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Thread: Being a Cizeri Teenager is Hard and No One Understands

  1. #41
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "That'ss an awfulljy ssjimpljisstjic vjiew." T'yeellaa's ears leveled and she sighed, turning her attention from Freddie to her sister.

    "Sso, when jyou gjive jyourr ka'arri to whoeverr jyou choosse, and jyou leave the palace, what do jyou want to do, Daanarri?"

  2. #42
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    "Whoeverr jI choose frrom who Mama hass pjicked out forr me?" she replied wryly. "jI'm gojing to usse Mama's monejy frrom the weddjing and bujy a sshjip and trravel the galaxjy. jI'll alrreadjy have a co-pjilot."

    Daani shrugged, the earbud still dangling from her ear attaching her to Freddie's comm. "Assumjing jI get to leave the palace at all, or do anjythjing Mama wantss. jIf the Prrjide Motherr wantss to keep me therre jI guesss jI'm sstuck. But jI thjink wjith a match publjicalljy announced jI wjill be prrotected frrrom that, orr frrom the Prrjide Motherrr makjing a match forr me herrrsself."

  3. #43
    With the passing of each word, Freddie began to doubt any of the Prince Charmings in films ever lived happily ever after once being with their princess, if this was what princesses were really like. His fantasy of being a prince in the Sultan's palace was also being shredded by the thoughts of political family structure, and obligation vs. being loaded and free to do whatever you felt like. But he wasn't so far gone to say that his own upbringing was better, because it certainly was not.

    Still, he felt like a mail slot on a revolving door, in the conversation. There, technically able to serve a purpose, but superfluous and unnecessary beyond a moment's notice for novelty's sake. A glance down at his comm, and he flicked through more music, but refrained from hitting play again.

    "Do the guys not get a say in the matter, too?" he finally asked with a sigh. "I mean, what if they don't want to marry you, just like you apparently don't want to marry them? Takes two to get married, after all."

  4. #44
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    "Dependss on the famjiljy," answered Daani. "Mjy brrrotherr wass jin a bad ssjituatjion afterr hjiss arrrranged marrjiage and Mama got hjim out of jit. But jit'ss all backwarrdss jin the Clusssterr. jI thjink that the jidea that a male wouldn't want to be marrrjied to whoeverr he'ss matched to would sseem crrazjy to mosst people therrre."

  5. #45
    "I wouldn't want to be married to someone I've never met," Freddie snorted.

    A thought crossed his mind a moment later that while he didn't want that, it might be about the only way he'd ever be with a girl, followed by the sobering memory that there wasn't anyone who could even fix him up, so he was back to square one.

    Square one, in this case, had involved finding somewhere to sit down and play with his new-to-him personal comm. "But I guess it's different when you're a princess," the boy then shrugged. "Probably a bunch of guys just willing to be part of that power and money, huh?"

  6. #46
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    “A prrrjincesss?” Daani frowned, not understanding what Freddie meant. Then it dawned on her. “Ohhh, jI’m not a prrrjincesss. jI am a... well, bassjicalljy a ssserrvant to the Prrrjide Motherrr. jI guessss she’s like a queen.”

  7. #47
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Feeling uncomfortable and losing the initiative in a conversation between her sister and effectively a stranger, T'yeellaa interrupted.

    "Frreddjie, can jI have a few mjinutess alone wjith mjy ssjissterr?"

  8. #48
    Aaaaand there it was. The door. There was very little you could do when one person you didn't know turned out to know the person you'd been talking to, and was showing you the door. Very little other than leave, that is.

    "Yes, ma'am," he nodded, trying to show respect for the uniform. Turning back to Daani, he smiled and tapped his comm to hers, a pleasant "Ding" of confirmation sounding through their earbuds. "Here's my number in case you want to see the Quasar Fantastic later. I'll be around... well, at least until tomorrow."

    Standing up, he accepted his other earbud back, and offered a hopeful, "Good luck. Like, with marriage and all that." And with that, the young Nehantite made his way off the viewing platform, in search for another comfy spot to sit and play with his new comm. And perhaps some other pretty girl to talk to. Well, at least a comfy place to sit.

