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Thread: Hot in the City

  1. #61
    Ethan Masters
    Ethan was sleeping fitfully. He couldn't stay asleep for more than a few minutes at a time. When he had finally gotten to sleep for an hour or two, some stupid person slammed the bathroom door so loud it had woken him up.

    He had tried all sorts of positions but nothing had worked.

    By the time morning came...well, morning as they neared Japan, he was so tired still, and cranky, and just wanting someone to start something so he could pull out his gun and shoot at them. He didn't know how long it would be till they actually landed, but it couldn't be that long, because the Asians on the plane were stirring and seemingly readying themselves to get off. The pilot would get on sometime soon and tell them how long they would be in flight. But as Ethan sat up and groaned at the pains in his back and neck, he just wanted to throw himself off the plane. Now.

  2. #62
    Peta Miller
    The bathroom had been quite the experience for Peta, being unusually tall and somewhat claustorphobic, having to pee was more like an algebraic equation, having to figure out a way to sit and allow her legs to be in her chest, pulling her pants up and washing her hands...what normally should have been less than three minutes, took Peta ten. By the time she had managed to get out of the bathroom, her legs having jammed the door tighter than it should have been, three people were standing there looking at her like she had just murdered their best friend.

    "Sorry." She said with a positive smile, but their faces stood sturn with annoyance. She took into consideration how long they'd been flying, how they might not speak english, how some just needed to use the bathroom...still she figured they would get over it. She sighed out and walked back to her seat, seeing Ethan's head moving slightly. She grinned, larger than she should have, glad to see he was awake.

    "Morning!" She sat down hard in her seat. She was very chipper, she had gotten some hot coffee a few hours earlier, actually slept better on the plane than she normally would have at home, and was ready to land and take on the world of Tokyo. However, she realized some weren't morning people. Peta took into account that Ethan might not be one of those people. She stopped smiling brightly and cleared her throat, resituating herself in the chair, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

    "How'd you sleep? We have about an hour left or so till we land. Can I get you anything? Need anything?"

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