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Thread: RotS DVD release date set

  1. #21
    I guess he whacks her at the temple?

  2. #22
    Darth McBain
    Cool pics, but where does the Shaak Ti stuff occur? At the end of clone wars, Grievous had escaped on the Invisible Hand and Shaak Ti was down on the surface of Coruscant in pretty sad shape. There's no way she could have made it up to the Invisible Hand (if that's where the scenes actually are) in time for those scenes to occur before Anakin and Obi-Wan showed up.

    And if the scenes are at the Jedi Temple, Grievous was out on Utupau by that time.


    Also, where do the water (fuel?) scenes occur with Anakin and Obi-Wan?

    Overall, the imagery is cool, but I'm having trouble figuring out where these would have fit in the movie. I guess it's just as well they were cut.

  3. #23
    Well according to the Making of Star Wars guide, she was suppose to be killed on board Grievious ship, but they shot the scenes and changed their minds and reshot it so Anakin killed her in the temple. I get that much as well from the novelization because in that Anakin decapitates her while she is meditating. Not sure how the scene was shot, though.

  4. #24
    Yeah, the big question mark is how the hell did Shaak-Ti get on the Invisible Hand anyway? I'm guessing the Clone Wars cartoon had a hand in getting that scene cut.

    If Anakin decapitated her while she was meditating in the temple, it could only be during the assault on the temple. If indeed she were there she must have been totally asleep at the switch.

  5. #25
    I think here dying there showed, how the darkside was winning because the light jedi couldn't even see their own demise. Of course the deaths of the other jedis show that pretty well.

  6. #26
    Darth McBain
    Some more info on the DVD...

    I know I'm hitting Best Buy Nov. 1 to pick mine up...

  7. #27
    Oh yeah, I'm saving my pennies for this.

  8. #28
    General Ceel
    Just 9 days left until the DVD comes out.

  9. #29
    8 Days To Go
    "Hey guys, instead of having Grievous appear like an unstoppable bad mofo like he did in the Clone Wars cartoon, let's cut the scene where he skewers Shaak Ti right in front of Anakin and Obi-Wan. Instead, we'll have him cough like he's suffering from asthma!"

    "Great George, another brilliant bit of comic relief."

  10. #30
    I don't know why that was cut. I know we see her later, but seeing Grievous like that would have been such an exclamation point for his intro; this guy means business, and he's nasty. Instead we get the wheezing bionicle wuss.

  11. #31
    Darth McBain
    Originally posted by JMK
    I don't know why that was cut. I know we see her later, but seeing Grievous like that would have been such an exclamation point for his intro; this guy means business, and he's nasty. Instead we get the wheezing bionicle wuss.
    Probably to keep it a PG-13 rating... I don't know how graphic that scene was, but the outright killing of Shaak Ti right in front of your eyes might have upped the rating to an R.

    Though I agree with you - after all the hype of Greivous, it would have been awesome to see him cut down Shaak Ti, one of the more beloved minor Jedi, to show that he is not a droid to be screwed with...

  12. #32
    That sounds about right. Hadn't thought of the rating.

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