The main gate opened wide and a lone man walked through. He instructed the animal handles on how to care for his mount, a giant Boma from the moon of Dxun. When he was finished there he entered the city. Everyone turned to look as the Beast Rider as he entered walked through the streets, his animal hide clothing making him stand out like an bantha in a bathtub. Some of those that recognized him stepped forward to engage him in idle conversation. Kyzer ignored them for the most part and continued on.

He had not been in Iziz City for quite some time, nearly a year, and he thought he was overdue on returning to see the city of his birth and perhaps to see his relatives, the royal family. Kyzer had not been born a Beast Rider, but rather had joined what few of the true Beast Riders remaining on Onderone during his teenage years and became one of them.

Kyzer toured the city for several hours, visiting the new sights and a few of the old ones. New buildings had been built while other ones had been torn down or abandoned. All of it combined convinced Kyzer that he needed to visit Iziz City more often then once a year.

In the end Kyzer found himself relaxing in an outdoor cafe with a cup of stimcaf in one hand and a bread stick in the other, thus discovering more things he was missing out on by living out in the wild.