a mind of her own. She'll probably get killed by the Inqs at some point.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    I dunno - I've had her past figured out, but not so much her future, so with that being open, she's got room to evolve. She does occasionally seem impossible to play because I'm not quite sure where she is going, opposed to where I want her to go, but nothing out of control yet.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    Oh hell yeah - more than satisfied.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    Finding the time and having an undistracted mind to write her....

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    There is no try... but unfortunately I don't have the time, and I'm not willing to give up my career or family for it so.... things are fine as they are

  4. #4
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    You look like you work at a hasidic meth lab.

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    1. Who is your Character?
    Hobgoblin. In post-reset current day, Hob is about 130 years old.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    I actually don't have a good answer to this, because the answer doesn't exist in SW canon or even EU info. Hob is of the same race as Yoda and Yaddle, though was born disfigured and different looking. Hence his speech, mannerisms, and general appearance are very similar to that of our venerated Muppet.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    Hob's background always stemmed from the different appearance he had from others of his species. For a combination of reasons stemming from this, he was outcast as a result. Pre-reset Hob's choices were always the result of a seething hatred for his own people and a desire to prove himself superior to them and others. Post-reset Hob had the same beginning, but on the fateful day he was cast out, he chose instead to forgive those who shunned him. As we shall see, the consequences of a single day continue to ripple outwards.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    Hob is not currently aligned. Although he is a Jedi Master in his level of experience, he was never formally affiliated with the Order in any way. If he had been, perhaps a great deal of suffering might have been spared, but such is not the way of things.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    My goals for pre-reset Hob were primarily to create a unique character that matched the insane menagerie of the Black Hand. Post-reset, my goal for bringing him back is to maintain a good-aligned character. A special goal for Hob, is that I intend to make every scene he is in have some kind of comedic tilt. We'll see how I do.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    I didn't, really. Hob was created entirely new pre-reset, and he became a kind of anti-Yoda through his pre-reset adventures. Post-reset, I wanted to return to the character largely for comedic reasons so I flipped a few switches in his backstory to get there.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    Have Hob meet Yoda, or one of the penultimate Jedi from the prequel trilogy like Mace, Anakin, or Obi-Wan.

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?
    They're dead in our universe. Although as we've seen, death hasn't stopped Yoda from poking around and having an influence on things.

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?
    Right now? No. Hob's current bent is that of a farmer, and given his naturally long lifespan, I see Hob eventually becoming a tender of the reformed Jedi Order, encouraging its growth until he dies of natural causes.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    Not yet. However, the best ones inevitably do.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    Haven't had a lot of time to do much. What I've done so far is promising though.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    Liz coming back as I had a ton of fun ideas to do with her. Also, having an apprentice which I will soon.

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    Well, I can't make Liz come back, sadly. I've been looking for a fighting-oriented female character to pal around with Hob since not long after I brought him back. That solution fell into my lap, actually. We shall see where it goes.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Yay...maybe this'll bring back some inspiration. After muse is a fickle bitch with a very short attention span!

    I did this about a year ago with Em back on swrpg so...this should be fun to see how's she's changed to me if nothing else.

    1. Who is your Character?
    Emelie Vivica Shadowstar. Business woman by day...wanna be crime lord, black arms dealer, and general alcoholic by night. lol

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    She was born in space, on her parent's ship. Merchants. So nothing special there...but I guess she does derive a lot of her attitude from her Grandmother... A Zeltron madam.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    Short...? Rough childhood.
    Slightly longer version: She witnessed her parents' death by space pirates when she was 5...which effectively shut her down. Grandmother refused to take care of her (using the excuse that her "home" was hardly a place to raise a child) and so instead she got to be raised in an "orphanage" that was really more of an institution for "troubled youths". Not the greatest start but when she finally snapped out of her trauma she basically had this attitude of "live every day to the fullest" and went off to make a little place for herself in the universe - first as a mechanic in a small fleet, then took off doing smuggling jobs on her lonesome, moved on to arms dealing and is slowly climbing the social ladder. During which she really did become a bit of a corrupted little thing - one of those "sex, drunks & music" types. As for now...Emelie constantly has this issue between her old life of essentially bottom rung outer rim lifestyle and now managing to get a foot into corporate business which demands her to be more proper. I need to start letting her run amok under her aliases again

