Unseen by those gathered – their eyes drawn towards the spectacle unfolding at the front of the hall – another figure slipped through the doors, into the church. To the eye, it appeared an unobtrusive thing, dressed in robes that mirrored the style of many others present, but a closer look would have revealed that this attire was nothing more than a hastily fashioned disguise to create the illusion of uniformity. The truth of it was that beneath the many folds of cloth, enshrouded within a heavy hood, was a man on the brink of terror.

An apprentice artisan within the Ministry of Truth, his duty was to monitor and process data. His days were spent before a computer terminal, eyes fixed unwaveringly upon a screen and the hundreds upon thousands of characters to be read. What his post did not include was field excursions in the unsavory depths of Coruscant, where a man with a patriotic disposition towards the Empire would find himself out-numbered and out-gunned by those who thought otherwise.

The fear and sweat rolled off him in waves, as he crept his way forward to one of the benches furthest from the Master's lectern. Eyes twitching back and forth, he placed himself at a distance from any others and strained his neck to try and see what was going on up ahead...