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Thread: Gravitational Collapse

  1. #41
    Jeng watched as Van-Derveld snatched the bowl from Kal. The two Mando’ade shared a smirk, as Vega stalked away without a word. While their guest dined, Jeng ambled over to the entrance of the cafeteria, to where Lilaena had appeared, apparently studying the newcomer from a distance. He looked back towards Van-Derveld, who was drinking stew directly from the bowl, mindless of the splatters of food on his chin.

    “What’s the angle here, boss?” Jeng asked, arms folded over his chest. “He seems... fucked.”
    Last edited by Dasquian Belargic; Sep 3rd, 2019 at 01:01:47 PM.

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    “I’m not sure yet,” she said honestly, trying not to wrinkle her nose as Vega splattered more stew on his front. “I used to believe the Force had reason and was working toward a grand destiny, but ...”

    That was back when I was a Jedi. Lilaena left that unsaid.

    Touching Jeng’s arm, she nodded to him and walked past to make her way to her guest.

    “Mind if I join you?” she asked, taking a seat opposite.

    oh what a tangled web I weave

  3. #43
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The writhing knot of hunger inside of Vega's stomach twisted as, like a wild animal forced to fight for even a scrap of food, he swallowed mouthful after indelicate mouthful without any concern for decorum. His ice-water eyes remained locked with Lilaena's as he chewed through the stew. Done with a mouthful, he licked his pallid lips.

    "Tell me how you're going to hurt the Empire."

  4. #44
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    Gamertag: Lilaena Steam ID: jainhollie
    "I used to think that assassination was the only option. But, after you kill a few Moffs you realize that the Imperial Machine just churns out more. I don't know if even killing the Empress would do more than give them an excuse to throw another parade or two to welcome the new Great Leader."

    Vega shoveled in another bite, so she kept talking.

    "I've been depriving them of Force users, when I can. Their Imperial Knights ...without them, the Empire would lose a powerful asset to keep their systems in line." She hesitated. "Of course, a strike at their leaders, all their leaders at once? That is what I'm working toward. But I can't do it alone."

  5. #45
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    At the mention of killing Moffs, Vega's jaw flexed. Years ago, he had come so close to killing the Moff of Doldulr, the woman who would later to the throne as leader of the entire Empire. If he had succeeded in his mission to destroy Miranda Tarkin then, would another have simply risen in her place? It didn't matter; she deserved to die, regardless. Every part of the Empire had to be dismantled.

    Vega pushed aside his bowl and dragged the back of his still-humanoid hand across his mouth.

    "With enough fear... enough chaos... the Empire will tear itself apart. That is the only way."

  6. #46
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    Gamertag: Lilaena Steam ID: jainhollie
    "I've done that. Terrorrism. It's effective, but again, the Empire is vast. An incident on one planet is easily absorbed.

    "And if it is torn apart, what fills the void? The Alliance?" Lilaena sniffed. "I am growing my allies so a coordinated strike will be possible. There are many who have reason to hate the Empire, and few who have the courage to do anything about it.

    "Even the Alliance lacked the balls to do what was necessary. I expected more from Rebels."

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