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Thread: Airplane!

  1. #1

    Image(s) Included Airplane!

    I wrote if a couple of years ago and I finally had a reason to shoot it. They do stuff like this in the Rebelscum forums so I thought I'd throw this out.

    "Dad, you killed the zombie Flanders!" "He was a zombie?"

  2. #2
    Ambrose Braeden
    dude...that was hilarious

  3. #3

    Eb, hasn't school started again? Where do you get the time for this?

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Ambrose Braeden
    Originally posted by JMK

    Eb, hasn't school started again? Where do you get the time for this?

  6. #6
    That's what the nights are for. If you think I'm bringing home papers to grade you're on crack. :evil


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