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    In short...she refuses to pick a side that isn't her own. She sees the galactic civil war as good for business...and while she does own a tavern on Coruscant that acts as a rebel safe house behind the scenes...again, it's really more of a business venture than her really believing in their cause.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    When I first started her off she was doing the smuggling portion of her life. I didn't really have any plans for her other than for her to run around. Then she went silent for a few years and when I brought her back she'd gotten into the owning a black market arms dealing business, essentially. Had fronts of various bars and shops on various planets and for some reason it just all fit her. So I've been running with that ever since.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    Ha ha...there's been a few...but her renewing her friendship with Xavier (who was actually Sumor when we first went about doing it! ) really sparked the current line and I'm so having fun with it. There was a time when the company was going to be a larger front for a larger criminal organization (Black Sun rivals, really) but that sadly never got off the ground. Been trying to figure out exactly what to do with her since I've moved her over to Fans since she was all over the place over on swrpg.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    I so want her to have a hand in everything. Not on an influential scale...but allies/clients/customers on all sides. Random people in her employ that could either be purposely hurting their chosen faction or possibly even thinking she'd be able to help them. But I always wanted her to be really smart about it so that if two people from opposing sides every figured out she was working with both of them the other person would almost be forced to assume that she was using just the company with the other and that all the behind-the-scenes stuff was only with them. If that makes any sense...

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?
    In short? Relocation. I was very very close to getting this over on the other board with her. She had allies within the Sith, allies within the Jedi...was working on various NFU people that were popping up and since I talked to most of the people I'm sure getting her hand in both the Empire and the Republic wouldn't have been hard at all. lol
    So now I'm basically starting from the beginning...and's been awkward as I'm not all that familiar with you all yet and don't want to impose/be obnoxious/etc. ^__^;
    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?
    Well supposedly she'll die of old age after finally settling down and having a family...But who knows? Bad luck always seemed to find her before and she often got into really bad situations but somehow got out of them okay for the most part.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    Not entirely, really. She's definitely got a mind of her own and sometimes just goes off on things that make me question her actual intentions. I find myself having to roll with stuff as it comes with her a lot. lol
    Though, not really having plans for her in the first place I guess has basically just let her do that.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    I'd love to get her back to where she was planning to go just before I moved her over here. But I think that'll take time and well...less writer's block on my part.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    My own activity level, I think. I just need to start getting her active again...and stop being nervous about asking people if they want to RP

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    I think dropping her into that big fancy party thread will be a great thing for her in the end.
    ...that and I so need to have her get into random drinking contests with people again. I don't know why but that seems to always work with getting her some good contacts. lmao

  6. #6
    Zenas Codrey
    1. Who is your Character?
    Zenas Codrey, a user of the Dark Side with power equivalent to a Jedi Knight.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    Zenas is Togruta, but was not raised on Shili. He was born on a spaceship and grew up on Naalol, learning as much about his Togruta heritage as possible, and dealing with the harshness of Naalol’s predominately human people.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    A difficult childhood and a coddling mother. Zenas came to depend so completely on his mother to get him through the bullying he faced, and presumed that she depended upon him for the same reason, though her adult peers were, in general, at least polite and courteous with her. When he found this was not the case, as she began to develop a deep relationship with a human woman, he ran away, feeling betrayed. He was picked up by a fallen Jedi Knight with a similar betrayal issue, and was trained with skills to kill the human and take back his mother.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    Zenas is unaligned. Any faction wishing to recruit him would have to manipulate him via his goal of “reclaiming” his mother.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    I’d had an idea with the character Titian Snow, pre-reset, in which he felt ostracized by his best friends and mother,who were forming strong relationships that didn’t include him. I was hoping to find a darksider to work some paranoia into Titian so he’d fall to the darkside and give me another “bad guy” to play, since all mine were defunct or had performed Heel-Face Turns. Post-reset, I simply eliminated the friends and started him neutral, heading straight for the Dark Side.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?

    I’d considered him being Sith, a disciple of an old master that had survived the Sith’s horrendous in-fighting, or having him be Average Joe Freighter Pilot and getting sucked into dramatic events through destiny or luck or something. Ultimately I went with the Dark Side idea because I remembered I’d had a strong Dark-Sider pre-reset and was entitled to have one in the post-reset.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?

