The Suun'da'rrou's gait slowed ever-so slightly as she settled on an answer."

"Therre's Tondeela'ss jin ssectjion G, level fourr."

As Teagan watched, she began to figure out what was happening, as Irraiye's blue eyes juddered slightly back and forth, while the transparent eyepiece on her ocular shifted a phantom image as a personal assistant heads-up display.

Caught in the act, the guide's ears bobbed in what appeared to be a shrug, and a rare show of humility for a woman in crimson and gold.

"Perrssonalljy, jI haven't been, but jI know otherrss who have ljiked jit. Honesstljy, thjiss jiss mjy fjirrsst posstjing and mjy fjirrsst tjime outssjide of home clussterr, sso jI'm jusst sstarrtjing to trrjy ssome of thesse new thjingss.

How about Chandrrjilan. Do jyou ljike Chandrjilan food? Therre'ss a place...hang jit. Dez Cannece. Ssectjion B, level one. jI went therre mjy ssecond week herre esscorrtjing the Chandrrjilan Conssularr Corrpss. jI have no jidea half of what jI had, but jI do rrememberr that everrjythjing came wjith thjiss thjing called bread."

There was a sincerity in her voice, and she even lowered her tone as if she was trading insider information with her guest.

"jI love brread."