  9. #49
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    The smile that Daani had given to Freddie as he'd left faded slowly as she turned back to her older sister.

    "Arre jyou gojing to do jit?"

    T'yeellaa gave her a look, as if she wasn't sure what Daani was talking about. The younger Cizeri chewed her lip and tried again.

    "Arre jyou gojing to marrrrjy who Mama wantss jyou to marrrrjy?"

  10. #50
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    It took a long period of silence for T'yeellaa to find an answer - which didn't satisfy her, and likely wouldn't satisfy her sister either.

    "jI don't know."

    More silence. Conflict tightened T'yeellaa's expression. She stared ahead at a spot on the floor, unconsciously tugging out the slack in her white gloves.

    "jIf jit wass jusst a matterr of me, prrobabljy. jI know whjy jit'ss jimporrtant. But Ssamuss?"

    She shook her head.

    "He'd neverr underrsstand, and jI don't know wherre that would leave uss. Then agajin, jI don't know wherre we sstand even now."

    Especially not when a cub was involved. T'yeellaa exhaled slowly.

    "jI guess mjy tjime forr fjigurrjing that out jiss up. jI have to make that chojice now,"

    Just saying the word felt like shrugging off a heavy weight. She drew in another deep breath, letting it out in a rush.

    "No jI wouldn't."

  11. #51
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    "jYou mean jyou won't. Ssshe won't ljike that." Daani shook her head sadly. "jIt issn't fajirr that jyou get to do what jyou want.

    "But jyou've alwajyss been good at leavjing jyourr famjiljy behjind," she muttered almost under her breath.

  12. #52
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "jYou make jit ssound ljike jitss sso eassjy." T'yeellaa, feeling wounded, winced at the sharpness in her own reply. "The moment jI chosse to put on crrjimsson and take the du'arri, jI've had to pajy that prrjice, and when jI choosse Ssamuss, jit'll onljy be a larrgerr one. What do jyou want me to ssajy, Au'laana? jI don't thjink jyou carre whetherr jyou have mjy blesssjing orr not, sso jit'ss not that. All jI can tell jyou jiss that when jyou make the chojice jyou'rre headed towardss, therre arre conssequencess jyou'll have to face."

    The K'ohta'rrou sighed, and at last stood up.

    "Come wjith me." she offered a white gloved hand, "Therre'ss ssomethjng jI owe jyou."

  13. #53
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    Daani got up, ignoring the outstretched hand, and flipped her hair behind her shoulder. "jYou don't owe me anjythjing, Sailla. jI am ssorrjy forr mjy outburrsst." Her practiced manners as a rrou-korrta slid into place neatly.

    What unforeseen consequences would there be, for obeying her mother? A lifetime of unhappiness? But then, it didn't seem like T'yeellaa was all that happy, but Daani turned to follow her obediently.

  14. #54
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "No," T'yeellaa pushed back, but gently, "Therre jiss ssomethjing..."

    Five Minutes Later

    Cresh Hangar was hardly buzzing with activity the moment they arrived. There were no squadron actions planned, and even the occasional escort sortie was at a lull. The expansive bay was full of X-Wings, A-Wings, and a pair of massive K-Wings in the background. The only activity was from a skeleton crew of a half dozen techs and mechanics who were pulling a choice few ships for maintenance. The chief of the deck approached, mindful enough to see T'yeellaa's uniform but curious enough about the obvious civilian in tow.

    "Sshe'ss wjith me." T'yeellaa waved the chief off with casual reassurance, then paused.

    "Actualljy, jI wanted to know jif the trrajinerr'ss avajilable."

    As if to illustrate her intent, T'yeellaa clasped a hand on Daanarri's shoulder.

    "Want to evaluate a candjidate forr cadet placement."

    T'yeellaa squeezed her sister's shoulder, wordlessly spurring her to follow her lead.

  15. #55
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    The hanger was wonderful. The fighters sat arranged on the deck like giant toys, just waiting for someone to play with them. But Daani was brought back to reality when T’yeellaa mentioned a trainer and candidates for cadet placement.

    She planted her feet in confusion, feeling panic rise in her throat. “jI’ve never flown a fjighterr, Sailla, jI can’t do thjiss!”