    Zenas gets into a LOT of combat situations. This is okay, and I guess it’s going to happen given his short temper, xenophobia, and power-set that lends itself easily to combat, but I want to do a kind of “slice of life” thread where Zenas doesn’t get involved in anything dramatic, to see how he’d handle a “normal” day, or do a thread where he is entirely dependent on someone else for his daily needs.

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?
    The slice-of-life thread would be easily done, if I could somehow ensure that no bounty-hunters would arrive and try to claim the bounty that was recently put out on him. The 2<sup>nd</sup> idea I see as inevitable, as the bounty has put him through many fights in a short time. Even with the Force on his side, he’d tire, be injured, or something and need to accept some kind of help. Again, it’s a matter of finding the right characters and ensuring no bounty-hunters.

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?

    I see an end of this phase, in which he finds his mother and confronts her. Depending on how that turns out, I can see him moving in any number of directions.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    No. I actually kind of wish it would get a little haywire. Then again, the last time my “main” dark sider got hijacked, it was for the worse, so…

    11.Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    Uh…maybe I’d like to speed up the pace of his story (just a bit) and get him into more dramatic, non-combat kind of stuff. He hasn’t moved away from his purpose, he just doesn’t seem to be moving towards it either.

    12.What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?

    No idea. In general I guess I need to RP with more people and find more time to do it.

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?<o></o>
    I’ve tried to set up a few threads with bounty hunters. Some are working, some aren’t. Time will cease to be a constraing starting next month (I hope) so yeah.<o></o>

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    1. Who is your character?
    Trix Allias Idalix, Holovid Actor and pilot of the Imperial Starfighter Corps.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    Trix is born from a Coruscanti mother and a Corellian father; for much of his childhood he lived on Corellia, and when he landed a popular role on a galaxy-syndicated sitcom, they relocated to Imperial Centre. He is largely Imperial in culture, but views the Empire as a flawed but more stable governing body than that which the Rebellion promotes.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    Nature, nuture, fate, coincidence, and some deep introspective thought.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    Before Endor, Trix Idalix was like much of the population, who was kept largely unaware and oblivious to the Galactic Civil War raging around them. When the second Death Star was destroyed, shocked by the amount of lives lost and the sheer seeming brutality of the Rebellion's actions in snuffing the lives of billions of people on the Death Star, Trix signed up at the Imperial Academy.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    I wanted an average, regular sort of person who found themselves in the midst of this war and forming their own views based on their experiences; I wanted a character of my own that was thinking, feeling, and sympathetic character that didn't join the Rebellion.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    None for Trix.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    So far, I haven't been able to sketch out a clear path I desire Trix to go, or any clear goals for him.

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?

    [quote]9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?[/quote
    Due to the flexibility that Trix has as a character and a foil for other characters, Trix has a number of very plausible endings, including several manners of death; promotions into Fleet; merely not re-enlisting... etc. It could go on.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    Not quite yet.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    I am satisfied for the moment.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    Time or essentially: less term papers and exams to study for, less laundry to do, less cleaning up to do, less jobs to look for, less grades to worry about; and a better sleep schedule than my present one.

    13.Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    Nothing I can do until everything's taken care of.

  8. #8
    1. Who is your Character?

    Zai Beauvais, former Zann employee. 20, and doing big things in the world. Don't forget the force. I got that on my side too.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?

    Of course, Corellia. Where else coulda made a guy like me?

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?

    Because I rather live than exist when the galaxy is as wack as it is. And I've seen it. I've seen how bad it gets.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?

    Because the Empire doesn't pay informants all that well. They got they own.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?

    Main goal is to unearth his/the Jedi history and go from there with his powers so he get Zann back for what he did to him and his family's life.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?

    I considered making him a slave related to Juno somehow, or involve with Winter.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?

    Have a grand battle with another Force user

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?

    He still hasn't encounter another Force user that merits...attack?

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?

    No ending in sight, but just to think out the question I feel if there was an ending to him it would have to be in some meager death, unbefitting for all his accomplishments. It would be poetic, sad, but small death in the grand scheme. Nothing like falling down a shaft like Mr Palpatine.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?

    Still hasn't gotten the chance to go out of control, but I see that as a possibility since he sits so much in the grey.

