"Void? That yer slick darknet runner name?"

Nicknames were very common in his line of business. They were ultimately useless as anyone with enough resources is going to get to the bottom of who you are once you've crossed them; however it adds a few layers of anonymity that could protect you for awhile, and also gave you a title to anchor all your achievements to. Ryloth didn't have much use for such things anymore. His actual name had ended up becoming far more memorable than his runner alias. A kid like this, who's probably never stolen through a mega corp server room in the middle of the night in his life, had probably heard about that sort of thing and latched on to it.

There were worse nicknames. Like Short Circuit.

"Ah, I mean nothin' by it. Just a wee bit grumpy. I don't like havin' me chrome not workin'. Put's my tits on edge."