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Thread: The Tour Guide

  1. #21
    Little John. Funny, in all his life he'd never been called that one before. Still, Duncan pressed a valid question. Where to? There wasn't much on the second floor but more living quarters and classrooms. Oh, and the library, too. Well, if Duncan was going to be a member of staff, that probably meant he'd get a classroom, too.

    "I presume you've seen the living quarters, most of them are prettymuch the same, so, shall we take a look at the classrooms? Henri, mind using yours for an example, if there isn't anyone else using it at the moment, that is?" John asked.

  2. #22
    "There is nothing scheduled this early."

    Broussard hobbled on ahead, fiddling with a key on a nearby door.

    "This is for historical lecture, english, grammar, civics, and economics."

    Inside was an unconventional room, with comfortable seats, warm colors, and rich hardwood bookshelves full of tomes of interest. There was a polished wooden podium, and a large plasma screen behind it. It seemed less a classroom and more a relaxed living room environment.

  3. #23
    "Henri here has one of the better classrooms," John announced. "At least for lectures and whatnot. Keep meaning to sit in on one of your lessons, but the opportunity never seems to come up."

    Deep down, John was actually a bit jealous of Henri, and his respect from the students. They actually thought of him as a teacher, and listened when he talked. Not to mention his powers allowed him to maintain a cheating-free environment, something that John struggled with in his own classes.

  4. #24
    Sidney Burns
    Sid followed behind the three teachers (although she couldn't see what Duncan could teach anyone if he couldn't even walk down the stairs...) with a light sigh, hands stuffed into her pockets. Being in a classroom just reminded her of the mountain of studying she had left in her room...

  5. #25
    "Well, I can say this much, Henri. I bet you don't find any half-chewed gum stuck underneath your tables and chairs."

    His arms were folded. He walked casually across the room and sat himself down on the most comfortable looking chair. He sighed.

    "Back home, they wouldn't call this place a school. They'd call it a bloody mansion."

    He noticed Sid looking a little alienated, standing with her back to the wall not saying a word.

    "What do you study, Sid? Do you enjoy history lectures in the lap of luxury with Mister Broussard?"

  6. #26
    Sidney Burns

    There was a pause, one that lasted longer than it should have.

    "History's okay, I guess. Some classes are more interesting than others. I'm trying to take a little bit of everything."
    Last edited by Sidney Burns; Nov 19th, 2006 at 01:09:22 AM.

  7. #27
    "Sounds like a sound plan. I never got to enjoy a proper education so I might just take advantage of living in a school. In fact, if you ever have a wee bash at Scottish history, give us a shout, Henri."

    He looked across the room at John, who gingerly shifted his weight from foot to foot.

    "And what does a big man such as yourself teach around here?"

  8. #28
    "Me?" John asked, then snapped back to reality. "I teach applied mechanical sciences, as well as theory of pysical energy. My classroom is the garage at the other end of the school." He jerked his thumb back over his shoulder.

    "I'm only sort of a part-time teacher, though. I do other things around the campus."

  9. #29
    "Really?" Duncan said, enthused. He sat upright in his chair.

    "Me ma always said that a good man should be good with his hands. Now, I can't make a paper aeroplane, let alone build a machine or fix a car engine but I'd like to give it a go. If it's not too much of a bother, mate, could I sit in ya next lesson?"

  10. #30
    To say John was suprise would have been an understatement. No one ever volunteered for his classes anymore. Oh, they used to, but now it seemed they'd all gone to wanting to learn computers instead of cars. "Uh, uh, sure. Yes, please, anytime," he stammered. "I've, um, got a class at two today, then another at four. At least those are my regular classes, I'm also responsible for helping out in the gym, too. Weightlifting and all that."

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Pan View Post
    "Well, I can say this much, Henri. I bet you don't find any half-chewed gum stuck underneath your tables and chairs."
    "Of course not." Henri replied matter-of-factly. "I have a knack for getting to the bottom of things. Mademoiselle Burns can tell you that we learn first, and play later. Our lecture halls may be cozy, but I expect sharp minds."

    This fellow, for whatever reason, was rubbing Henri's sensibilities the wrong way. Coming on far too strong. Some people just laid first impressions on thick, but Henri had a natural suspicion of such behavior.

    "You mentioned becoming a staff member, monsieur. What is your curriculum?"

  12. #32
    Sidney Burns
    Sid had managed to wander her way into the room, plonking down in one of the chairs. She rested her head on one hand, the other drumming loudly on the plush arm of her seat.

  13. #33
    "Me curriculum?" Duncan repeated with incredulity. He laughed.

    "Well, we'll be finding that out later, won't we? Perhaps, I'll make a good dance instuctor. What do you think, Sid? I can do a smart Fox Trot."

    Slouched in his chair, he gave her a wink, she looked thoroughly bored and he felt for her. He wondered if she saw him as a teacher or a peer.

    "Henri, you've succeeded in making me green with envy," he said jovially, "I only hope that should I ever find meself teaching in a classroom, it will be half as nice as this place. But I reckon we should press on before Sid begins to snooze."

    He pulled himself up out the seat and looked down at her, smiling.

    "It's ladies' choice."

  14. #34
    Sidney Burns
    "I guess we could go to the gym, or walk around the grounds. Maybe watch some of the students training."

    Watching the other kids play around with their powers was probably the most interesting thing to do, in Sids' opinion, on campus. You were almost guaranteed to see a fight or goof-up.

    "That's kind of interesting."

  15. #35
    "Perhaps the gymnasium would be a change of pace."

    Henri nodded along to young Sidney's idea.

    "In addition to an exacting educational curriculum, we offer sport and fitness activities to keep our students in athletic shape and hone a competitive edge."

    It was a field that Henri no longer was able to enjoy, but it was obvious that he once did it quite often.

    The group headed down the hallway, leading to an open area, marked by larger double doors.

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