    11. Are you satisfied wi
    th where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?

    I am, because nothing really has happened with him yet.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?

    I think more people getting involved with him, and his operation to resurrect, or investigate the background of the Jedi, as well as flesh out his back story, and how that has developed him into the person he is. Also, the crooked behind the scenes work he has done, and does presently.

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?

    No, not yet. I will. I plan to. My plan is to get more people involved in his story, since there is the avenue of getting him to encounter a Jedi and exactly what that will do to his psyche and reveal about his backstory.

  9. #9
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    1. Who is your Character?
    Wyl Staedtler, a nine(ten?)-year-old Jedi apprentice.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    He was raised on Coruscant by his mother, a single parent who herself grew up among the Jedi and who harboured them after the Purge.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    After witnessing his mother's murder, Wyl internalized a great deal, using his natural curiosity and exhuberance as a coping mechanism and a protection. He still has yet to acknowledge the permanence of his mother's death and continues to choose to distract himself with his training and with the worlds around him.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    The alternative was being placed within a foster-family situation and attempting to live out a relatively normal life.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    The very first objective was to somehow get Wyl in communication with remaining Jedi. The idea of a young child with a vague connection to Jedi history all of sudden thrust into a very strange and often scary galaxy, with abilities he didn't understand, was intriguing.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    Wyl originally started out as Metzger Annaud, a young kid from a society which considered Force-users to be sorcerers. It evolved dramatically once Oa entered the picture - she was a character from a story a friend and I co-wrote and somehow just ended up becoming this really maternal force that changed everything once she and Wyl found each other. (Staedtler was the brand of dry-erase pen I was using to brainstorm with.)

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    Have him stranded. Being isolated from those he's formed ties with is an almost phobic fear of his.

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?
    Not sure yet. I don't see him dying anytime soon, but as to which way his path will wind, it's anyone's guess.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    Definitely gone beyond what was originally planned, but certainly isn't out of control. Yet.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    No. Honestly, I'd like to wipe the slate clean and start over.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    Ideas. I've felt tapped out, which has played a big part in my recent semi-absence.

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    Taken a break, basically, to let the creative juices marinate.

  10. #10
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Amos Iakona's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    Ossus / Astral Queen
    1. Who is your Character?
    Amos Iakona, a former Scout Trooper who served for a spell in the Rebel Alliance, but is currently out roaming on his own.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    He is from Naboo, and is a former volunteer in the Royal Security Force like his father; his mother ran a small bakery utilising ingredients sourced from her father's farm.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    Amos was manoeuvred - unwillingly - into a career in the Naboo Security Force , and then drafted equally reluctantly into the Stormtrooper Corps. While a law-abiding citizen, he wasn't quite as fanatical as his superiors would have liked, and suffered the repercussions of bucking authority a few times too many. He wound up being tossed out on his ear and being forced to roam the galaxy for a while, and is pretty bitter about the whole thing.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    It was an accident. He and his partner - Jaden Luka - were a little late renewing their private courier's licence, and were stopped as suspected smugglers by the Imperials. They were "saved" by the Rebel Alliance, and his partner's enthusiasm for their cause dragged him along with it.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    They were supposed to be the grumpy counterpart to Jaden Luka - the generic reluctant, grizzled, world-savvy mentor type person that would counterbalance Jaden's flyboy attitude.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    I toyed with having Amos and Jaden remain independant, but having Jaden wind up in the Rebellion seemed most logical, and Amos had to tag along. He was going to wind up as part of SpecForce, but that didn't quite seem to gel with his character either. He's wound up breaking out on his own now, so that he can screw around for a bit until a definate direction springs up. I'm working at the minute on unearthing some latent Force potential.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    Have him meet Wyl Staedler, just so Wyl can be wowed by the number of concealed weapons Amos carries.

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?
    Just timeline stuff at the minute, but the wheels are in motion... I think...

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?
    I can see him becoming some sort of sentinel-type Jedi Knight, provided that someone can manage to give his morality a kick in the pants. He's a good guy, and once he gets sold on the idea he's definately the protector / guardian type: I just haven't found his motivation yet.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    Yeah. Pesky character went and grew a third dimension on me.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    I'm happy to just go with the flow on this one, to be honest. Seeing how he reacts and interacts with everyone is far too much fun.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    Managing to find a place where he can set up shop and get some long-term character interaction / relationships / development type stuff going, rather than the inferred / implied stuff I've managed to establish thus far.

