"Mmm, I do enjoy a good spit-roast," Joey nodded appreciatively as he attempted to spot that item on his menu. The cringe which followed as his mind caught up to his words, especially when the term "fat cap" was involved with the item in question, was impossible not to notice, and he hurriedly stumbled his own better judgment in an attempt to explain his way out of it.

"Well, not like that! I meant the food. I mean, I do like..."

Danger, Will Rabeak! Danger! The voice of an old holovision series droid rang in his head as every alarm bell he possessed forced him to cease that line of speech entirely.

Taking a breath, then a sigh which sent his shoulders down with it, he continued looking at the menu, and the menu alone. "I'm just gonna shut up, now, sir," he said, reaching for his beer to take a swig directly from the bottle. Not quite cold enough, but in that moment he just didn't care. Crash, and burn. He could practically hear the emergency speeders arriving to see if he had arrived that social transportwreck. Simply looking at Castus should have told him it was a bad idea to try anything like that; the Selonian clearly wasn't interested.

At least the food should be good, Joey told himself. Just focus on the food and maybe, just maybe the Rear Admiral will forget any of this ever happened.