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Thread: New beginnings (closed)

  1. #1
    Torn Dlo

    New beginnings (closed)

    The metallic surface of a round room reflected the sun’s rays all around the room. In the center of the room, a group of strange bipedal creatures stood in lines, each one holding a vibroblade in the same way. The creatures were wrinkly and their skin was all different shades of red and orange. They all wore the same gray, loose shirts with large gray pants which went down to their midcalfs and ended in an elastic-like manner. One larger, more muscular creature paced back and forth in front of them, watching for one who was in the wrong stance. Suddenly, he bellowed out in a strange language,

    “Kro biloma!!” or “Forward thrust!” in basic.

    The creatures all recoiled their swords to their right sides and stabbed forward towards an imaginary enemy and froze with their arms extended. The larger creature continued to shout the strange language, which was followed by the creatures all performing a different move. After thirty minutes of this, a sound similar to a drum sounded and all the people set the swords down and thinned out of the room. One of the bipeds was about to leave when the larger one yelled out to him.

    “Torn Dlo, come here a moment.”

    Torn turned, revealing two silvery orbs for eyes. He walked towards the master and bowed, saying,

    “Yes, Master Corna?”

    “Torn, it has come to my attention that you have some special skills…” replied Corna calmly.

    “Special skills Master?”

    “You have excelled past most of the other Kel dor in your combat training. If you prove yourself, you could become a Guardian fairly soon.”

    A guardian was the highest honor bestowed on a Kel dor, and upon hearing this, Torn became very excited on the inside, but his body expressed no emotion as was common of the Kel Doran people. Instead he only gave a spoken response.

    “Really? I am honored that you think so highly of me Master.”

    “Yes...but you should speak with the elders soon. They have rather...interesting news for you.”

    “Did I do anything wrong?” The Kel Dor asked.

    “No, it’s not a problem, it's...something else. Come with me.” said the larger Kel dor.

    Torn Dlo and Corna strode down the plainly decorative hallway. Torn stood just as tall as his training Master, but he was not as built as his teacher. They walked through a narrow doorway and into a wide room with several desks, at most of which were older, frailer looking Kel Dors. They looked up at Corna and then Torn, bowing to both respectively.

    “Ah, young Torn. We have called you here for a very rare occasion. One which we rarely call for nowadays,” one of the elders said. “Anyways, are you aware of what ‘the Force’ is?”

    “If you mean the entity that the Jedi use and supposedly worship, then yes I know a little about it. Mostly what is taught in our history lessons. I know that the Kel Dorans used to have a long lineage of Jedi Knights," Torn replied.

    “Well, after witnessing some of your duels with fellow pupils, we think that you have are what the Jedi call Force sensitive. We had a Jedi ambassador come here to watch one of our trounaments you participated in and he confirmed our beliefs. You are here with a choice now.”

    “What would that be?” Torn asked.

    “You are presented with the choice of staying here and completing your training as a Gaurdian. Or if it is your wish, you may go to the Jedi on Coruscant and be trained there as a Jedi Knight.”

    “I see...”

    “I know this is a difficult decision to make on such short notice, but I ask that you use your heart and go with your feelings and stay true to them.”

    "How long do I have to think about this elder?"

    "You must make your choice before leaving this chamber.:

    Torn could not believe what he was hearing. He was given the choice of becoming one of two of the greatest warriors in the galaxy. He closed his silver eyes and thought for a second.

    “Jedi. I want to be a Jedi,” he spurted out before thinking about it.

    “I see...your choice has been made and there is no turning back now. Tomorrow morning you leave for Coruscant. You are dismissed.”

    Torn turned to leave and caught the disappointed look in Corna's eyes. His old teacher turned and walked out with him. He placed his hand on the Kel Dor's shoulder and gave a firm squeeze.

    "I wanted you to say Gaurdian, but you have choosen wisely. Now all I ask is that you go to Coruscant and become as good of a Jedi as Plo Koon."

    Torn remained silent for a moment before nodding.

    "I will do my best Master."

    "And that is all I have ever expected of you Torn Dlo. Now go and make yourself ready."

    The Next Day...

    Torn stood outside, at the ramp of a small shuttle as his friends and teachers gathered to watch him depart. There weren't that many, but that was the Kel Dor way. He nodded to each and started to walk up the ramp, when Corna stepped from out of the group holding a small metal box.

    "Torn. Take this. It has been in my family for generations and I wish you to have it now."

    He looked at it before nodding and taking the box. He walked the rest of the way up the ramp and into the shuttle. There he took his seat and strapped in. Once the shuttle was out of the atmosphere he turned the box Corna had given him and looked it over. Finally he found how to open it and looked at its contents.

    It was a small metal cylinder. He had seen them before in history texts. An lightsaber? I didn't know Master Corna had a Jedi in his family...

    Carefully he laid the weapon back in the bow and closed it. He looked out the viewport to his side as Dorian grew smaller. Soon they streaked into hyperspace and it was gone. Farewell friends...I will return as a Jedi. This I promise.

  2. #2
    Torn Dlo
    Four days later...

    After a few stops on Bilbringi, Selvaris, and Borleias Torn's shuttle had finally landed on the city world of Courscant. From the looks of it I believe we aer somewhere in Imperial City, but I could be wrong.

    He turned to his two Kel Doran pilots and bowed for thanks before donning the breathing apparatus he woudl have to where once he exited the ship. He stepped into a small room and a door shut behind him. Once the lock was secure another door opened infront of him. He walked outside into the later afternoon sun and let the warmth of the star wash over his wrinkled skin. He looked and noticed his transport waiting on him.

    Talking longstrides he quickly walked towards it and closed the distance in no time. The driver opened the door for him and he sat in the small speeder. Albiet to small for my case, but it should do until I arrive, he thought as the driver got in and started the speeder. Soon they were off, taking the more scenic route on behalf of Torn's curiousity.

    Before long, however, the speeder pulled to teh front of a simple yet elegant building. "The Jedi Temple I presume?"

    "Yes good sir. Would you like any help?"

    "No I should be fine. This box and bag is all I managed to bring."

    "Right then. Take care sir."

    Torn nodded and got out of the speeder. As it took off, he turned to look at the temple before striding up it stairs and into its great hall where he would hopefully begin his training.


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