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    Yeah, but the best laid plans of mice and men and all that... I guess I'm just gonna keep shifting him around until I settle on somewhere that fits.

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sometimes I think about having you executed, just to see the expression on your face!

    DragonCon 09
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    Razielle Alastor's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    1. Who is your Character?
    Razielle Ave Alastor, former ward of Queen Adraudia Basilie of Onderon. She has married into the Alastor Dynasty of Hapes, despite the fact that she was already wed in secret to her master, Darth Callidus.
    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    Her home world was an island Utopia, haven to artisans and musicians. Her relative freedom to say and do as she pleased set the stage for her mannerisms and quixotic nature.
    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    Because, although she enjoyed the finer things in life, she was kept in a pretty cage like a pet monkey and made to perform at her father's behest. Suspicions, mistrust and a feeling that she wanted something more corrupted her over time.
    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    Her master led, she followed. It also gave her a chance to reunite with Queen Adraudia who was a childhood friend. Remaining on Onderon with her Queen and her Master was exactly what she wanted.
    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    Razielle was a swordswoman who had beaten all of the master's hired to train her. She was looking for new guidance for her uncommon talents when someone she could not beat arrived in her life. Her goals, then and now, are to continue to learn from her master and to help him achieve whatever goals he has in mind.
    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    I didn't really consider anything else for Razielle after the reset. Rather I merged her pre-reset backstory with another character, Serafina Chiavari who I played elsewhere, and voila!.. Swordsy Raz was born.
    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    Well.. you know, chat room Raz did start out as an Imperial.
    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?
    Why? Nothing.. Nothing at all.
    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?
    Not anytime soon, but if and when she does go out, it will be a glorious, tear jerk ending, because that's what I do.
    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    Nope. Everything is proceeding exactly as I have forseen.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    As above, everything is as it should be. In fact it just keeps getting better. I would like to do more Sithly outings, but it's hard to manage when you are closely knit with two monarchies. I may steal Molly Black to pose as a body double or something.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    Mia Kirshner in an action movie? I'm sure she could do it! I kid. To be honest, I've played Raz long enough that she is easiest for me to write as.

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    I prayed to Mia.. She has yet to act as benevolent Goddess.. I continue to have faith.

  12. #12
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Silver-Tongued Devil

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Tear's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    1. Who is your Character?
    Grand Inquisitor Tear, currently lurking in the shadows and off official Imperial channels.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?
    Tear suffers from a severe case of memory loss due to prolonged use of various drugs. So he cannot remember where he comes from exactly but its rumored to be Iridonia.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?
    Born wrong. Not that he can remember, but his childhood was a loving one. There were no accidents or outside influences that may have scarred or shaped him to become the man he is today. He was simply born with rage in his soul. The type of kid you would find torturing the neighborhood animals to death for fun.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?
    Found to be different (read: sadistic) at a young age. He was inducted into a special program for children who held the same traits. The end product of this program was military in nature and was orchestrated by the Empire. So I guess he chose the faction as must as it picked him.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?
    On my return to the boards I had a single story line I wanted to accomplish with this character. That is still my goal.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?
    I had a couple of different storylines in mind when I returned but instead of choosing one over the other I sort of blended them together. Taking the dominant aspects of each arc and making it a foot note in an overall larger story.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?
    Lurking in the shadows can only be fun for so long. I'm growing eager to get the character out in the open again.

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?
    I'm a dreadfully slow writer.

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?
    Yes. You really want me to ruin the surprise?

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?
    Out of control? No... but definitely gone beyond what I had originally planned. For the better in my mind. The beautiful thing about roleplaying is that stories tend to change when you collaborate with another writer.

    My original storyline has bended somewhat with the inclusion of other writers, other ideas, and exciting story lines but the overall goal and plot remains the same.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?
    I am very satisfied.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?
    I believe I already have the MOST help anyone could ask for in terms of driving my character forward. Collaborating with some of the best on the boards is very inspiring. Everyone on the boards, for the most part, are extremely open and willing to experiment or shoot ideas back and forth which provides an excellent environment for creativity.

