Orange laughed at the statement, the image of somehow losing virginity to this woman was a very welcomed offer, too bad she had already been deprived of her V-Card for quite some time now. She looked over at the new pleasant face and said hello before following Conner up the ramp to be shown the issues. She was excited, for many reasons, she was with people who actually made her smile instead of agitated, she was going to get to work with her hands, and was definitely going to get to do it on this wonderful ship, which looked rather expensive. If Orange had ten minutes in the engine room she could roughly estimate the price of the ship.

"Sounds like a plan." She stated lowly, looking at the ground breifly to walk up the ramp, the moment she looked up the only thing she noticed being the nice round behind going from side to side with the woman's steps. Hmm, Orange was definitely finding new horizon's in short time. She just might have to try out a new kind of species of love before this night was over if she wasn't careful.