She was intriguing. And Adan had spent enough years in the fringes of civilization and outright in the underworld that he recognized she wasn't one to be trifled with. He wasn't certain how comfortable she was in this cantina but he had an inkling she could hold her ground. He didn't scare easy and she didn't frighten him, but years had taught him to hone his observation skills.

When she accepted his offer for a replacement drink, he did the same with the attached condition and moved with ease to the stool next to hers, sliding his drink atop the counter, his eyes still on her. He took a long sip from his drink and then grinned slightly mischievously at her remark about the barkeep.

He called out and the barkeep didn't reply at first. Adan called out more decisively and the barkeep eventually reply. Adan ordered Chandrilan wine for the mysterious woman, remembering what choice she had made earlier on. As the barkeep took care of it, he returned his attention to her. "Name's Adan," he offered.