    The only downfall is that this a hobby and as such is first to suffer when real life calls. Which is understandable but It can be sad to see other writers come up with great ideas and just let them die because they get distracted by something like world of warcraft.(not that im knocking the game)

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?
    Not much can be done as this is just a hobby for most.
    Last edited by Tear; Jun 7th, 2009 at 12:40:19 PM. Reason: Bump, needs more characters because this makes for interesting reading.

  13. #13
    Baralai Lotus
    Character Questionnaire:

    1. Who is your Character?

    Baralai Lotus, Sith Knight and Alchemist. Also goes by Darth Ouroboros and more recently, Darth Atra'Voltur.

    2. Where did they come from culture and planet/region wise?

    He was born on Coruscant, although most of his past is unknown. He has chosen to forget most of his childhood, seeing it as irrelevant as to who he is today.

    3. In short, why are they the way they are?

    Baralai has a twisted view of the world. Seeing people as Sinners if they ignore the potential they possess. His study of the Force and the dark side has opened him up to power he always wanted. And in his mind, he is a God. He believes, that since the Force is something all living beings posses, that if they do not use the power given to them, they are ignoring their right to ascend and deserve to be put out of commission. So, he plays the part of some kind of twisted Justice, destroying anyone who refuses to use their potential.

    4. Why did they choose the faction they did?

    Power. Simple as that. Baralai saw an opportunity to gain power by studying under the Sith, and so, he took it. Currently, his associations with the Imperials have several purposes, although they all related to his need for power.

    5. When you first started them what was the main goal? What did you hope to achieve with them?

    Well. . .being that I was the only Sith Alchemist on the forums at the time, my goal was to explore that power and really see what Baralai could do with it. I wanted him to travel, explore, experiment, and take on a few Apprentices. Baralai's pursuit at first was to gain knowledge and power, and so, I wanted to originally have him sit on the Council and lead the Sith Order. This is still a goal in Baralai's mind, and after having watched the Order fall, he wants nothing more than to see it rise as a beacon of power again. He wants the universe to quiver at the mention of his name.

    6. What other storylines did you consider and why did you choose the one you did?

    Really, for Baralai, there was no other storyline. He knew what he wanted and he went with it. He just sort of went in that direction. So many of the things he went through at first were people trying to knock him down and destroy his illusions of power. This only strengthened him, and he pushed forward even harder. His storyline just fit.

    7. What have you always wanted to do with them?

    Rebuild the Sith Order and have him lead it. I want him to take on a cult of Sith Alchemists, and almost brain wash them. Have them believe that Baralai is a great person and God-like, and willing to die for him. To have them then mow through the galaxy and re-make life with Alchemy. Make it better, and in his mind, perfect.

    8. Assuming it's not wiping out an entire faction or creating a new Death Star, what is stopping you from doing #7?

    I need the players, the credits, and just the resources to rebuild the Order. He wants it to be a Utopia, and so he needs help. Currently, he's receiving that help. But it's gonna take a while, and he's going to have to find a suitable planet to place the new Order on.

    9. Do you see an ending for this character? What is it?

    Yes. I do see an ending for him. But, all in all, he would have to be taken down by some sort of opposing force. It would take someone finally knocking him down, and not necessarily killing him, but just proving that even with all his power, he can still be beaten. Make him believe that he will never be perfect, never be a God, and that he will never win against this one person. I could also see him making a holocron and fading away. Still kept alive by the power of the Dark Side, just watching, waiting for someone to find his holocron.

    10. Has this character gone beyond what you had originally planned for them? Gotten out of control?

    Not really. Baralai has followed the path I pretty much wanted. Although his current employer is someone I didn't expect.

    11. Are you satisfied with where they are now or would you like to rework them back to their original purpose?

    I love where Baralai is now. It makes me unbelievably happy. He's a great character, and a lot of fun to play.

    12. What would MOST help you in RPing and being creative with this character?

    Getting some more Sith back on the boards and actually getting to interact with them and make an impact on the boards. I feel like without an Order or some kind of faction to protect and be a face for, Baralai is a little lost. So, his devotion to the Order drives him. I'd like to see the Order come back, and of course, see Baralai at the helm.

    13. Have you done anything to try and solve #12? What was it?

    Like I said, he's working on amassing supplies currently. It won't be long, hopefully, and what Baralai wants will be achieved.


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