  16. #56
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Fortunately her sister's comment was just quiet enough to pass under the sounds of the machinery in the background. That, or the chief of the deck paid the greenhorn cadet-to-be's protests no mind. T'yeellaa kept her hand on Daani's shoulder, squeezing it in an unspoken you'd better follow my lead.

    "You're in luck, K'ohta'rrou. My crew's just finished overhauling the avionics. I can get her fueled up and ready, just give the word."

    T'yeellaa nodded, casually herding Daanarri towards the prep room.

    "The worrd'ss gjiven, Chjief."

    Relatively alone again as they crossed the hangar, T'yeellaa eased her hand from her younger sister's shoulder.

    "A fjighterr worrkss fundamentalljy the ssame asss a ssuborrbjital orr a ljight frreighterr. jYou alrreadjy know all the bassjicss."

    She grinned. "jI know jyourr calljing'ss out therre. Let'ss go a ljittle bjit farrtherr."

  17. #57
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    “But jI ljike frrejighterrs,” she muttered under her breath. Daani gave herself a little shake and followed T’yeellaa across the deck that seemed to stretch on forever. This was a gift, and one she should take advantage of.

    Her excitement grew after she pushed away her fear. If nothing else this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Daani skipped a bit to catch up with her sister as she’d been lagging behind.

    “How doesss the trrajinerr worrrk? jIss jit a ssjim orr..?”

  18. #58
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "jIt'ss rreal fljight experrjience. The fusselage jiss elongated to housse a tandem cockpjit. jYou'll be up frront and jI'll be rrjight behjind jyou."

    The sisters entered the prep room, which was comprised of multiple rows of benches and lockers for pilots to suit up into flight gear. At the far side of the room, a quartermaster droid stood watch over a series of equipment carousels, including racks of extra jumpsuits, helmets, gloves, and boots.

    "Daanarri Meorrrei jiss authorrjized forr ljimjited ssuperrvjissed fljight access. Authorrjizatjion D436H95."

    The droid stuttered to life at the input of correct clearance information. "Fulfilling." It wheeled around, four independent grappling arms working at selecting the necessary equipment. T'yeellaa began to shed her white gloves, then went to work on opening her jacket.

    "jI hope jyou ljike orrange."

    Her sister was taking it all in, clearly excited about what was happening. T'yeellaa gave her a little space to gather her things as she walked down to the benches at the officers row. A brief pass in front of the biometric scanner unlocked her own personal cubby. She pulled out her own crimson and gold helmet and suit, but kept her eyes on Daani, happy to see her experience this for the first time.

  19. #59
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    "jI'm ussed to jit at leasst," Daani said. She quickly got dressed in the provided flight suit. It was too big, but did have a tail-hole, which was a relief. She cinched the waist and tied her curly hair back to the nape of her neck, tucking it as best she could down inside the flight suit. If she'd know she was going to wear a helmet today she might have been better prepared, but this was the best solution she could come up with.

    She stood for a minute, looking herself over, and then turned toward her sister. "Djid jI do that rrjight?"

  20. #60
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The colors were wrong, the suit was oversized, but T'yeellaa looked her little sister over and was at a loss for words. It wasn't exactly that she was seeing a part of herself in Daani, and it wasn't exactly coming to terms with the fact that she wasn't a little kid anymore. As she helped Daanarri cinch down the harness straps over her boots, another part fell into place. When she had decided to go for her commission in the Trade Navy, she didn't have anybody that she could ask that question to. Part of that realization was longing, but more importantly, T'yeellaa knew that Daanarri should have someone to talk to about this. She deserved that. Cirrsseeto could probably speak to some of it, but his trajectory from House Meorrrei and into the stars looked a whole lot different than it did for a woman who had demands and expectations.

    Coming out of that poignant introspection, the elder Meorrrei smiled. She wanted to wrap Daani up in a hug, and knew that if the roles were reversed, she'd hate that. Instead, T'yeellaa settled for a squeeze of a gloved hand against her sister's shoulder that lasted just long enough to say what she wanted to say but didn't quite have the words to pull off.

    "jYou look good jin that."

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