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Thread: Hunting the wermo (Kaie)

  1. #41
    Kera Blacc
    Grinning mischieviously Kera focused the force on the other females pockets and slowly picks the chump change and slowly levitates it to him "Next time don't take so damn long, saltine" she hissed and turned back to the Jedi Master "So.. Unnecessary Violence is out of the question then.." she mused and turned her attention back to the guards and cracked her neck as she focused even more on the shorter one.

    Tapping into her hydro ability she used her mind to manifest a glob of liquid in his throat and smirked as she watched him gurgle from drowning.

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    In the Force....
    Shaking her head, Kaie sighed and turned away from the scene knowing she had ventured to this world on the hopes of finding a student, but only discovering a malicious murderer with no respect for life at all. Patting Kera on the arm, she motioned back to the Hutt and his hired goons. "Good luck."

    Knowing this girl was about to be overwhelmed by the many mercenaries and bounty hunters working for the Hutt, Kaie didn't feel sorry for her in the least. Heading toward a nearby side street, meandering through the host of bystanders witnessing the alien choke, Kaie knew leaving was a mistake, but she was outnumbered and had no reason to stay any longer.

  3. #43
    Kera Blacc
    rolling her eyes when the new comer left she just smirked at the worm and held her fingers to her throat signaling that she would eventually succeed at killing him and ran to catch up You dislike fun, Jedi? she asked as she fixed her outfit and joined the other on her stroll.

  4. #44
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Passing shops and apartment buildings alike, Kaie soon heard hurried footsteps behind her and in the Force recognized the mercenary. Sighing lightly, green eyes noticed several aliens escorting a new crop of Twi'lek slaves from the market, loading them into a speeder truck which was being overseen by a Rodian. Turning as Kera slowed at her side, Kaie's amusement had faded long ago. "I was mistaken about there being a student here. You've proven you have no redeeming qualities at all. I can't train a thief and murderer to become a Jedi, but if you ever decide to change your profession and get away from slaving look me up on Ossus."

    Avoiding a group of Zeltron, Kaie nodded to them politely and gained the same in return. Being Hapan, she knew the males were already curious about having some companionship beyond the ones they traveled with. They would be disappointed.

    Continuing on toward the starport, Kaie glanced to Kera once more. "Take care."

  5. #45
    Kera Blacc
    Kera was in the middle of having a bit of fun when the newbie walked away, she shrugged and nodded her head in amusement and held out her hand in a reverse claw and siphoned the liquid from his throat "Next time wemor" she mused and ran off to catch up.

    Dislike fun, jedi she asked and looked up to the nearest roof, collected upon the force, and leaped toward the nearest balcony and using the scenery to make it to the top better she muttered and began her trek to the spaceport.

  6. #46
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    In the Force....
    Ignoring the retort, Kaie continued on to the starport and did her best to also avoid the criminals filling the building's hallways and shops. A bit deflated, she realized that the Force had brought her here for a reason and it was definitely to test her principles. In that, she had failed, but learned a valuable lesson. Meandering through the host of aliens that made up this world and visiting it, Ryloth was one that would one day have to be freed from slavery. Of that she was sure. The looks on the faces of those having been sold in the slave markets tore at her soul, but any attempt to free any of them would get everyone killed.

    Some things had to be endured, for now.

    Continuing on to the concourse, she located the vessel that had brought her here on one of the many consoles linked to the control tower. Keying in her name and request for a return trip, she was happy that it was confirmed at least. Leaving the console behind, the Hapan Jedi strolled toward the hangar.

  7. #47
    Kera Blacc
    Jumping from the roof tops Kera grinned once she noticed the Jedi entering the starport and followed closely behind. her job wasn't finished here, but she did want to know more about the Jedi that had come for some strange reason to Ryloth.

    Why so silent, Jedi she asked with a bit of humor shown. The girl watched with interest as she studied the woman in front of her, the resolve quickly building itself up for the next phase of force activity Ya knwo that hutt isn't the type to allow even the more productive laborers depart without some sort of.. Entity waiting for them she stated as she watched the woman enter the ship.

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