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Thread: Jorrun Cyer

  1. #1

    Cizerack Jorrun Cyer

    Jorrun Cyer
    42 years old :: Human, Alliance of Free Planets / Cizerack Pride :: K'ohta'rrou

    Currently aboard the Korri II Galleon Santaurra

    Character Background

    • Born on Jelucan, into an affluent Second Wave family.
    • Graduated from the Imperial Naval Academy of Prefsbelt IV.
    • Served in the Imperial Navy aboard the strike cruiser Havoc as a battery commander.
    • Defected from the Empire shortly after the destruction of Alderaan. Joined the Rebel Alliance soon after.
    • Served aboard Home One during the Battle of Endor; narrowly escaped its destruction.
    • Posted as executive officer aboard the Alliance Star Destroyer Liberty for seven years.
    • Volunteered for an officer exchange pilot program between the Alliance of Free Planets and the subordinate Cizerack Trade Navy.
    • Accepted the Cizeri rank of K'ohta'rrou and became the executive officer of the refitted galleon Santaurra.

    Raw Material.

    • Jorrun's demeanor is cool and soft-spoken, but not without the possibility for severity when needed.
    • Developed a reputation for ruthless efficiency in the Imperial Navy, which evolved into a more creative command style when in the Rebellion.
    • Steered by a strong moral compass, likely due to his wife's influence as a Jelucani valley kindred.
    • Hasn't seen his wife or child in person since his defection after the Battle of Yavin. Attempts to communicate to his family are tortured and infrequent.
    • Fluent enough in Cizeri to be conversational, but it's still a work in progress.
    • Somewhat of a private individual, and keeps a deep sense of melancholy hidden from view.
    • Fixed on a sense of cold dread because of the proliferation of Starkillers. He never wants to experience Alderaan again.

    Plot Ideas

    • If you are on Jovan Station or find yourself interacting between the Alliance or the Cizerack, it's a good chance you'll interact with Jorrun.
    • If you are smuggling or up to no good between borders, Jorrun is likely tasked to catch you.
    • Jorrun has deep family troubles, and he may seek out help to reach them from time to time.

    Existing Relationships

    • Captain Sudaw - former commanding officer on the Alliance Destroyer Liberty. Has a long working relationship with him.
    • Sunda'rrou Mdharra Ceergorra - current commanding officer; Captain of the Galleon Santaurra. Stern and ruthless, Ceergorra has reluctantly taken Cyer as her protege, mainly because he was forced upon her.
    • Su'taun'rrou Miri Jitaurree - Cizerack midshipwoman who serves as a liaison and cultural affairs officer for Jorrun's transition into Cizerack service. He likes her, but tries to keep from showing paternalistic overtones to the over-eager subordinate.
    • Naree Cyer - Jorrun's wife of 22 years. Jelucani valley kindred. Effectively separated, though no divorce was formalized. They both still wear their wedding bands.
    • Railla Cyer - Jorrun's daughter and only child. Estranged from her father for the past eleven years with scant communication between them.

    Current Plots

    • Cultural Exchange - Jorrun Cyer begins his service in the officer exchange program with the Cizerack.
    • Sittin' Pretty - a routine patrol turns up a pair of troublemakers.

    Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D
    Last edited by Jorrun Cyer; Nov 5th, 2017 at 01:10:37 PM.


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