Following the medic into the back room, Akilah listened to Sebarek and noted his body language and eyes which meant that he felt there may be an issue with this man claiming to be okay. It seemed odd that someone affiliated with a bombing would be here, but one never knew. Even if he wasn't affiliated with the terrorists directly, something else may be going on in this shop that may need attention.

"Really, I'm okay," the man insisted as the medic sat him in a chair behind the long counter.

"Let's just have a look at you." Crouching before his patient, the medic began assessing vitals and other areas to ensure that there was nothing wrong. "B.P. is a bit raised, you on any medication?"

"No," he shook his head, now eyeing Akilah as she moved to the opposite side of the medic, glancing out through the shop and to the chaos now in the avenue outside, then back.

Hoping that the analysts and techs aboard the Venator high above may be able to hack the probe lingering over the adjoining building and find out where it was transmitting to, the director also knew they had to leave this shop eventually.