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Thread: Dark Rendezvous, Yoda's Clone Wars novel

  1. #1

    Dark Rendezvous, Yoda's Clone Wars novel

    I picked this up the other day it is probably the best of the Clone War Novels Seeing Vjun in a novel that place is horrible. Having Obi-Wan and Anakin come into help was a nice touch especially having Anakin on Vjun seeing as Darth Vader he would make that a kind of home. Yoda was great in the novel and his duel with Dooka was very good. Ventress, man is she evil. I was hoping Anakin and Obi-Wan were going to take her out there towards the end but she fled. I think they are saving her death for the Clone Wars Season 3. Overall a great book which is fitting with Yoda involved.

  2. #2
    I picked this one up for to read on my flight home the other day and I must agree it is very good. I found it espcially interesting to find out some more of the little quirks about Yoda.

  3. #3
    I liked it, but I wish they would have spent more time on Yoda than the young padawans. Luckily, both Scout and Whie will soon be dead! :evil

  4. #4
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    I just got done reading it. Overall, avery good book, and enjoyable read. It just solidifies my statement that Yoda is and forever will be the man.

    I thought Ventress was a cool character when they introduced her in the Clone Wars miniseries. And she is definately evil - everything about her screams evil incarnate. Perhaps the female version of Darth Maul. (Maybe that's why she was scrapped out of Attack of the Clones, the villians would have been too much alike) What I don't like about her, and maybe I missed it in the previous books (Since Dark Randezvous is the first clone war novel that I've read), is the fact that she has 18 Jedi kills on her belt.

    Other than that, a very good read. Also loved The apprentice/padawan tournament. And the no holds bar, 8 student all out free for all in the cafe. Loved every minute of that.

  5. #5
    The cafeteria brawl was pretty funny. As for Ventress's kill total, the total was probably jacked up to help build her up in the EU. She's all over the comics and I'm sure she's been killing plently of Jedi in there. I still love the way Anakin slapped her around in the Clone Wars cartoon. It kind of explains why she took off running when she saw him and Obi-Wan at the end of the novel.


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