Quick facts
Birth Name: Senuthius Marsphilic
Rank: Knight and Elder
Species: Human
Age: 29
Affliliation: Sith Order
Apprentice(s): Kathrine, Ida Knoe, Rayna Eclipse
Height/Weight: 6'0 195
Home Planet: Unnamed

(OOC: Personal history of Southstar. Subject to change as more events become defined.)
His background has never been disclosed to anyone but those who were a part of it. His home planet was a a planet filled with greif and strife until a foriegn species invaded set on ending the war and restoring peace. The invaders sought a lasting peace that could only be attained after intense war. To this day that war rages on. Southstar left the planet with his fiance for a neighboring system, his family's fate unknown to him.

Upon arrival to his new homeworld he was confronted by a local gang. The gang brought the suffering they had hoped to avoid. In the end, his fiance was killed, by unrevealed means, and the young Southstar found himself a member of the gang that had wrecked havoc over his life. This was where he was given the name Southstar, in referance to his birthworld's star which was directly south of the new world. He soon climbed the hierarchal ladder of the gang and at the prime moment, betrayed it in the most brutal ways he could concieve of.

Part of his betrayal involved Sith Lord, seperate of The Sith Order, who acted as his mentor leading Southstar into the way of the darkside. Power hungry, Southstar betrayed his mentor and caused his death with the lightsaber the Sith had carried.

He soon found himself a wanted man and left that world. With minimal Sith training he soon found a potential home with the Sith Order, who was at the time growing throughout the galaxy. He saw it as an oppertunity to rise to power and further his training in the dark arts.

He did join, but found no master to train him. Most of his skill comes from self guidance and a series of training missions held by the Order. He showed great skill in telekinetics and persued it, and by knighthood it became his primary Force talent.

Aquaintances and Apprentices
(OOC: Thoughts and a quick paragraph about those Southstar has interacted in a major way. Too be updated.)
His first apprentice was Je'gan Olra'en, a unique man with much promise for both the Sith Order and himself. Southstar had not trained the man completely on his own, as he had several masters before, but was the one to see him through until knighthood. Je'gan's training lead them primarily through a series of events involving an extravagent bounty hunt and the crushing of a Sith cult.

His second apprentice was Ida Knoe. This young girl displayed a pyrotechnic Force power and a mouth to match, which has at times lead Southstar into many difficulties along her training. Her training has lead them to Kashyyyk in which they struggled to unravel a conspiracy against the Sith Order. This adventure has yet to see an end.

Kathrine was much like Ida in that she had a mouth that could drive Southstar mad. She has proven to be his most difficult apprentice as she is most brash and overconfident; such traits have even lead Southstar to attempt murdering her. She has displayed quite a potential for power, but he sees that she will never reach it with the attitude she maintains. Together they have faced an underground of rebels on Nar Shadda and are currently investigating a Jedi sect and their goals to dethrone the Sith Order.

Unlike most of his aquaintances, Nadja Storm was not an apprentice of his but rather a friend of sorts. She was raised in a strange darkside cult and has immense power in telepathy. Her personal power first attracted her and he worked to bring her to the Sith Order. Her personal beliefs and fierce independance prevented that. Though not a comrade in the darkside, she remains a friend who has helped him on a number of occasions.

Southstar had been around long enough to see Zereth Lancer grow from apprentice to knight under the tutelage of his former apprentice Je'gan. As many have come and gone in the history of the Sith Order, Southstar has been impressed with Zereth's adherence to the darkside. This is true to the point that Southstar aided Zereth in a quest to unravel some of the man's origins as they confronted a mad scientist and retrived a clone.

Rivin was one of the few left of the group that had joined the Sith Order at the time that he did. Southstar never maintained a friendship with the man, but did participate in several events with him such as spars and a public battle where Southstar acted as a Jedi being defeated by the Sith 'hero' Rivin. As one of the elders of the Sith Order, Southstar casted his vote against Rivin which lead to the man's banishment. Currently he works to undo and prevent the destruction the former Sith wrecks with increasing disdain for the man.

Oolana Taine was the only other person to remain a part of the Sith Order that joined in the times he did. Though she rarely appears on Corellia, she is the last of those Southstar considers true peers.

Rayna Eclipse is the latest of Southstar's apprentices as she joined in the wake of Kathrine's departure. She openly displayed a tendancy towards the darkside, but he suspects that all is not what it seems.

(OOC: Too be completed at a later time)
The fight for Drall
Training missions I and II